Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3615: on the verge of collapse

There was laughter and laughter just now, a relaxed and handsome stage, and the air suddenly froze again. Liu Yu's words aroused deep concern in everyone's heart. Yes, the movement of the main general of Murong Town is the biggest problem. , even when Yuebu Qingjia cavalry left the west gate just now, Liu Yu asked Murongzhen whereabouts several times, so that when Murongzhen suddenly burst out from the gap, everyone's head "buzzed" and instantly went blank. .

And this time, the familiar and terrifying feeling from an hour ago came back again, and Hu Fan frowned and said, "Master, are you worried that Murong Zhen will come out from the city gate?"

Liu Yu nodded: "According to the information just now, the enemy army protruded from the gap and went straight to the rear army of Tan Shao. Although we hit an empty space where we couldn't turn and were not covered by a cart, our army responded after all. , relying on the cavalry to counterattack, the hollow phalanx still barely blocked the wave of the enemy's attack, and Murong Zhen never appeared, he used the brave general Murong Ping to charge, this has been confirmed."

Liu Muzhi suddenly said: "Will Murong Town continue to lead troops from the gap and launch a second wave of attacks? Although the first round of attacks did not directly charge under Tan Shao's commanding banner, our front-line infantry suffered losses. It was heavy, the cavalry was almost completely destroyed, and the second-line phalanx was barely defended. If we increase our troops to attack, then our second-line phalanx would risk collapsing. under the flag."

Liu Yu shook his head: "The iron cavalry assault is about being unprepared. If Murong Zhen follows your style of play, then he will follow Murong Ping's first attacking team and attack in stages. It will not give our army a breather. Opportunity, even if Murong Ping fell into the hollow square, if Murong Zhen continued to attack with more than 3,000 iron cavalry, then our formation would not be able to stop. He didn't attack at the time, which means that he I won't attack from this direction. What I'm worried about is..."

Having said that, he frowned, looked at the scout, and said, "Is it still Shen Linzi's department who is defending the front line of the city gate?"

The scout hurriedly replied: "It was General Shen who was defending, but just now, in order to defend the flank, Commander Shao ordered to urgently dispatch the seventy carts under General Shen's command and two thousand elite soldiers to defend the flank. Most of the Eight Stones Running Bull Crossbow has also been adjusted to the flank direction, just now..."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "What's going on around the enemy's city gate?"

The scout's forehead began to sweat: "The sky is still full of smoke and dust, and I can't see anything. From time to time, there are small groups of Qingjia armored cavalry, but they did not launch a full-scale charge against General Shen's troops."

"Sword Comes"

Liu Yu sighed and said, "Send an order for all the cavalry under Liu Jingxuan's department to quickly go to Xicheng for support, and prepare to clean up the mess. Also, the reinforcements attacking the city gate also stopped advancing, and together with Liu Jingxuan's department, support Xicheng."

Wang Miaoyin's face changed: "Master, do you expect Xicheng to be defeated?"

Liu Yu nodded with a solemn expression: "The attack on our army's formation on the flank just now must be Murong Zhen's plan to attack our army's rear formation first, forcing the main force of our army to concentrate there, and then attack the flank to mobilize our army. Pull out the troops in the direction of the city gate to defend, now is the time when he really wants to attack, I'm afraid..."

Before he could finish his words, he only heard the sound of hurried horse hooves, which came quickly. , the voice was full of tears: "Commander Qi, the Yan army, the Yan army's armored cavalry suddenly rushed out in large numbers from the direction of the west city gate, and went straight to General Shen Linzi's department. breakthrough!"

At this time, everyone was shocked. The brushes in the hands of the two military officers fell directly on the paper in front of them. The surface of the rice paper covered with beautiful small characters suddenly exploded a black ink. Flowers, and the shadow area in everyone's hearts, like the ink flowers scattered by falling paper, rapidly expanded.

Liu Muzhi stood up directly from the back of the eucalyptus, sweating profusely, and said solemnly: "How should Tan Shao deal with it, is there an emergency dispatch of troops to stop it? Who will be the enemy?"

Another scout gritted his teeth and said, "It was Murong Zhen, the king of the North Sea, who personally led the attack. The Yan army swept across the battlefield like a blue tide. All of them attacked at the same time, our army is in a hard fight, the connection between the various ministries has been cut off, and the armies and armies have fallen into a situation where they are divided and surrounded, and they are fighting each other!"

Wang Miaoyin bit her lip and murmured, "Could it be, is it really about to collapse? Tan Shao, Tan Shao, what are you doing?"

The former scout wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "General Tan has ordered that all units are not allowed to rescue, not to evacuate, stick to their positions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and fight the enemy without retreating, not the enemy cavalry. When you reach the first 30 steps, and see the enemy's horse clearly, don't let your arrows go!"

Liu Yu nodded, his expression still serious: "This is the best choice in this situation. The enemy cavalry broke into our formation and separated our army's defense lines. If you act rashly or run, you will not be able to distinguish between the enemy and me in the smoke and dust. It is very likely to kill each other and shoot arrows randomly in our army formation, which is also very easy to hurt our army. At this time, the team fights for itself and sticks to the position. Although it is impossible to win, it can delay the time to the greatest extent. To Wang Zhongde Send an order to Liu Jingxuan quickly, asking them to step up and speed up, the cavalry will go first, there is no need to wait for the infantry, and when you reach the battlefield, you will make more flags, shout loudly, and strengthen the morale of our soldiers in Xicheng, but don't rush to fight!"

Ding Wu's eyes widened: "Brother Ji Nu, saving soldiers is like putting out a fire. You've already been beaten by others, why don't you save them when you go?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "The enemy's cavalry moves at a high speed, interspersed everywhere under the cover of smoke and dust. Our cavalry arrives in a hurry, and it is impossible for the brothers in Xicheng to identify the enemy and us. In chaos, they will only kill each other, and only come first. The battlefield shouted loudly to let our army know that the reinforcements had arrived, and the army was stable, so that they could act according to the situation. The most terrible thing about the assault of all armored cavalry was not their own impact, but the power of conflict back and forth on the battlefield through smoke and dust. Five hundred people can create an effect of thousands of troops, only by letting them stop and reduce their speed will they have a chance to stabilize their positions and counterattack!"

Having said this, Liu Yu paused and said solemnly: "The soldiers and horses here in Nancheng are making great efforts at the same time, the direction of the city gate, and the direction of the ghost wall, give me all-out attack, sound a thousand drums, and rush to the city!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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