Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3623: Tan family brothers also fight in secret

Liu Muzhi curled his lips and said, "Actually, you and I both know that Tan Shao is short-tempered and impulsive, and is not a suitable general. He will be like an Ashou in the future, but you don't give him this chance. Let him prove that he is not suitable, and it will be difficult to convince the public. Ji Nu, let’s be honest, this time you let him attack in Xicheng, do you want to give him a chance to make meritorious deeds, or do you want him to expose his shortcomings?!”

Liu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Why do you think I deliberately let him lose? I'm not the kind of person who benefits from the failures of my comrades and subordinates, not to mention that it's a thousand things at stake. Wan's life!"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "I misunderstood you. So, are you trying to repay your son's kindness?"

Liu Yu's eyes began to moisten. No matter how long it took, Tan Pingzhi's death would always be a pain in his heart, like a thorn firmly stuck in his heart, making it hard for him to breathe. He bit his lip and said every word. He suddenly said: "My life was exchanged for his own life. For the honor of the Tan family and the future of the Beifu army, he gave his own life. Over the years, I have so many brothers. Died in the battlefield, but only Pingzi, that is the breath that was swallowed alive in my arms, even the death of Wuji did not give me such a painful feeling, Fatty, do you understand this feeling?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head sadly: "The armor you wore in the battle of Luoluoqiao, stained with his blood, has remained in your military tent until now, and has never been washed, only from this one. I know how much his death hit you. So, in order to repay your kindness, are you taking extra care of Pingzi's descendants?"

Liu Yu wiped his eyes, wiped the shaky tears from his eyes, sighed with relief, and said, "It's not entirely because of his friendship with Pingzi, he has always been an independent army, and his bow and arrow battalion is loyal and brave. He is the elite of the entire army, and since Tan Shao took over his old divisions, he has always performed excellently.

Liu Muzhi said disapprovingly: "But he has never been on his own. Is it really okay for you to pull him out this time?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "In your opinion, Tan Shao is impulsive and irritable, but in the eyes of Liu Laozhi, why wasn't I the same? To prove whether it is worthwhile, you have to use the results to speak. It is difficult to convince the public and does not conform to the rules of Beifu. His current status, the soldiers and horses under his command, are left to him by his sons, and he has earned his own merits over the years. When I came back, he and Meng Long were my favorite next-generation duo, and I wanted them to have the opportunity to make contributions, but it’s a pity, alas.”

Liu Muzhi said sternly, "Menglong and Tan Shao are both men who charge into the battle, but they are not suitable for being a handsome man. Just like Ah Shou, he is the best vanguard and warrior. He is sitting in the commanding position, so he is sitting in the wrong place. Jiu, who has a deep understanding of the art of war and can command thousands of troops, only the four young people I mentioned. Kindness, you should also find Tan Daoji."

Liu Yu hooked the corners of his mouth: "I'm afraid you don't know that the four brothers of the Tan family, Tan Shao, Tan Zhuan, Tan Daoji and Tan Hezhi, have never been too confrontational. When Pingzi was alive, he complained to me a lot. These nephews and nephews have been competing with each other, and even taunted each other, so when he is in his hands, he also tries to avoid these few leading troops at the same time, for fear of bad things."

Liu Muzhi gave a soft "Oh": "Is there such a thing? Even I don't know this information."

Liu Yu said sternly: "Because I don't have a son, these nephews are supposed to have similar inheritance rights. Originally, Tan Shao was the eldest, and there was nothing to contend with, but Tan Daoji has a flexible mind and likes to read military books and battle strategies. At the meeting, he was able to refute Tan Shao's suggestion with the art of war. In several key battles, his suggestion was proved to be more useful than Tan Shao's. As a result, Tan Shao was of course not happy and felt that he was biased. And Tan Daoji himself is not like Tan Shao, who is not like Tan Shao, who is like Tan Shao, who is like Tan Shao, so the contradiction between the two sides will become deeper and deeper.

Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "So that's the case, this is your military affairs and the Tan family's family affairs, and it is not convenient for me to spy on it. No wonder you have arranged both Tan Zhuan and Tan Daoji in Jingzhou this time, and only let Tan Shao go. And Tan Hezhi, who is not familiar with the military, follows."

Liu Yu nodded: "This is what Tan Shao meant. Of course, the reason he told me was that Jingzhou also needed competent officers. Since that Yu Yue refused to go to Wuling's internal history, he recommended his younger brother Tan Zhuan to take charge of this. Dao Ren, and Daogui also lacks helpers, so Tan Daoji can help. In fact, Tan Zhuan and Tan Daoji also approached me privately, expressing the same wishes, saying that the key candidate for Captain Nanman must be Tan Shao. "

Liu Muzhi nodded: "But you chose Tan Shao to follow you in the end~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the soldiers and horses he brought are the true direct line of Tan Yizhi, is he the strongest?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "Yes, Pingzi's old army is basically controlled by Tan Shao, although Tan Zhi and Tan Daoji also took some troops away when they became independent troops later, but more than 70% of the veterans are still there. It is a pity for Tan Shao's subordinates to let them go to Jingzhou and not participate in the Northern Expedition. It also deprives these veterans of the opportunity to make contributions. This is unacceptable even under Jiuquan, so I can only do this. I want to leave the greatest opportunity for meritorious service to Tan Shao, and even this post-war Qingzhou prefect, you always suggested to me Yang Muzhi or A Shou, but the one I really want to stay here is Tan Shao. Shao."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Fortunately, he screwed up this time. Otherwise, if you stayed here to be the prefect of Qingzhou and in charge of Nanyan, there would definitely be a big mess."

Liu Yu gave a soft "Oh": "No way, it's not like Tan Shao has never been a provincial governor before, this place in Qingzhou is the hometown of their Tan family, they can still contact the local people if they stay here, why not? What? If I intend to continue the Northern Expedition in the future, I need Qilu to provide troops and food and grass, which is an important base for advancing. Tanshao seems to be the most suitable, Yang Muzhi's position is not enough, and A Shou has no foundation in the local area, only refuge In a few years, the most suitable one will be Tan Shao."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "That's why he couldn't be hired as a prefect in the first place. His utilitarianism and urge to make meritorious deeds are too strong, and he will inevitably conflict with the local nobles!" Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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