Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3606: rhetoric to persuade the army to return

In Guanggu City, at the gap.

Kuaiyue took the last 100 sergeants, covered in blood, and they formed the last small circle. In front of them, in the streets and alleys in a radius of three miles, there were **** lakes of Jin army soldiers everywhere. On the front road, more than a dozen wooden armored operatives have all fallen to the ground, still burning with raging flames. All of a sudden, the last hundred or so Jin soldiers would burst into tears.

Murong Ping carried Zhang Gang's head on the tip of his lance, galloping back and forth in front of the hundreds of them, running, while grinning: "Wu'er, you can be optimistic, this is the general you rely on for the Great Wall. As a junior supervisor Zhang Gang, this traitor of Dayan, finally got the end he deserved. You guys are still loyal people. The **** battle has come to this point. As a soldier, I admire you. Resist in vain, lay down your weapons, and run for your life, I, the General of Dayan Polu General Murong Ping, are here to ensure your safety!"

Behind him, thousands of Yan riders shouted at the same time: "Let's fight, let's fight, let's fight!"

There were three or four arrows stuck in Zhang Lin'er's body, and the blood couldn't stop flowing down. At this moment, he could only hold a broken gun in his hand to barely support his body. The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he suddenly rushed towards him. Going out, he shouted: "I'm a man from Beifu, the head can be cut off, the blood can flow, never..."

Before he could finish his words, Murong Ping shot out an arrow. The arrow directly penetrated his neck. A **** arrow spurted out from the back of his neck and fell to the ground. There was an expression of relief and relief.

There were tears in Kuai Yue's eyes, looking at this brother-in-law's corpse, his teeth rattled, and a sergeant beside him cried, "Brother Lin Er, Brother Lin Er, he doesn't want to drag us down, and he doesn't want to waste his companions to protect him. , this is, this is..."

Kuai Yue nodded and said loudly: "Brothers, Kuai is incompetent and acts against the order, I am sorry for the trust of Shuai Shao and Uncle Da Zhuang, and I am sorry for you brothers, this is the end, I have no face to live in the world anymore. , you have done your best to fight, you are all dignified men, and you will not disgrace the name of my Beifu. Now, whoever wants to live can leave, and I will never stop me!"

No one turned to leave. Even the sergeants who were seriously injured and lay on the ground struggled to get up and stood behind the shield. Although they couldn't even lift their weapons, they just wanted to use their last breath. , Use this flesh and blood to resist and delay the enemy's iron cavalry, even if it is a minute and a second.

Murong Ping's sneering laughter came again: "It's the dead end of your own choosing, no wonder we, knights, raise our arrows to aim, and then..."

Murong Zhen's voice came from behind him calmly: "Hold on."

Murong Ping's expression changed, and he turned to look at the rear, only to see Murong Zhen, accompanied by more than 20 cavalry, galloping from the rear, the surrounding Yan army cheered in unison, and said respectfully: " I have seen the king, I have seen the king, I have seen the king!"

Kuaiyue gritted his teeth and stared at Murong Zhen, watching him gallop within fifty paces of himself, a few cavalry guards wanted to go up to guard with shields, but Murong Zhen waved his hand: "Why, I seem to be People who can't defend themselves from arrows? Step back!"

In this way, Murong Zhen directly appeared in front of these Jin soldiers. More than ten bows and crossbows were pointed at him now, but no one fired them. In a moment, more than 2,000 Jin soldiers were slaughtered, and the terrifying impact of the armored cavalry made these Jin soldiers face it for the first time, but for some reason, facing this enemy leader, there was an invisible pressure. , so shocked that no one dared to shoot arrows at him.

Murong Zhen looked at Kuaiyue and said, "Your name is Kuaiyue, I've heard of your name, to be honest, your performance when you were in a hurry today was pretty good, not even better than when Liu Yu ran away in front of us. It's bad!"

Kuaiyue scolded sharply: "What a bunch of nonsense, Ji Nu is invincible, defeated Hulu, never lost, when did he run away in front of you? Murong Town, I can't think of you, as a famous general of a generation, you are also **** here, really. Shameless!"

"The Age of Rebirth"

Murong Zhen laughed: "You think Liu Yu is a god, but in my opinion he is just an ordinary person. I said he ran away when I was still in the former Qin army when I was besieging Shouchun with the army. At that time, Liu Yu fell into our house. Princess Lan's plan was to capture the city by the Fire Bird Siege Method. If the eldest princess hadn't spared his life, he would have died in Shouchun. Of course, with his status and identity back then, he had the opportunity to leave his name. No, but as an ordinary little military officer, like the thousands of dead soldiers and civilians in Shouchun City, he is worthless!"

Kuaiyue's hands were trembling slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The defeat of Shouchun, they had all heard of it back then, so they didn't doubt it, he gritted his teeth: "You, you actually participated in Shouchun. war?!"

Murong Zhen nodded: "That's right, I, Murong Zhen, followed the late emperor and the late emperor. I have fought for my whole life, and there have been numerous small battles. I myself have been defeated and captured, and I know that there is no general who can win in this world, young man, listen to me. In a word, you still have a long way to go in the future, it is not worth making unnecessary sacrifices here, don't think that if you fail this time, you will have no future!"

"Liu Yu also acted in disobedience back then, and ended up losing an important city, but I can also be today. I have been annihilated, defeated and captured. Isn't it expensive now as the Dayan God of War? This is because we can Run away from failure and survive, only by living can you have a chance to turn over, and when you die, there is nothing left!"

The divine light in Kuai Yue's eyes began to slowly dissipate, and he muttered to himself, "I, do I really have a future, me, can I really live?"

Murong Zhen said coldly: "This victory is already divided, I will not kill you, you can evacuate now, too many people have died today, I don't want any more warriors to sacrifice needlessly, let's go, I will say it again , I, Murong Zhen, guarantee your safety!"

Kuai Yue gritted his teeth: "Murong Zhen, I believe you once, if I don't die this time, I will definitely seek revenge from you in the future!"

He said, throwing away the shield in his hand, and walked back without looking back: "Brothers, let's withdraw."

At the moment when everyone turned and turned back, Murong Zhen's eyes were full of murderous intent, he picked up a big bow and shot an arrow, and at the same time roared: "Not a single one!" Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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