Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3619: Mother and son are expensive for many years

The two looked at each other and laughed, just like the two of them when they were teenagers more than 20 years ago, when they joined the army together. After a long time, the two stopped smiling. Liu Yu stepped down from the commanding position and pulled Liu Muzhi fat. The fat fat hand sighed: "After so many years, the only one who has been by my side is you, fat man, it's great to have you as a friend in this life."

Liu Muzhi curled his lips: "I said back then that I would walk with you all the time, but how long I can walk is not up to me, but up to you, I can be a strategist and make suggestions for you. , but the idea is up to you. If the cloak and the black robe can tolerate each other and have been together for so long, then I believe that Murong Lan and Wang Miaoyin cannot coexist. If you can eliminate the black robe and solve the heavenly way The alliance's control over Nanyan, then maybe..."

Liu Yu sighed: "I have always intended to hand over the land of Qingzhou to Alan for management. She also mentioned that our children will take this position in the future. In fact, I have been thinking, if Alan is allowed to take the children to guard here all the time. , Alan and I try to avoid seeing each other, so won't Miaoyin let go of years of grievances and grievances?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "She and Murong Lan used to be good sisters, but they became enemies because of you, this time when you attacked Nanyan, Murong Lan sided with her own country and gave Wang Miaoyin once Sex is the best excuse to solve her. Before, I strongly advised you not to bring her here because I know what she really thinks. Send slaves, don’t overestimate a woman’s mind at any time, and it’s in terms of love. They can just ignore it and give up everything.”

Liu Yu sighed: "I thought that Miaoyin and Alan were both strange women in the world, and they wouldn't be jealous like ordinary women, and they wouldn't even bother to ruin the country's affairs. After all, they had given up love for the sake of their family and country before. It was restrained, but this time..."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "This time is different, love and state affairs are mixed together, if you don't take action against Nanyan or Heipao, then everyone can maintain a balance in face, Muronglan returns to her motherland and If you don't see each other again, Wang Miaoyin can also endure being without a title for the time being and being that nameless queen, because they all still have hope, Miaoyin thinks that you will eventually ascend to the throne, marry her, leave Muronglan forever, and Murong Lan also thinks about the merger of the two countries, and she can return to you in the form of marriage and kinship. Although both parties know the threat to them, they always believe that they are the dominant party and are willing to wait!"

Liu Yu's brows wrinkled: "But I can't always keep Nanyan unresolved, and leave Hu prisoners undisturbed. Before I knew them, from the beginning of my knowledge of the world, you and I joined the army to expel Hu. Captive, restore the Central Plains? It's Nanyan and Heipao who took the initiative to invade our Jin Dynasty, kill my soldiers, and kidnap my people. As long as I'm still wearing this military uniform, it's impossible to ignore it."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "I didn't say that Nanyan shouldn't be hit this time, I just said that this time, no matter what the reason is, we sent troops to Nanyan to hit this point and gave Miaoyin a reason for one-time revenge. And excuses, and, don't you think it's strange that Murong Lan is pregnant with your child this time?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "That shouldn't be surprising, she originally wanted to beg me not to send troops to Nanyan, but I didn't agree, she wanted to kill me to stop the war, but she was too soft-hearted to do it, just I didn't expect to have a son just after that night of lingering."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Actually, you've been staring at Miaoyin, but in my opinion, Muronglan's problem is bigger, she thought about these methods before she came here, including the time and conditions for getting pregnant. It's possible to make an early calculation, and even make this child a boy, not a girl, I'm sure that now Murong Lan is giving birth to a son!"

Liu Yu's eyes widened: "Can this kind of thing be done? Isn't this boy or girl..."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Ordinary people do have a child or a daughter depends on God, but you have to know that Murong Lan and Wang Miaoyin are not ordinary women, as long as they can conceive, it is a man or a woman, it can be determined by They control the medical skills of the Central Plains, and the witchcraft of the grasslands. There are ways to turn women into men and men into women. When Wang Miaoyin could hold back you and Murong Lan from the grassland, they turned their faces on the spot. My brother is a daughter, if it were a boy, I am afraid that this life-and-death duel would have happened twenty years ago!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I see. So, Alan came to me and was pregnant with a boy. Is all this her plan? Is it the main reason why Miaoyin no longer tolerates it this time?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Ji slave, you still haven't figured out what a woman really wants. When you were young, you might want love, but your husband is what you value. Now you're middle-aged~www.wuxiaspot.com ~I also understand it, I see it, it is not important whether I can be with you, but the important thing is the name and the future. The reason why the concubines and concubines of the emperors of all dynasties are to give priority to the mother and the child is for the sake of this!"

"Miaoyin and Alan are both stunning beauties of national beauty and beauty, but since they are human, they cannot avoid birth, old age, sickness and death. The same is true of beautiful women. There is always a time when the color declines. Although you are not a lecherous person, but when women reach this age, you have to let them Be at ease, then you need to give them a name and a guarantee of safety for the rest of their lives, and this name and safety guarantee is the son!"

"If you can't convince them that they will inherit your lineage for you, and if you can't convince them that the children born with you will inherit your great cause in the future, then they who have already delayed you for 20 years, will they continue to delay you? Slave, you have always considered only your great cause, your ideal of destroying the barbarians, saving the people, and bringing peace to the world, but why did you really think about the two women by your side? You are worthy of the world, but I'm sorry to them, even if you took them in earlier, gave them an official name, and had children with them, it wouldn't be like this today!"

When Liu Muzhi said these words, his eyes were wide open, far from the usual sesame and mung bean eyes. Obviously, he said the words that he had kept in his heart for many years, and the words came from the bottom of his heart, directly asking Liu Yu's soul. .

Liu Yu closed his eyes and murmured: "However, I used to be powerless and precarious, and could be harmed by the family or the mafia behind them, the Tiandao Alliance at any time, if they followed me, it would be I don't think that the choice is wrong for hurting them." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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