Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3569: Wooden Armor Reboots the Line of Defense

Shen Tianzi finally rushed to a wooden armoured manipulator closest to the city wall. At this moment, he looked back, Shen Qingzhi's sweaty smiling face appeared in front of him, and the two fox skin ear guards were still there. His eyes dangled, Shen Tianzi grinned: "Xan'er, you are still here."

Shen Qingzhi nodded: "Brother Dahu, father and son soldiers in battle, fourth brother and Lao Suo and their cavalry are behind and can't come up now, I'm the only one who can help you, how can I watch you come back alone? !"

Shen Tianzi glanced into the distance and sighed: "The army was defeated like a mountain, and the infantry and cavalry that had been left in the back of the battle were also chaotic and unable to form the formation. Of course, I believe these are only temporary. Soldiers retreating to a safe area and re-arranging their troops can still launch an effective counterattack. However, all this takes time, and now, all the armies are collapsed, and only our two hundred brothers are still resisting in front. At this time, We are the only ones to fight for it.”

Shen Qingzhi's expression was serious and he said solemnly: "Even if we all die here, we have to hold back the enemy's cavalry from attacking, and now their cavalry in khaki armor has moved to the front, it should be the first wave of impact. troop, what are we going to do?"

Shen Tianzi was about to open his mouth when he heard a bang. The wooden armoured man in front of him had a small window cracked on the back behind him. There were two sergeants who were more than six feet tall, wearing only shorts and shirtless. , jumped out of it, and was about to run to the rear.

Shen Qingzhi stepped forward and stopped the leader. He fixed his eyes and said, "Aren't you the apprentice next to Master Zhang? I have seen you."

The apprentice was a boy of 16 or 17 years old, with fine hair just growing out of his mouth, and said, "Little Kong Siyang, I have seen General Shen San."

Shen Tianzi glanced at the wooden armored manipulator in front of him and said, "Are you manipulating and controlling this wooden armored manipulator?"

Kong Siyang nodded: "Yes, I am waiting for more than 200 students, all of them are disciples of Master Zhang, and now they are all working for Dajin. There are four disciples in a wooden armor organization. We are here. In Part 1, two of our companions have already died in battle, only the two of us. Now that the army has been defeated, we have to leave this institution and retreat. What else does General Shen San have to do?"

Shen Qingzhi said solemnly: "Master Zhang, your master has already evacuated, and now these wooden armored agents are under my command, Kong Siyang, now your wooden armored agents can still fight?"

Kong Siyang had an embarrassed expression on his face, and said, "I'm afraid it will be very difficult. Just now, when the city collapsed, our wooden armor structure was smashed by rocks, and the two brothers were also killed at that time. We Most of the bows and arrows in the siege have been used up in the previous siege battle, and now there are only two long lances for self-defense available, and it is simply not enough to face the impact of so many iron cavalry from the enemy."

Shen Tianzi said solemnly: "If everyone thinks that their strength is weak, they can only flee without fighting. If everyone only cares about themselves and flees, they will only be caught and killed by the enemy in the end. This is us. The reason for coming here is that we must form the first line of defense here to block the onslaught of the enemy cavalry as much as possible!"

Kong Siyang gritted his teeth: "General Shen, we also understand the truth, otherwise we wouldn't be evacuating now, but even relying on our wooden armor, we can't change the overall situation."

Shen Qingzhi looked at Kong Siyang: "What way do you have to contact the other wooden armorers and make them obey your orders?"

Kong Siyang replied without hesitation: "There are three smoke holes on the top of our wooden armor mechanism, and we can put wolf smoke to let other companions see it. However, our first mechanism before was the iron armor that ejected Liu Rongzu and the others to the city. People, if I order now, I am afraid that other companions may not listen."

Shen Tianzi raised his brows, took out a token from his arms, and a cloth bag, which was light, not sure what it was, and handed it to Kong Siyang, saying, "This is before Master Zhang withdraws. , gave this to me when he handed over the command, he said that with this, he can direct the wooden armor to obey orders, do you know how to use it?"

Kong Siyang had a happy expression on his face, took the cloth bag, opened the mouth of the bag, and laughed: "This is the rhino horn powder made by Master secretly, mixed in the wolf smoke, it can have strange-colored smoke columns, there is this Smoke pillars, you can order other wooden armors to trap people."

Shen Tianzi said solemnly: "Then you all immediately go back and light this smoke column, and with my general order, I order all the operators in the wooden armour to not evacuate. , will definitely arrive!"

Kong Siyang nodded vigorously: "If even the three generals Shen came to help themselves, then we would naturally fight to the death. Don't worry, even if we die in this wooden armor, we will not retreat."

Shen Qingzhi suddenly said: "Look, Shao Shuai's banner has also moved forward, and it is going down from Wulongkou, and he also used the semaphore to ask the soldiers on the front line to stand up and buy time for the withdrawing army, he immediately personally Bring the Chinese army to help!"

Shen Tianzi laughed: "Did you see, Brother Ah Shao has the same idea as us, he will come to support, and what we have to do is to hold on until he rushes up, even if there is the last person left, we can't let it go. One cavalry of the enemy army rushed through this wooden armor line of defense!"

Kong Siyang and his companions got into the wooden armor structure without looking back, the wooden door on the back of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com closed heavily, and their voices came from inside the wooden body: "Team Mujia, don't retire!"

Shen Tianzi looked at the wooden armored manipulator who was sitting on the ground in front of him, and slowly got up, and the crossbow in his left hand, which had been lowered, was aimed at the front again. The giant lance protruded forward and blocked it sideways. The six crossbow arrows on its shoulders were being loaded at the moment. The wooden armored soldier who had just crawled back with Kong Siyang was leaning out halfway, at the fastest speed. Reloading the six shoulder crossbows.

And the top of the wooden armor mechanism sprayed three smoke pillars, the middle one, half black and half yellow, is a wolf smoke color that has never been seen on the battlefield, probably because of the special Wolf smoke powder, will have such a shape.

With the rise of the three smoke pillars, all the wooden armor structures that have not been broken down in the line of the city wall more than 300 paces wide, all stood up one after another, and some wooden armored soldiers who had run back also He rushed back to his wooden armored mechanic, and like the one in front of him, he took out a crossbow and aimed at the armored cavalry behind the gap in front of him.


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