Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3618: Die for the country to exterminate demons

Liu Muzhi frowned slightly: "Are you really ready to play that way?"

Liu Yu nodded firmly: "Yes, when it comes to the last step, use that trick."

The fat on Liu Muzhi's face jumped: "Is it worth losing your life in order to kill Hei Pao? If you really have three strengths and two weaknesses, Miaoyin and Alan will definitely go with you, and..."

Liu Yu laughed: "But you will still survive, right?"

Liu Muzhi gritted his teeth: "Sometimes, it's more painful to live than to die, and now I'm starting to regret my promise to you."

Liu Yu nodded earnestly and said: "In any case, the black robe must be eliminated, the world can be without Liu Yu, but not without you Liu Muzhi, only you can contact the noble family and the Jingba brothers, fight the enemy together, and eliminate the black robe. After that, Tiandao Alliance and Tianshidao will never be your opponents, I am very relieved."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "I don't have your decisiveness. I said last time that I worry too much about everything, and I want to take care of everything, but I lack your indomitable ruthlessness. The black robe perishes together, I can't handle the next thing, you'd better find someone else."

Liu Yu's eyes gleamed and he said, "If I'm gone, you must support Liu Yi well, although we don't like Xi Le, but if he holds the power, his attitude towards you will not be the same as it is now. I will reuse you. If you don't want to decide, then support Liu Yi, only he can take us through the next disaster."

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Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Liu Yi is arrogant and arrogant, and he is modest on the surface, but he is unwilling to be soft to anyone. He is only close to the aristocratic family because he wants to join forces to deal with you, it does not mean that he will have a good relationship with the noble family. Get along, if you are gone, then Liu Yi will definitely take action to solve the aristocratic family, Dajin, will split again."

Liu Yu frowned: "Is there no other way?"

Liu Muzhi took a deep breath: "In this battle, you have to survive no matter what, so don't use that trick, there is no need to fight for your life with the black robe, the big deal is to go back this time, and find a chance to destroy Yan later. It is impossible for Hei Pao to live peacefully with Murong Clan all the time, and they will inevitably kill each other. We have eliminated the demon thief of Tianshi Dao, stabilized the rear, and can come back at any time!"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Some things can be given up and come again, but some things can't. This time it looks like we are fighting Nanyan, but in fact, we are fighting against the Tiandao Alliance. If we can't destroy the black robes on the front. I'm afraid we can't deal with the demon thief behind and the cloak behind them. This time we paid such a huge price and sacrificed so many good brothers. In any case, we must completely eliminate the black robe. , I will give everything for this!"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "You are such a person, you have made up your mind, nothing will change, well, I promise you, the last trick, if you really can't stand it, I will launch , but don't be too reluctant, I always think that the black robe and the cloak are not really one heart, they are using each other, even if the black robe is spared this time, we still have a chance."

Liu Yu took a deep breath: "I only believe that fate is in my own hands. That trick is to be used as a last resort, and I don't want to use it. However, Fatty, I hope you can do me a favor."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "How else can I help you? This is a battlefield. If Ding Wu, Hu Fan and the others can't do something, how can I help you?"

Liu Yu waved his hand: "They can't do this, only you can do it, because they don't dare to shoot at Alan."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "You can only tell me this now. If you said it when Miaoyin was here, I'm afraid she would not leave. You deliberately provoked her like this and made her angry, just because you don't want her Make a final decision with Murong Lan in front of you, what you are really afraid of distraction is this matter."

Liu Yu's eyes became dark: "You are right, Miaoyin is here to make a final break with Muronglan, so many years of grievances must be completely resolved in this battle. Alan will definitely follow the black robe straight Come to me, I know her very well."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "She will really help Heipao to kill you? I don't think so. More likely, let's use your hand to kill Heipao with you."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Because of this, I can't let her come over, the black robe will definitely guard against her, if Alan really rushes over, it may be like taking Miaoyin as a hostage last time. Attacking, or even killing her with a poisonous hand, made me confused. So I need you to use all means to stop Alan and never let her come to me."

Liu Muzhi smiled bitterly and said, "I'm just a dead fat guy with almost no martial arts, why do you think I can stop Murong Lan? It's better for you to leave this matter to Miaoyin than to me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Yu sighed. Tone: "You can't hand it over to Miao Yin, or they will share life and death. Fatty, you can't fight, but your guards, plus your formations and agencies, must have a way to keep Murong Lan. "

Liu Muzhi's expression changed: "Are you crazy? Those are for dealing with Heipao and Mingyue Flying Gu. You asked me to deal with your wife?"

Liu Yudan said: "If the black robe is really willing to come this time, he must be prepared for all the responses I have here. I am afraid that these tricks of yours won't stop him. The only one who can solve the black robe is me. Own."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "No, it's too dangerous, the black robe's raid involves evil magic, but it's not an ordinary martial arts competition, you can't put yourself in such danger for Muronglan's sake, although I Force can't help you, but at a critical time, it can help you break the black robe's sorcery!"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Fatty, just do as I say, I always feel that I have the destiny in my body, I have the righteousness to protect my body, and all the sorceries and magic methods of the Tiandao Alliance will not work for me, yours Protection spells need to be used on those who need more protection, and Murong Lan and Wang Miaoyin are my two major weaknesses in this battle. Hei Pao will definitely find a way for them, so keep them away from the battlefield of the decisive battle. It's what I asked you to do!"

Liu Muzhi's eyes gradually narrowed into a seam, and he didn't know whether it was because of thinking or because of the fat on his face, but he finally stomped his feet: "Forget it, listen to you again, Ji slave, If you are alive this time, I won't kill you after the war!"

A smile flashed across Liu Yu's face: "Add ten chicken legs!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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