Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3610: Mysterious visitor is in danger

Murong Zhen's face muscles twitched, he gritted his teeth, turned his head to look at the capuchin, and said coldly, "Why do I never tire of cheating on Ping'erbing?"

The capuchin looked calmly at Murong Ping, who had begun to attack the Jin army's front in the distance, and said, "Perhaps my expression is not accurate enough, your eldest son will give you a lot of tricks to fool you. In the east city, your prince gave you a great chance to go to the north city, now it's your nephew's turn, each of them heard the bright future and patriotism you described, and they all vowed to fight with all their strength and win the victory to replace the black robe as you Now that your two sons have died in battle, you are left with the eldest nephew who can fight the most. For this reason, you did not hesitate to make up a touching story of how his father killed Murong Chui. King of the North Sea, you inspire morale. I really admire your ability to use it on your son and nephew!"

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth: "I didn't lie to Ping'er this time, his father really died like this back then."

The capuchin laughed: "But wasn't it you who persuaded his father to surrender and put down his weapons? Why didn't you say this?!"

Tong Kong of Murong Town contracted a little, and said sternly, "Why are you bringing this up? I had no choice but to do it at the time. Murong Chui had already fought Taihang, and the army was under the city. Everyone knew that this battle would be defeated, but Murong Yong was not. Our father, it's not worth dying for him! It's just that I didn't expect Murong Chui to betray our faith and attack us who put down our weapons on the spot..."

Having said that, he looked at the corpses of Kuaiyue and the others who had been trampled into blood and mud, and a complex look flashed in his eyes: "It's like we attacked these Jin troops."

The cloaked guest said in a daze: "The soldiers don't tire of cheating, but King of the North Sea, you're making a big cake for your nephew because you want to say that you don't have a son, and you will give him the throne in the future. Who doesn't want to be this emperor? Murongde can pass the throne. Murong Chao, you can use this point to stimulate Murong Ping, and let this Meng general, who is the most capable of fighting under your command now, display the strongest fighting power......"

Having said that, he looked at the battlefield in the distance. The cavalry on both sides had already started to fight. After cavalry and shooting, Murong Ping took the lead and rushed into the cavalry formation of the Jin army. Immediately knocked down to the ground, there was no one who was his three-in-one enemy, and Murong Ping was almost alone, and he cut a **** path from the cavalry to the rear.

The cloaked guest smiled slightly: "It is said that Murong Ping is the number one warrior under your command, exactly like that Murong Feng back then, when I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation, but you didn't give it to the one who attacked from the north gate before, so to speak. In fact, you still love your son more than your nephew!"

Murong Zhen sighed softly: "My two sons are too strong and stubborn, I should keep them by my side, now, white-haired people send black-haired people, you don't know what I have in my heart. How painful."

The cloaked guest said: "The ending of the warriors is like this. If you don't let them have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, they will hate you more than die in battle. However, I have to remind you that Murong Ping is also an ambitious person. You Hook up this ambition of him, be careful that he will attack you in the future and take the position ahead of time."

Murong Zhen said coldly: "We'll talk about the future. In the face of power, even father and son have to keep their hands. This is what you taught me. Well, I don't want to talk nonsense about this issue. Come here now, What do you want to do?"

The cloaked guest hooked his lips, glanced at the city wall above his head, and sighed: "I want to see you, at such a critical time, I want to discuss important matters with you at any time, look, I am in the Jin army. Li climbs the city, but this time, I put my life on the line, if I didn't know that the city wall would collapse, I would have made preparations earlier, I am afraid that at this moment, like the tens of thousands of Jin troops, the corpse will be buried in the city."

Murong Zhen laughed: "To be honest, I don't really believe it right now. You guys actually climbed into the city by yourself, but is this necessary? To deal with Tan Shao, we just need to follow our previous plan. , I have full confidence."

Having said that, Murong Zhen looked at the battlefield in front of him and saw that after Murong Ping, more than a thousand armored cavalry had broken through the onslaught of the cavalry led by Kuai En. Then he followed Murong Ping and rushed directly to the Jin army's infantry that had not yet been fully formed. , rushing to form an array, still unable to resist, our army will wash them away, it is only a matter of time, when I command the second wave of iron cavalry to detour to the side, give them a hard blow, and then cut off the connection between their formations, I will There is enough confidence that the 20,000 Jin troops will not return!"

The capuchin nodded: "You can indeed do it, but this time I took a risk, not for these Jin Jun, but for..."

Having said that, he looked meaningfully towards the direction of Nancheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ before he could say anything.

Murong Zhen frowned: "You shouldn't come, maybe Murong Chui is watching us right now."

The cloaked guest smiled and said: "I am your personal guard now, so what if he sees it, stop gossip and talk about business directly, I have received reliable information, Gongsun's fifth floor assassination of the black robe failed, and he was turned against it. Kill, and Murong Chao is now completely under the control of Hei Pao, what you just said to kill Murong Chao together and sit on the throne yourself is a very correct choice!"

Murong Zhen's expression changed: "What?! Hei Pao really did attack Murong Chao?! This guy is too daring. I just said that casually, and I haven't really thought about what to do with Murong Chao. After all, he is the emperor recognized by everyone. I originally wanted to use his hands to order Hei Pao to be executed, and then use him as a puppet to control him for a period of time, and then he will be reinstated. You say this, it seems that Murong Chao is staying No way."

The cloaked guest nodded: "The black robe attacked Murong Chao, because the fifth floor of Gongsun assassinated him in order to protect himself. He grew up with Gongsun Wulou since childhood, and they are brothers and sisters. Knowing that Gongsun Wulou was killed, he will never let the black robe go. However, this also shows that the black robe has already thought about it and will never keep you after the war, so you must Start early, wait until the battle is over, and the city defends and then shoots, I'm afraid it's too late!"

Murong Zhen hooked the corners of his mouth: "I can't lead troops to kill Hei Pao right now, can it be said that I'm going to rescue the driver?"

The cloaked guest smiled slightly and looked towards the south of the city: "Isn't there still Liu Yu!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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