Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3609: Anything can be used

Murong Ping nodded: "If my uncle can lead the army to a great victory in this battle, he will definitely have supreme prestige in the military. As long as we expose the true face of the black robe after the war and let everyone know his identity, then he will be able to take advantage of the emperor. It’s not easy to use the tactics of making the whole country, and then we will first take his commander position, and then we will settle the account with him on the charge of colluding with Liu Yu and bringing harm to the country and the people!”

Murong Zhen nodded: "So, we have to win this battle, this is not for the black robe Murong Chui, but for ourselves, for the country and people of Dayan. Over the years, I have learned from him. One thing I learned there is that if you want to achieve your ambitions, you must master the supreme power, and the reason why he can kill or kill is because he is the emperor!"

Murong Ping's expression changed: "Uncle, what do you mean..."

Murong Zhen sneered and said, "Murong De has no children, and suddenly there is a Murong Chao of unknown origin, as well as the traitor Gongsun Wulou. After these two people came to Dayan, disasters continued, thinking of that boy Murong Chao, What kind of scheming and insight can you have? He is nothing but a puppet of the black robe. In the past few months, there are hundreds of military officials in the city, all the soldiers, and no one can see Murong Chao. This person is alive or dead now. If we want to bring down the black robe this time, then there is no need for Murong Chao to stay."

Murong Ping's eyes lit up: "Then this throne will definitely fall on your uncle, who led the crowd to defeat the Jin army and expose the traitor!"

A look of joy flashed on Murong Zhen's face, but it disappeared, and he sighed: "I have experienced so many swords and shadows for power, killing brothers and sisters. Originally, I had no interest in this throne. It is for revenge and protection of the country, to protect my Dayan in this chaotic world, and to protect the safety of my Murong clan. After defeating the Jin army, Murong Chui can no longer continue to make waves, but after him, this Dayan has no leader. , If there is no leader who can convince everyone to stand up, all of us will die without a place to be buried, so I can only reluctantly and take this responsibility!"

Murong Ping said solemnly: "After the great revenge has been avenged, Ping'er is willing to support the uncle and do anything!"

Murong Zhen nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, my two sons died in this battle, and you will be the only one who can inherit my great cause in the future. The world of Dayan is going to fall into your hands. Therefore, in today's battle, I must stand up for you. You said just now that I killed more than a hundred enemy troops. It was a treachery. Ping'er, I am now I solemnly want to tell you that this kind of woman's benevolence, the right and wrong of ordinary people, as an emperor, is absolutely necessary!"

Murong Ping hooked his lips in disapproval: "If it's to win the war, it doesn't matter if you use some tricks, but if there are more than a hundred wounded soldiers, we can defeat them with a single charge, so why do you need to do this?"

Murong Zhen shook his head: "They are heavily armored infantry, well-equipped, if they know that they will die, they will guard the gap and fight to the death. It is not easy for us to eliminate them in one fell swoop, and it will waste a lot of time. Just like those Jin troops before, relying on the terrain and the fighting spirit of seeing death as home, to block our several rounds of charges and buy time for the assembly of Jin troops outside the city, then we will lose all our efforts!"

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Having said this, he paused: "This time, we can't have any more mistakes, rush out at the fastest speed, and attack the main force outside the enemy's city, this is the only thing we have to consider, in order to achieve This purpose, by any means, is worth it, including this trick!"

Murong Ping took a deep breath: "My uncle's teachings, Ping'er will keep in mind. Those nonsense before, please don't take it to heart!"

Murong Zhen nodded, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes: "What you just said has some truth, maybe there is divine will, right and wrong, there may really be some kind of reciprocal response, I Murong Zhen I have changed families many times in this life, so God also made me cut off my sons and grandchildren. However, this order was given by me and has nothing to do with you. Even if there is any retribution, it will be borne by me, Murong Zhen. , If there is a day, I hope you will stop using deceitful tricks!"

Murong Ping gritted his teeth: "Ping'er is willing to bear anything on behalf of his uncle..."

Murong Zhen waved his hand: "Don't say such things, you are Dayan's future hope, I would rather suffer and suffer myself, and I don't want you to have any mistakes, okay, Ping'er, now it's time for you to make a contribution, outside the city Our troops are assembled, and you see..."

The position they were standing was exactly on the side of the gap. From this angle, they could always see the movement of the Jin army outside the city diagonally opposite. Ping said so much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was holding the halberd in his hand and pointed at the Jin army outside the city. He saw that the Jin army was quickly turning around and changing formations. The formation, the rear of the squadron and the flanks, had already turned to the rear, and even the cavalry had begun to line up in front of the formation, apparently to attack first.

Murong Ping murmured: "The change in formation is so fast, it's really a well-trained army, as expected of the Beifu soldiers, but their movements are still slow, they want to move the cart from the front to the back and set up a defense line, at least Another quarter of an hour."

Murong Zhen sneered and said, "This quarter of an hour was won by so-called trickery. Otherwise, if we were to face the hundreds of Jin soldiers, it might take a quarter of an hour or even longer to clear them up, but now we have left the city. Arrayed, the first batch of 2,000 cavalry has already formed the formation, Ping Er, this battle, there is no trick, just use force to break it, don't care about the harassment and entanglement of their cavalry, just rush forward like this, Then go straight to the Jin army's formation, Tan Shao's flag is in the middle army, rush up to me and cut it down!"

Murong Ping said loudly, "Ping'er will definitely live up to his mission!"

As he spoke, he turned around energetically, and rushed forward with a roar.

Murong Zhen looked at the figure of Murong Ping running away, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A sergeant who was completely hidden in a cloak appeared from the ruins on one side like a ghost. He stepped onto the side horse of Murong Town as if nothing had happened. His face was still deeply hidden in the cloak, only a pair of crystals. Bright eyes, sparkling, accompanied by his low voice: "I can't imagine that the King of the North Sea is always on the side of his nephew."Click to download the APP of this site, Massive novels, free to read!

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