Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3608: The hatred of the country and the family comes first

Murong Ping gritted his teeth: "Treachery and reneging on promises, this has nothing to do with the art of war, no wonder he has such retribution behind Murong Chui. It's their retribution for breaking their promises!"

Murong Zhen curled the corners of his mouth, and a hint of disapproval flashed on his face: "If there is no retribution in this world, it is not that the good will be rewarded and the wicked will have evil. Otherwise, Fu Jian and Qian Qin will not be defeated. I asked Murong. When he was hanging, he sneered and said, "Could it be that our soldiers in Xiyan rebelled against Qin in those days, repaying Fu Jian's kindness with resentment, and finally killed Fu Jian, and then fired and killed the leader of Xiyan many times along the way. Do we still expect others to speak kindness and faith to us?”

Murong Ping hooked his lips: "This, this is like, hey, uncle, why did you and daddy follow Xi Yan back then? There's nothing to say to Murong Chui for such a rebuttal."

Murong Zhen said angrily: "In a chaotic world, people can't help themselves, which Lun will get us to be the masters? I didn't want to betray Qin, and I thought about the benefits of Fu Jian, but Murong rushed to them to rebel, and Qin people started to be indistinguishable. To slaughter our Xianbei Murong clan, what else can I do other than join the Xiyan Army to protect myself?"

"As for the back, we are just fighting for survival, fighting like beasts. Their upper and middle-level generals and officials are killing them. How do we lower-level soldiers know? It's not just about obeying orders. It was Murong Yong who was considered his confidant and survived, you must know, how many famous generals of Xiyan died in cannibalism like this back then?!"

Murong Ping sighed: "This power is the most enviable thing in the world, what you are fighting for, my uncle, since you are Murong Yong's confidant, how could Murong Chui let you go?"

Murong Zhen sighed: "Murong Chui, also known as Heipao, is indeed a generation of emperors, although I scolded him face to face, but he said that he was fighting for the survival of the Murong Clan. Murong Yong rebelled against Qin, and also participated in it. There have been many massacres by the regime in Xiyan, starting from Murong Chong and killing three or four Yan masters. He is a capricious villain. Such a person is never worthy of commanding Dayan, and he, Murong Chui, deceived the enemy on the battlefield in order to fight. Winning this battle and reducing more bloodshed is within the scope of the art of war, not perfidy."

Murong Ping blinked: "Then he can let the former army surrender and let them leave the battlefield, why would he kill them like this?"

Murong Zhen shook his head: "That's because he wants to drive the front army who put down their weapons to escape backwards, to break up the formation of the army behind, but if he accepts the surrender of the front army and makes way for them, then it may be There will be chaos in the Houyan army, giving Murong Yong a chance to turn defeat into victory. From a military point of view, it is true."

Murong Ping gritted his teeth: "But after all, this is the hatred of killing your father, and you are also hating your brother for killing your uncle. After so many years, have you endured it like this? I can't bear it!"

Murong Zhen's eyes flashed coldly, he looked around, and said solemnly to the surrounding guards: "You take care of the troops that leave the city and let them line up quickly. I don't need your protection here for the time being."

A few knights understood and galloped away, and Murong Zhen also took Murong Ping to a secluded place on the side, the two uncles and nephews stood together, Murong Zhen whispered: "The defeated general, why dare to speak bravely Besides, you hadn't grown up yet, so I had to raise you first. Then plan for the future. Murong Chui saw that I was a rare brave general in Xiyan, and he wanted to appease people's hearts, so he let me go and let me Leading troops is just a secret restriction every time, and it will never allow me to have my own troops for a long time. I am well aware of this, so I dare not disclose the situation to you at that time, just because I am afraid that you will not be able to bear it for a while. Live to take revenge, but lose your life instead!"

Murong Ping said angrily, "God has eyes, and Murong Chui has been punished for letting his Houyan country destroy his family, but he has turned into such a ruthless person. Could it be that he wanted to escape the ruin of his country? Responsibility, do you pretend to be dead to avoid it?"

Murong Zhen shook his head: "I don't know the specific situation, but Murong Chui joined the Heavenly Dao Alliance in the later period. It seems that there is some kind of medicine that can rejuvenate and prolong life, and because he is dedicated to longevity, he does not In order to manage the affairs of the state, this will make the princes fight, and finally the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed. Later, he will follow Murong De as the national teacher and come here to build the country, and he will secretly manipulate it from behind. In fact, the emperor of my Dayan, has always been It's him, even Murong De, he's just a puppet he placed in the foreground!"

Murong Ping nodded: "Then, uncle, you contradicted Heipao many times, and even publicly accused him of starting a war and provoking the Eastern Jin Dynasty because you knew his identity?"

Murong Zhen sighed: "At that time, I didn't know that the black robe was actually Murong Chui, but he took the initiative to announce this to me when he returned to Guanggu, and in front of you, I knew it at the same time as you and I. The shock level of the incident~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not under yours. He gave me the armored cavalry to maintain our internal unity when the enemy of the Jin army was at hand. A responsible attitude for Linqu's defeat. Hmph, all of this is in line with his always hypocritical benevolence and righteousness. Only I know that he just wanted to use this battle to protect himself, to pass Liu Yu's level first, and then continue later. With the power of Dayan, it's just to pursue the evil law of longevity."

Murong Ping gritted his teeth: "Now that we have armored cavalry, why not take the opportunity to kill the old thief, and then talk to Liu Yuhe to stop the troops?"

Murong Zhen's eyes flashed coldly: "Our grievances with Murong Chui are only internal conflicts between us Xianbei people, and we have conflicts with Liu Yu as foreign enemies. Even if we want to settle accounts with Murong Chui, we have to wait until we defeat Liu Yu. Both of my sons died at the hands of the Jin army, and almost everyone in my armor and cavalry had their relatives and friends killed by the enemy. This hatred is not a thousand times greater than a personal hatred?!"

A look of shame flashed on Murong Ping's face, and he lowered his head and said, "My nephew was not thoughtful and made a slip of the tongue. Please forgive my uncle!"

Murong Zhen sighed: "Ping'er, I don't blame you, the revenge of killing your father is not shared by the sky. You suddenly know about this matter, and it is inevitable that you will be furious and unbearable, and it is not surprising that you don't choose to say anything. Under the circumstances, it is difficult to end the eggs, not to mention that we want to seek revenge on Murong Chui at this time, whether the soldiers will follow, just say that even if we kill Murong Chui at this time, Guanggu will be broken, and then we will all Xianbei people in the city. All become the ghosts of Liu Yu and the Jin army, is this the result we want? Let go of personal feuds, and finish state affairs and official affairs, then talk about other things!" Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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