Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3605: Emergence of elbow and armpit emergency response

Tan Shao's voice did not fall, but he heard thunderous iron hooves and shouts of killing in the direction of the gap. Countless blue North Sea King flags were erected, rushing towards the gap from all directions. , and the sound of Hu Jia and the tambourine resounded through the sky, and the sound of "Ula"'s assault roar jumped along with the muscles on Tan Shao's face.

Soon, the sound of Chinese screams also followed, and occasionally a few hoarse roars could be heard: "Don't be chaotic, stabilize the formation, meet the enemy, meet the enemy!"

However, these voices were too small and thin, and they were instantly drowned out by the screams of "Ulla" and the terrifying sound of broken bones and tendons when the iron hoof stepped on the human body, the sound of the bow and crossbow firing and the sound of the crossbow machine rattling. From farther away, it should be the sound of the wooden armored manipulator, but it was still sparse and not scaled. Soon, a few huge voices of the manipulator fell to the ground. All that was left was the blue flag moving fast everywhere, and the ubiquitous sound of "Ulla".

Tan Shao gritted his teeth and said sharply to Tan Hezhi who was on the side: "Send the order, the whole army stops, Shen Linzi leads 5,000 people to guard the front, defending the enemy's Qingjia cavalry from attacking, the infantry of the central army, and the flank phalanx Shen Tianzi's troops immediately Turn around and retreat, prepare to meet the enemy's iron cavalry and rush from the gap, and Kuai'en's team will take cover and follow up!

His order was given to the dozen or so messengers around him with drum horns and banners. Two or three minutes later, two cavalry Juechen came. It was Shen Tianzi and Kuai En, who were sweating profusely and looking anxious.

When Tan Shao saw Kui En, he didn't say much. He pointed in the direction of the gap and said solemnly, "What's going on? Where is Kuai Yue? Where are the troops left behind?"

Kuai En slapped the saddle angrily: "Mostly, this kid is greedy for his achievements, and he rushed into the city after agitating Zhang Gang. It's my fault, I should have left it myself!"

Shen Tianzi also shook his head in remorse and said, "I should have persevered and stayed where I was. They would never dare to mess around with me."

Tan Shao closed his eyes and sighed: "Forget it, it's useless to hold you accountable now, I really want to hold you accountable, I am Tan Shao, I don't know who I am, and I put an inexperienced young man with a man full of revenge. The guys stayed where they shouldn't be, but they didn't take any restraints and precautions. Now it's too late to say that, the soldiers and horses in the city must be broken. The real main force of the enemy army is here in the gap. There will be no more hesitation, we don’t have a line of defense like Tian Zi did before, at least five or six thousand armors will be killed on horseback, how to resist?”

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "Only gather all the heavy-lift trucks, stand in front, and try to defend the front. I have already given this order when I came, otherwise, my subordinates are all light soldiers and sharp soldiers, even heavy armor. There are no large shields, and it is impossible to prevent the surprise attack of the enemy cavalry."

Kui En said solemnly: "Before, our military configuration was that the front was heavy and the back was light. The heavy troops to defend against the enemy cavalry were all facing the front of the city gate, while the light troops were preparing to block the city gate at the back. Now Tianzi is not heavy here. Unit A, there are more than 100 trucks in my army, I am afraid it will take half an hour to move the carts from the front to the back. What should I do during this time?"

Shen Tianzi and Kuai En's eyes turned to Tan Shao at the same time, Tan Shao gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "I had already thought about it before you guys came, I have gathered all the cavalry, there are more than 300 cavalrymen. , after the enemy cavalry leaves the city, we will personally lead the cavalry to counterattack the enemy cavalry, in any case, we must turn the infantry into formation and buy time, understand?"

Shen Tianzi's eyebrows moved, he laughed and shook the big axe in his hand: "I'm here to do this, order it, Brother Ah Shao, you and Da Zhuang will lead the cavalry to attack, I will lead me Shen's light soldiers are at the back, specializing in chopping the legs of horses, which we were very skilled at when we beat Na Murong Lin before."

Tan Shao's brows wrinkled: "Is it really okay to hit an iron cavalry on the flat ground, or even a rushing iron cavalry? These Wu soldiers are hard-earned, and they are all the hard work of your Shen family for many years."

Shen Tianzi said solemnly: "Brother Ah Shao, each of our subordinates are warriors of the Great Jin Dynasty. If we all want to preserve our strength and don't dare to fight to the death, then this battle will definitely be defeated. We Shen's light soldiers, It is not good for battle, but this kind of short-handed fighting is our strength. As long as the impact of the cavalry can make the enemy cavalry slow down, it is best to enter the melee mode, then we can come in handy, the enemy is the first to go out of the city. The wave charge must be the strongest and the strongest, and if it must be so, it is impossible to resist, even if we all die in battle, as long as we can buy time for the soldiers behind, it will be a profit!"

Tears glistened in Tan Shao's eyes, and he nodded vigorously: "With brothers like you, what else do I have to say. Well, we'll attack now, Da Zhuang, don't go back, I'll send someone to send orders to Your lieutenant will act according to the order, you and I will lead the cavalry to attack!"

Kuai En shook his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "Shao Shuai, you are the main general, you must stabilize the military here, and you can't face the enemy in person. Let me do the charge this time."

Tan Shao's complexion changed: "No, at this time, I have to personally kill the stable army. Do you think I can't lift the halberd and kill the thief?"

Kuai En said with a smile: "Brother Ah Shao, that's not the case, you are now the chief general of the West City, don't move lightly, you are not just an officer like you used to be, just take the lead in charging, just like Brother Ji Nu, you are not sitting on the commanding stage now. But who would think that he is not as brave as before? There are still 10,000 or 20,000 soldiers here for you to command. Once your flag is not in the enemy's line, we will collapse immediately. This counterattack is to buy time. , if it is counterproductive because the Lord will lose, what is the point?"

When he said this, he took a deep breath, the light in one eye shone, and said loudly: "Now here, I can't have Kuai'en, I can't have Shen Tianzi, and I can't have you Tan Shao!"

Saying that, he slapped his horse forward and ran directly to the more than 300 horses that had been lined up in front of him. As he ran, he shouted, "Are you all ready to die with me?"

The eyes of more than 300 riders shone with light, and they moved with Kuai'en, roaring in unison: "Kill the Hu, Kill the Hu, Kill the Hu!"

Kui En stood in front of him, turned his horse's head, looked at the cavalry behind him, and said loudly, "Where is Hu?"

All the cavalry weapons pointed to the gap in unison: "There, there!"

Kuai En haha, turned around and ran at full speed towards the gap: "Then what are you waiting for, do you want to live another thousand years?"

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