Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3568: Repeated charge has its own plan

Guanggu, in Xicheng.

Looking at a mile away, the Jin army retreated like a tidal wave, throwing away their armor and armor along the way, and the Jin army was panicking. On the ground, the military flags of the various troops that were stepped on by thousands of feet, a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of Murong Zhen's mouth.

The surrounding hujas and horns, the sound of tambourines resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the general on the left wing, Gu Gu Shura, came on horseback. He was dressed in khaki armor, just like the thousand soldiers of the Gu Gu department under his command. In the battle of Linqu, the Servants fought against the right wing, and most of the cavalry died in the battle, but because of their fearless performance, they were almost incorporated into the new armored cavalry from the servants below Shura, he watched. The retreating Jin army, with tears in his eyes, murmured, "Your Majesty, give your order. Today is the time to avenge our brothers in the Bone Department. We have been waiting for this day for more than a year."

Murong Zhen waved his hand: "Don't be in a hurry, the Jin army is cunning, and there may be some powerful troops that are broken and even ambushed. We can't be in a hurry at this time."

Pugu Shura nodded: "Your Majesty said it well, in the last battle of Linqu, we were hit by a trick, thinking that the Jin army had already fled behind the chariot formation and had no strength to fight back. , and then attacked them with crossbow machines and arrow rain, and our cavalry could not rush out of speed, and immediately suffered heavy casualties."

There was a sound of horse hooves from the right wing, and it came in an instant, but it was the cavalry general Yue Shou on the right wing. The Yue clan was a large tribe in western Liaoning. Its ancestor Yue Wan was a famous general who entered the pass with Yan before, and was once on the battlefield. They defeated Ran Min and almost captured him alive. It can be said that he has established the feat of being a dragon. For a hundred years, the Yue clan has always been an elite force with armored cavalry, inheriting the position of its deputy commander. Shoudai took 5,000 armored cavalry and stayed behind in Guanggu to guard against Wei State in the north. This battle finally caught up.

Yue Shou was a big man with yellow beard and white face in his forties. At first glance, he looked like a typical Bai Di race. He raised his face and said, "Your Majesty, the dozens of wooden armors are still in front of us. We are Bypassing these organs and attacking the Jin army behind, or directly destroying these wooden armored organs after leaving the city?"

Murong Zhen said calmly: "Although these wooden armored automatons are powerful, they are designed to attack the city and attack the defenders and archers on the city wall. There are only three or four iron armored mechanic who go up the city on the iron ladder, and after shooting the ladder to the city, the iron armored mechanic fell to the ground and no longer has the ability to attack and defend. The agency..."

When he said this, he pondered for a while, and the servant on the side Shura said solemnly: "It's just some bigger wooden machinery, treat it as a siege tower or a catapult, just go forward and burn it, you have to replace the usual ones. After the siege equipment, there will be a large group of infantry and cavalry defenses. It is difficult for our army to break through, but now the Jin army has fled. These attacking equipment are just decorations, and they do not pose any threat at all. All these wooden armored organs were burned to open the way for the army."

Murong Zhen's whip pointed straight ahead and said, "Have you all seen that the Jin army has collapsed all the way, even throwing away the military flag, and the thousands of cavalry they were arranging behind also broke the formation for their own infantry. , if you want to counterattack, you can't line up. This time, you really lost, not cheating. Now is a good opportunity to attack across the board. What you need to do is to get out of this 10,000-odd cavalry and run back in the Jin army. Before the siege, destroy them all, then turn to attack other city gates, and attack the Jin army troops who are attacking the city. Today, I will destroy the Beifu army in one battle!"

Hundreds of riders behind them could hear it clearly and cheered in unison: "Woo-la, woo-la, woo-la!"

And Pugu Shura and Yueshou also looked happy, looked at each other, and their faces were full of excited fighting intent.

Murong Zhen pulled his face down, and behind the bronze horse face, murderous aura flashed in his eyes, and he said solemnly, "Bone Gu Shura, you should attack first, hit me with a horizontal horse with iron cables, and knock down these wooden-armored mechanic. Remember, I only give you half a moment, after half a moment, no matter what you do, the army will attack all the way!"

Gu Gu Shura was stunned for a moment: "Didn't they burn these wooden armored trappers? Even if their surfaces are coated with mud, they can still be burned as long as they are drizzled with oil and sulfur."

Murong Zhen shook his head: "When you drench the oil, smash the sulphur buns, and ignite these wooden armored trappers, the Jin army may have fled back to Changwei long ago, so what are we going to kill? Not to mention that the burning is full of smoke. , isn't it blocking our army's sight and covering the enemy's retreat?"

"What I want now is speed, speed, speed, understand? As long as you can bring down these wooden armors, even if there is sporadic resistance, don't worry about it, just continue to charge forward to the enemy formation."

Pugu Shura's face was serious, and he pressed his chest and saluted: "As per the order, the last commander will attack now!"

Murong Zhen nodded: "Remember, don't get entangled with the small Jin army, and don't care about the sporadic wooden armor agencies, just make sure that the route of our army's attack is unobstructed. No beheadings are allowed, no stay is allowed, and the only purpose is to kill and annihilate the enemy!"

Pugu Shura saluted and rode his horse away, Murong Zhen turned his head to look at Yue Shou on the right, UU read www.uukanshu.com and said, "General Yue, the ancestor Yue Gong was taboo back then, and he was defeated in the battle of Yecheng. When you were Ran Min, how did you fight, do you remember?"

Yueshou laughed: "How can you not remember this? Even if the whole world does not remember it, my descendants of the Yue family will remember it. Cavalry at ten thousand paces, the enemy is strong and I am weak. In order to bluff, the ancestors ordered all the cavalry to drag the branches behind the horses, and before attacking, the horses galloped wildly. The drums were loud, and they had a strong city in front of them, but when they encountered an iron cavalry, they collapsed all of a sudden. The rest is to let go and kill."

Having said this, Yueshou's eyes lit up: "This time you want us all to drag our horsetails to the branches, and every cavalryman must bring a tambourine and a horn, don't you..."

Murong Zhen nodded: "That's right, the current collapse of the Jin army is because of the panic when the city collapsed. Once they are relieved, they will still organize resistance, only to let them not know how many iron cavalry our army has. If you charge all the way, you will be able to complete a complete collapse, and even let them break down the long circle and level the camp. After the vanguard of the Gugu Shura leaves the city, you will lead me to lead 2,000 troops out of the city, and spread to the left and right wings, without asking Shock, as long as you blow the dust and blow the trumpet, the bigger the momentum, the better, I want all Jin troops to be terrified and have no fighting spirit!"

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