Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3614: Thousands of crossbows are sent back to the iron cavalry

Wang Miaoyin also breathed a sigh of relief, she had not spoken for a full half an hour, her pink fist had been clenched tightly, and she loosened it now, looked at the scout, and said, "So, the first The hollow square formation on the second line has completely blocked the attack of the enemy cavalry?"

The scout said solemnly: "The fifteen foot formations in the second line, each with a hundred people, are hollow, and the enemy cavalry was blocked by the square formation in the first line. There were only a dozen or so, and when the sergeants of our army saw the enemy caving in, they scattered to the left and right and met the enemy with lances. When the enemy entered the battle, they were unable to hit and kill a large number of our soldiers.

"Our army's morale was greatly shaken. General Shen Tianzi led Wu's light troops to fight hard, lances stabbed the enemy cavalry, and sword shields slashed the horse's legs. Almost all the enemy cavalry entered the battle were wiped out, killing more than 300 people. , the enemy's offensive also stalled."

Ding Wu grinned and said: "Okay, great, I know that this guy Tianzi has something, and there is a method of infantry dismounting and chopping iron cavalry before, and this time I will use it again."

Hu Fan nodded and said sternly: "That also requires the forward cavalry to hedge, and the infantry in the first line withstood the full impact of the enemy cavalry with their flesh and blood, reducing their speed, which allowed the second The hollow phalanx of the formation is effective, only when the cavalry stops, the light infantry knife and axemen can go up to chop and kill, otherwise, they will be hit and fly in a single encounter."

Liu Yu remained expressionless and said, "Is there any other report on the battle situation?"

The scout shook his head: "When the little one came, I only saw this place. Please wait for the follow-up scouts to report the situation of the follow-up battle."

Liu Yu nodded: "It's hard work, let's explore again!"

The scout saluted and mounted his horse. He had just run a few dozen paces away, and the horses behind him came one after another, but he was not like this scout. He lengthened his voice to report victory from afar. When everyone saw him, their faces turned slightly Changed, and the smile that finally appeared on his face disappeared.

Liu Yu kept his expression as usual, looked at the scout, and said, "What has changed in the battle ahead?"

This scout was a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old. His beard had just grown, and he spoke in a softer voice than the previous two scouts. He cupped his hands and saluted: "The enemy's blue-armored cavalry, detouring to the flank of our army's great formation, has already met with The enemy's blue-armored cavalry made contact, and the two armies together rode about 3,000 horses, galloping back and forth between our army's flank and the long perimeter, and the dust spread to the sky.

Liu Yu raised his brows lightly: "Did they charge forward? How do we defend the flanks of our army?"

The scout said: "General Tan has an order to throw the baggage and the armor of the rear army to the front of the flank army formation, thinking it is blocking, but all the square formations on the flank turn, shields in front, bowmen behind, less than 100 paces, not allowed to release arrow."

Liu Yu nodded: "This response is very good, but the sergeant on the front line, is it a hollow square or a real one?"

The scout hesitated for a moment and said, "The formation on the flanks is just turned to meet the enemy, and before it changes, they are all attacked with a real formation."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth, looked at Wang Zhongde who was standing on the stage, picked up an arrow in the quiver, and said, "Zhongde, bring eight thousand men and horses, and set off immediately to help Tanshao."

Without a word, Wang Zhongde stepped forward to take the arrow and strode down, almost galloping side by side with the scout. Soon, the 8,000 infantry soldiers who had been lined up for a long time in front of the former army commander followed behind the second cavalry. Running towards the west city at a rapid marching speed, after a burst of smoke and dust, the densely packed front became empty.

Wang Miaoyin frowned: "Is the commander worried that the enemy will attack from the flank?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "What Her Royal Highness said is very true, the front of Tan Shao is very well arranged, but on this flank, there are no vehicles, no horses, or even nothing that can stop the enemy cavalry from attacking. Now the two groups of cavalry in front of and behind the enemy are joining forces. Flank, the next round of attacks must be launched from the flank."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Is it too late to divide the troops to rescue now? And can the eight thousand infantry stop Murong Zhen's breakthrough?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Xicheng is the direction of our main attack on the city, but the black robes obviously came prepared, put all the armored horses here, and collapsed the city wall. Now the offensive and defensive situation is different, but although our army is in a hard fight, It hasn’t reached the point of collapse, the soldiers all have the heart to die, and with this energy, even if the flank is attacked by the enemy’s iron cavalry, it will not collapse suddenly, and…”

Having said this, a smile flashed on his face: "I expect that Tan Shao will concentrate a large number of Eight Stones Running Bull Crossbows in this direction. If the enemy cavalry really attacks from here, then they will be greeted by thousands of people. The crossbows are all in full swing."

Before he could finish his words, he saw another scout galloping from the smoke and dust under Wang Zhongde's command. This scout, two hundred paces away, began to sing loudly and loudly: "Battle report, Battle report, battle report!"

"First Clan"

Liu Zhong laughed: "At first glance, this kid has brought good news~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Brother Ji Nu, he must have got it right for you."

Liu Yu's face did not change, but he looked at the front line of the city gate. A steady stream of infantry was still entering from the city gate, while Liu Jingxuan was riding a horse, with four or five hundred Chinese cavalrymen, back and forth behind the front line behind the city wall. Mercedes-Benz, but his running position is more and more towards Ximen.

Liu Yu sighed and said to a messenger who was riding a horse long ago under the handsome stage: "Go and tell the champion general, let him not run to the west city, go to the south city gate, that's where he should be!"

Hu Fan said in surprise: "Commander, do you think the black robe will be killed from the south gate?"

Liu Yu did not answer this question, looked at the scout who had already rushed to the stage, and said, "How is the battle in Xicheng?"

The scout looked excited and said loudly: "The enemy army's green armored cavalry more than a thousand suddenly burst out of the smoke and dust on the flank and went straight to our army's flank. General Tan prepared more than thirty eight-stone rushing crossbows here early. With five hundred crossbowmen, ten thousand arrows fired at once, the enemy army fell on the spot and killed more than two hundred cavalry, none of them could come within thirty paces of me, all the remaining cavalry have all retreated, our army flank, as stable as Mount Tai!"

There was a burst of cheers on the stage, and even the military officials cheered each other excitedly. Ding Wu touched his sweaty forehead and said with a smile, "But I'm worried to death, I'm afraid of flanking attacks, Can't stop, haha, now there are hundreds of corpses in front of us, the enemy army wants to attack, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and suddenly said, "In the direction of the West City Gate, what are the enemy's movements? Also, where is Murong Town?" Click to download the APP of this site, Massive novels, free to read!

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