Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3526: Volley Caesarean Shura Field

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There was a burst of excited applause from the surrounding, in this voice, Shen Tianzi put away his smile, raised his eyebrows, his face was murderous: "Listen to all, now the first wave of them came, it was the deputy Horses, don't worry about them, there will be spearmen and archers behind them to kill them. When the horses come rushing over, listen to my orders and slash at the belly of the horse on your head. Pima, just let his mother go back to farm for me, not to mention my third Shen's soldier!"

As soon as his voice fell, he only heard the sound of iron hoofs like thunder, which had already rang in his ears in an instant. All the sergeants leaning on the sandbags and soil bags were shaking slightly. The iron hoof shook, and even everyone's heartbeat accelerated greatly.

The sound of "Clap" and "Kala" is incessant, it is the sound of those big shields standing in front of the sandbag, a few steps away, when the iron armored horses slam into the ground, sometimes accompanied by these auxiliary horses The sound of hissing when rushing to the shield.

The smell of animals on the horses was tangy, mixed with the smell of blood splashed on these horses. Hundreds of auxiliary horses rushed through the shield wall, and more than ten horses could not see it. The sandbags and soilbags in front of them couldn't be prevented, so they rushed up like this, with several sandbags being smashed into the air. These horses also fell before the sandbags, and the sound of broken legs was accompanied by a few sandbags. The screams of the crushed Jin soldiers mixed together.

However, the other side horses, relying on the instinctive reaction accumulated over the years of training, found that a few steps after the shield wall, it was not the enemy with a spear, but a half-height sandbag. They jumped with hooves, and these excellent horses, which were enough to participate in the Olympic equestrian competitions of later generations, crossed these earthen bags one after another, and stably and accurately crossed the heads of the Jin soldiers hiding behind the earthen bags.

Seeing the bellies of hundreds of war horses, bulging, just passed over their heads, a few Jin army sergeants instinctively picked up the iron swords in front of their hands and wanted to stab upwards, but Shen Tianzi's stern roar The voice resounded from all directions: "All hold steady and don't move, those who violate the order will be killed!"

Even the sergeant who just wanted to raise his knife and stab it all withdrew his hands in fright, gritted his teeth, and remained motionless. The iron hoof even scratched the tassels of several sergeants, and two of them had their helmets rubbed off. On the ground, their messy hair immediately scattered all over their faces, but they tightly grasped the weapons in their hands, their eyes widened, and they were as motionless as mountains!

The first batch of horses who hit the shield and leaped over the sandbag had dripping blood on their buttocks. The pain was still there, and even because of this jump, the wound was opened again, and they experienced a second injury. However, the momentum of running at full speed just now has become much weaker with the two deceleration patterns.

What's more, in their eyes, they can clearly see that just in front of the line of sandbags, there are already forest-like spears, more than 500 spears and halberds, like a piece of spear. The forest of steel is facing them ruthlessly, and any horse that hits this forest of spears will be stabbed and die.

There was a hint of fear in the eyes of many of these war horses, and they began to hold back their galloping pace. Some of the horses even held their front legs firmly on the ground, and drew a deep line forward on the ground. At the same time as the deep scars changed, the horse legs were also deformed and twisted visibly to the naked eye.

But behind these war horses, there was a new neighing sound, and the first row of cavalry, who were following ten paces away, rushed in quickly from the gap of the shield array they smashed through. , All eyes are blood red, like crazy.

Because this is the usual trick of the armored riding in front of the battle. In order to make the horses not afraid of death, they are going to drink a few big gulps of spirits before the battle, so that their whole body is full of strength, and they feel that they are killing people like cutting thatch. , the iron hoof can crush everything.

Only in this way can these armored riders have the courage to face them even in the face of the sea of ​​guns, or the deep trenches and thick walls! And this courage, roaring out of the mouths of these knights, condensed into two words---"Woo La"!

Relying on this indomitable momentum, the armored riders crossed the soil bag sandbags one after another. At this moment, all the knights had stood up and stepped on the stirrups, and the weapons in their hands were all from just now with Su Wei. The sabers, epee and other melee combat weapons used by the iron cavalry in fighting were replaced by horse lances with a length of one zhang, six or seven feet, and nearly five meters. In front of the armored riding, no matter how strong the line of defense or how tough the opponent is, they are nothing more than shills, UU reading www. uukanshu.com This time, it is no exception!

Shen Tianzi's stern roar sounded clearly and clearly in the sound of "woola", just like the thunder of the nine heavens, echoing in the front within a hundred paces: "Where!"

All the sergeants under the soil sacks raised their hands in unison with the iron swords in their hands. These sharp blades, which were made of fine steel and were enough to cut iron like mud, were easily inserted into those who volleyed over their heads. the belly of the warhorse.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by bursts of mourning, the **** organs of the horses were sprinkled all over the ground just like the rain. The huge inertia caused them to be disemboweled, and even some of them were directly stabbed. The two halves of the war horses, even if they were dead in the air, still flew forward and landed, and they could even run forward ten steps or eight steps until they hit the iron armored auxiliary horses in front of them that had been staying in place. really fell to the ground.

In just a split second, this space of more than twenty steps has become a terrifying slaughterhouse. Just now, the majestic armored riders who seemed to be advancing forward can only be described as a piece of people turning their backs on their horses. An armored cavalry that jumped over the soil bag and sandbag, all volleyed into the air like this, and completed a brutal collision with the auxiliary horses in front again and again, and finally fell to the ground.

And standing on the stirrups, the knights with lances charged, fell off their horses one after another, also with huge inertia, many people could slide forward and dive for more than ten steps on the ground, falling down there. Before the spear phalanx.

In the spear formation of the Jin army, those long lances in the lower row, in groups of a few, began to ruthlessly stab at the Yan army knights who fell in front of them. It was immediately stabbed into a blood hole, accompanied by the rhythmic battle cry of the Jin army soldiers: "One, four, five, two, five, four, one eight, eight!"

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