Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3607: Let's talk about what happened back then

Kuaiyue's face changed drastically, he turned his head sternly, but what caught his eyes was only an arrow that came from the sky. Coming from the back of his head, he could even see through this arrow, vaguely see Murong Zhen behind him, with a smug smile on his face.

At the moment when the arrow was shot from the center of Kuaiyue's eyebrows, hundreds of long arrows were also fired from the big bows of thousands of armored riders, like a torrential rain, pouring ruthlessly. In this group of Beifu sergeants who have put down their weapons and shields, and even disarmed while walking, most of them cannot even turn around and face death like Kuaiyue. These arrows go directly from their backs, above their heads, These deadly vital parts of the neck were shot ruthlessly, and before he could even snort, he died of breathlessness.

Kuaiyue's eyes widened, and the last remaining anger and consternation still remained on his face, but his seven orifices were bleeding, and he had no words to say. In this round of arrow rain attack The more than ten Jin soldiers who were lucky enough to survive, with arrows sticking in their bodies, struggled to go forward and pick up the weapons they had just thrown away to continue fighting, but dozens of arrows in the second round came mercilessly one after another, and soon, they It was also hit by an arrow at the vital point, and with unwillingness and anger, fell into the pile of corpses.

Murong Ping put down the big bow in his hand, a look of disapproval flashed on his face, and asked, "Your Majesty, why are you not trusting them? Although they are enemies, they should be killed head-on and deceive them. Put down your weapon and leave, and then shoot from behind, this, this is probably..."

Murong Zhen said coldly: "I'm afraid of what? Killing and surrendering is ominous or going back on the word? Aping, how many times has your uncle taught you? This is war! War is to use all means to achieve your goals, in order to lure the enemy, deceive Enemy, I can even ignore my son's death outside the city, let alone to the enemy. They are stupid and believe the enemy's words, they will have to pay the price with their lives!"

Murong Ping gritted his teeth: "But, but we can easily deal with the hundreds of Jin troops, just one or two rounds of charging, just like we killed the two thousand Jin troops and eliminated Zhang Gang's wooden armor !"

Murong Zhen hooked the corner of his mouth: "Childish! What is most important to us now?! Time!"

He said, and said solemnly to the messengers behind him: "The whole army is out of the city. Now, don't stop, don't collect corpses and beheaded, step over and wait for me!"

More than ten horses scattered around the city, and soon, the two thousand or so horses behind Murong Zhen whistled past him and Murong Ping, and the knights were murderous and cheered with blood. , mixed in the smoke and dust, directly burying Murong Zhen and Murong Ping.

Murong Ping sighed, and turned to want to gallop out, Murong Zhen said solemnly: "Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet. Ping, now I have no son. You, Ada, died in battle, I have nothing to say. I never told you, and now I tell you, he died as an enemy's lie!"

Murong Ping's eyes widened: "How on earth did my father die? Great, uncle, you have been keeping a close eye on me for so many years. You only said that he died in battle when Xiyan was destroyed. What's the story?!"

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "A Ping, your father and I were both generals of Xiyan at the time, Murong Chui was the Emperor of the Later Yan at that time, and we served for Xiyan, originally from the same Xianbei clan, but because of the problem of the throne Fire and water, you fought to the death. In the end, Murong Chui came out on top. He led his army across the Taihang Mountains and besieged the eldest son of the capital city of Xiyan. In the final battle, your father and I each led an army. I faced Murong Chui, and your father fought with him. Zhao Wang Murong Lin will face off!"

Murong Ping murmured: "Zhao Wang Murong Lin? Is that the rebel who had no faith, betrayed repeatedly, and was finally executed by the late emperor Murong Bei De?"

Murong Zhen nodded and said, "Exactly, at that time your father was a former army general, and he was facing him. He shouted in front of the battle that the two emperors were fighting for the throne, and it had nothing to do with the soldiers. His father, Murong Chui, was the son of the previous emperor, and his bloodline was far greater than that of the emperor. The lord of Western Yan, Murong Yong, is noble, and now that the troops are under the city, the outcome is already decided, there is no need to fight for nothing, as long as you put down your weapons, Hou Yan will definitely treat them favorably."

Murong Ping nodded and said, "I have indeed heard of these things. At that time, a large number of the Western Yan army surrendered." Having said this, his expression changed and he said in shock, "But I also heard that there were many beheadings by the Hou Yan army at that time. Is it..."

Tears flashed in Murong Zhen's eyes: "Yes, your father put down his weapons and led the 3,000 men of his subordinates to surrender, but what he got in return was not the preferential treatment that Murong Lin said, but a direct cavalry attack, and the 3,000 people were sent on the spot. Half of the troops were killed when they surrendered, and the others were chased and fled, and they also scattered the troops and horses led by Murong Yong, the master of Xiyan, which led to the defeat of the army of Xiyan. in!"

Murong Ping's eyes also began to shed tears, he held the reins tightly and gritted his teeth: "How could this happen? Could it be that the famous God of War Murong Chui ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also won by this method. ?"

Murong Zhen sighed: "Yes, that's how it was at the time, when the iron cavalry charged, it was your father who covered me with his body and pressed me into the pit under him. He told me to take good care of me before he died. You and your mother, because you are his only son, I watched him get trampled like mud by horses, his flesh and blood, mixed with mud, covered my whole body. Even today, I have forgotten I can't remember the feeling that day, the feeling that blood and sand gave me!"

Speaking of this, the muscles on his face were twitching violently, and his expression was full of grief and anger!

Tears were already streaming down Murong Ping's face: "No wonder, no wonder you have treated me better than your own son over the years, this time defending the city, your son went out to fight and died on the battlefield, but I stayed by your side all the time. Before, there were even rumors that it was because I was yours…”

Having said that, he held back his words, bowed his head and wept.

Murong Zhen nodded and patted Murong Ping on the shoulder: "Yes, I am so good to you that others are gossiping, saying that you are my illegitimate child, and some people even say that I killed your father in the battle of the eldest son. Cover up my crime of cheating with my sister-in-law. But now I tell you, I owe my elder brother a life, so even if I don't want my son, I have to treat your nephew well, because that is the last request from my elder brother to me. Today, I tell you this, just to make you understand that on the battlefield, faith and kindness are useless, and only the victor will not be blamed. This is what I yelled at Murong Chui after the war. When I was with Murong Lin, their answer to me!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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