Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3611: 2 sides attacking the near commander flag

Murong Zhen raised his brows: "Liu Yu? What do you mean? You mean that the black robe will not come here, but will go straight to Liu Yu himself? Did that person tell you?"

The cloaked guest took a deep breath and nodded vigorously: "This analysis is absolutely not wrong, if you think about the battle of Linqu, Hei Pao also used all his tactics to let the Yan army from all directions attack, but in the end he himself Long drive to take Liu Yu himself. Because, in the matter of defeating Liu Yu, he will not believe, let alone fake anyone, but only believe in himself."

Murong Zhen said thoughtfully: "That's the truth, after all, Murong Lan's situation may stop him, but at that time in Linqu, he also raided Liu Yu's handsome stage with me, but the last At that step, I will go up by myself, this time I finally opened a gap in Xicheng, if he doesn't go from here, in which direction can he break through?"

Having said that, he pointed to the front, and the thousands of armored cavalry that Murong Ping was carrying were already roaring, roaring and rushing into the Jin army's infantry formation. When hundreds of iron cavalry attacked, there were even more than one Jin army corpse strung on the lance, and they continued to gallop toward the gallop, without refusing the horse, the big car was in front, and even the cavalry could not reduce the terrible armored cavalry. The Jin army's infantry formation with assault speed broke through the whole line in just one face-to-face.

Although the officers of the Jin army's various teams and formations were still shouting loudly to defend the defensive line, and among the advancing formations, a lot of spears stretched out from the sides and rear to attack the side of the armored cavalry that passed by. In the rear, there were also many armored cavalry who were knocked down from their horses after rushing into the formation, but in general, under this round of assault, the ten or so infantry phalanxes that were finally listed on the front line have been mostly broken through. Now, there are rows and rows of fallen Jin troops on the ground. Many people have died in battle, and the rest are struggling to get up to fight, but often just after getting up, they will be given to the cavalry who will break out one after another, again. Down!

The cloaked guest looked at this scene and nodded: "It was hard to imagine what an iron cavalry is called before, but this time I saw it, there is no solid counter-attack fortification, and only rely on flesh and blood to rush into formation, even if it is the heavyweight of the Beifu army. The armored infantry is also difficult to stop the assault of the armored cavalry, but the opportunity of this assault is not so easy to find, this time you finally seized it."

Having said that, he looked at Murong Ping. In the Jin army formation, this dark blue figure was particularly conspicuous. The thick Jin army formation, spears like a forest, pointed forward like a steel forest, but he sounded Huh, facing some spears, he rushed in directly.

The length of Murong Ping's lance suddenly jumped three feet at the moment of the formation, which directly allowed him to stab the infantry in the formation first. Amidst the flying of shield fragments and the blood rain, his lance was able to fly. Above, with a pierced corpse, it crashed directly into the tight formation of the Jin army.

Just like the shock wave when the shell exploded, the terrifying force of Murong Ping's rushing into the formation caused the Jin soldiers in the back row and the side to fall to the ground one by one. And Murong Ping's people and horses were also knocked down from these chaotic footsteps, and they went straight in first!

Behind him, dozens of cavalry shouted and followed up. All the Jin army sergeants who tried to attack Murong Ping from the side quickly came one after another, and they were knocked down by continuous follow-up blows. It stopped and fell, and the place where it rushed before, the momentum of the follow-up cavalry when the cavalry rushed in, the situation of the human body flying all over the sky reappeared again, almost in less than a minute. It completely destroyed the forty-odd cavalry around Murong Pinghe, leaving almost no armor behind.

The man in the cloak looked at the direction of Murong Ping's attack, and was already heading towards Tan Shao's flag, he hooked the corner of his mouth: "Your eldest nephew really wants to kill and capture the flag, but Tan Shao is also famous. The Meng general, his elite soldiers are veterans who have been with Tan Pingzhi for many years. Murong Ping can break through the first, second, and even the third layer of the formation, but if he wants to overthrow the banner of Tan Shao, he can't. So easy."

Murong Zhen nodded: "I've wasted too much time here with you. Originally, Hei Pao said he would join me. He personally took the National Division Guards out of the city gate, attacked me from both sides, and broke the formation in one fell swoop. Now…………"

He glanced at the direction of the city gate. The green Yuebu armored cavalry, like a piece of blue sea water, fiercely rushed towards the front of the 5,000 infantry led by Shen Linzi, but thanks to the fact that it was still in front of the front. Although most of the hundreds of heavy-duty trucks in front of them have been withdrawn, less than forty are left.

However, these forty or so carts still blocked most of the front. The two-mile-wide front was covered by two or three carts in front of most of the Jin troops.

The crossbowmen on top of the cart, standing behind the baffles~www.wuxiaspot.com~, are ready to fight, shooting at the charging iron cavalry, and even the Eight Stones Running Bull Crossbow is roaring from time to time. Let the green armored cavalry's assault, somewhat afraid.

There were no less than 200 corpses of people and horses scattered about within 100 paces before the battle, and even blocked the route of the follow-up cavalry's frontal assault. It was completely unable to form the terrifying impact of Murong Ping's assault, which was like a rainbow, destroying everything.

Yueshou's flag, moving quickly, went around the flank of Shen Linzi, trying to re-attack from the gap between Changwei and Shen Linzi.

Obviously, Shen Linzi also found out what he meant, the infantry on the flank of the Jin army also began to turn, and the sergeants in the back row were even quickly unloading their heavy armor, stacking these iron guys on the edge of the formation on the flank, and the back Large shields were lined up, temporarily forming obstacles one or two feet high and two or three feet wide.

The attacking equipment and wooden rafts scattered on the battlefield have become the best filling materials at this time. Everyone is racing against time to provide enough cover for the flanks as much as possible to meet the next armor. wheel shock. Although everyone could hear the direction of the main formation of the Chinese army behind them, the screams of the enemy cavalry were getting closer and closer, and everyone was anxious, but under the military order, everyone was still fighting against the current green armored cavalry with all their strength. Behind him, whether it is the enemy or the own army, it can only be left to fate!

Murong Zhen sighed: "Yueshou is not a first-rate famous general after all, so stupidly rushing to the front, even if the Jin army turns around, it will leave behind the elite troops, and now that the rush is not successful, I think about detouring to the side, but the fighter has been lost, rely on It would be difficult for them to break through the enemy's formation, if the black robes lead the assault, why would it be!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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