Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3527: Ready to ride

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The thorns again and again, the knights of the Yan army who had already fallen to death, had a bunch of blood holes on their bodies like dead dogs, and the remaining dozen or so were not killed on the spot, struggling to get. The armored riders who got up were also stabbed with several spears in the face as soon as they raised their heads. The thickness of the face could not prevent the stabs of these steel lances, and some people even gave a few lances to their heads. Pierced, or swiped with a halberd, and cut into a few pieces, it was really heart-wrenching, and the death was extremely miserable.

There are also six or seven riders who, for various reasons, escaped the bad luck of breaking the belly of the horse, and rushed straight through the front line of the sandbag, without falling with the iron armored horse in front or the side. The companions below collided, and the few remaining knights roared wildly, holding the horse lance, followed by the opposite spear lance phalanx, which was a frontal assault.

With a few "poofs", Ma Lan slammed into the Jin army infantry in a few lance formations. These unfortunate ghosts added huge kinetic energy to this violent lance attack, and one guy could stand it. He flew out six or seven steps upside down, and knocked down three or four together with his companions behind him.

However, these armored cavalrymen who just killed the Jin army lancers in front of them had not had time to be happy, so they gave at least seven or eight lances around them, stabbed them hard from different angles, and the horses were still rushing forward. The bodies of these knights were pierced by a pile of spears, and they were hung in the air.

A series of sounds of "Peng", "Pang" and "Xi Chiu Chiu" were the sprints of the war horses and crashed into the crowd of Jin army. Every war horse that charged at high speed would cause four or five Jin soldiers to fall backwards. , but more sergeants in the back row quickly followed, with the spears and spears in their hands, mercilessly stabbing at these war horses.

There are also some strong men holding a big axe, and they greet the horse's leg directly. With a wave of the big axe, the lower half of the horse's leg from the knee is like a piece of firewood that has been split, with one axe and two sections. The poor warhorse quickly fell to the ground, giving more knives, axes, and spears.

This method of killing the cavalry has been practiced countless times in the training of the Shen family soldiers and the Beifu army. With only these six or seven cavalry, they want to break through the several lines of defense formed by hundreds of well-trained infantrymen. It was like a fool's dream. In just a few minutes, there were more than 40 riders in the first row, no matter whether they were horses or horses, none of them could catch their breath.

Shen Tianzi hid behind the earth sack with his back, a battle axe he held high, the tip of the axe was already blood red, and four or five steps in front of him, the broken intestines, the broken heart and liver, and even half of it. Only the **** of the horses that were cut open were dripping all over the floor.

Five or six steps forward, an iron-clad warhorse that had been disarmed, fell to the ground with its eyes wide open, its four legs still twitching, and its owner was already being crushed alive by it. On one side, he died early, the impact of the landing and the weight of the nearly 1,000-pound warhorse weighed on him, not only shattering his internal organs, but even his eyeballs burst out from the sockets and flew to two sides. three steps away.

Fresh blood, like running water, kept coming out of his seven orifices, mixed with horse blood, and had already dyed the surrounding ten steps into a pool of blood.

Gu Xing

The smell of blood permeates within a hundred paces, almost two or three minutes. Hundreds of armored horses and more than 40 elite knights in full attire are destined for Huangquan, and this is extremely tragic. The way to die, the battlefield that was quiet just now, suddenly became a slaughterhouse of Shura, making people sick to see.

However, the second round of the armored cavalry did not jump in. Shen Tianzi only felt a killing intent attacking the sky behind him, and his heart suddenly froze, shouting: "Run, don't stay!"

And just after he finished shouting, he rolled forward, and turned over to the side of the dead horse in front of him, and plunged the entire human-bear-like body into the belly of the dead horse.

And at the moment when his body rolled forward, the three or four soil sacks behind him fell from his original position above his head, impartially, and hit the position he was squatting just now. If you run away quickly, you will give these soil bags, hit them all over the place, and press them down.

However, Shen Tianzi's movements were fast enough, so others might not. More than a hundred dead soldiers of the Shen family came out just like Shen Tianzi, but there were more than 20 who ran slowly, but they were hit by sandbags. Pressed down, some people struggled to crawl forward. Just after they climbed out less than two steps, they would stab the next horse in the back of the heart, almost pinning the whole person to the ground. .

When Shen Tianzi got into the horse's belly, he turned around, which allowed him to clearly see the situation on the opposite side. It turned out to be the armored cavalry in the second row, and he witnessed how the companions in the first row were completely wiped out. , UU reading www.uukanshu.com hurriedly restrained their horses, and instead used the horse lance that was originally used for the formation, stabbed fiercely, and swept the sandbags in front of them. The Jin army dead soldier who desperately fled backward was completely exposed to these Yan army armored cavalry!

"Woo" and "Whoosh", the sound of breaking through the air can be heard incessantly. The third row of Yan Jun armored cavalry, who rushed after the second platoon of armored cavalry, did not hold a lance, but a big bow. , According to the standard armored and cavalry assault tactics, the knights in the first row attacked on the side horses and disrupted the enemy formation. Together with the knights in the second row, they mostly used horse lances to attack in order to completely destroy the enemy formation and break through the enemy formation. After that, he abandoned the lance and drew the knife, slashed and smashed with the secondary weapon, and even slashed the side of the horse, just let the horse gallop, and used the machete and hammer to harvest the life of every enemy encountered on the road.

The knights in the third row, when the enemy line collapsed and the sergeants fled, galloped to their heart's content. With such a combination of arms, they took turns to attack and hunt down the fleeing enemy. Almost no infantry could be attacked by the armored cavalry. escape.

However, in their attack today, they encountered a method of resistance that they had never seen before. No one could have imagined that a large number of Voldemort were ambushed under the half-person high sandbag on the opposite side, specializing in the belly of horses. The army was annihilated, but Bie Erhan responded quickly, gave up the formation, and instead used horse lances to destroy the sandbag defense line in front of him, and let the knights in the third row shoot the fleeing Jin army!

The two arrows "pa" and "pa" hit the back of the horse where Shen Tianzi was hiding. He could even feel the force of the arrow's tip piercing the armor and piercing the horse's body. He was hit by three arrows, and fell in front of Shen Tianzi with a thud, his eyes were wide open, he couldn't even speak, his face was full of unwillingness, and he couldn't rest his eyes!


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