Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3624: To teach Yongzhou and Daoji

Liu Yu thoughtfully said to himself: "Is it definitely going to be like this? Not necessarily. Tan Shao is also a Gaoping Tan clan, and there are distant relatives from the villagers here, so it's not that no one supports them."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "The Tan family went south before the Battle of Feishui, and there aren't many relatives left here, and it has been thirty years since they came, and even before they came, they were not some famous family. , but is just an ordinary powerful person in the village, and the big family such as the Pilu family, the Gao family, and the Feng family are not at the same level. Even the family like the Yuan family, who arrived later, is far from power in Qingzhou. Above the Tan family."

"If Tan Shao became the governor of Qingzhou, he would definitely move the people of the Tan clan who settled in the south to the north, and the old clan who had followed him for many years would also place him in this Qingzhou, occupy the land and become a new noble. It is bound to have conflicts and conflicts with the local clans in Qingzhou who have come to join us. If these clans do not cooperate at the beginning, it will be difficult to stabilize Qingzhou in the future."

Liu Yu's brows wrinkled: "But the situation is similar between the Taiyang Clan and Yang Muzhi, but you are strongly in favor of leaving Yang Muzhi as the prefect of Qingzhou. Why is this?"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Because the Yang clan still has a lot of clansmen here, unlike the Tan clan, which has almost no foundation, Yang Muzhi will have some Yang clan members here to serve, but they will not wantonly embezzle the original The interests of the major wealthy clans, and Yang Muzhi’s army has few old troops, even if it is placed here, it is unlikely to occupy too much land on the spot and intensify conflicts.”

"The more important point is that Yang Mu's nature is easy-going and does not have a strong enterprising spirit. In Qingzhou, he is mostly a defender, and he will not take the initiative to open the war and expand outward. Tan Shao has always been It is ambitious, thinking about making achievements everywhere, here in Qingzhou, after the new capture, what is needed is stability and comfort, instead of thinking about entering the map and opening the border, one carelessly, and at the same time provoke the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Queen. Qin, plus Sima Guofan and other rebels are also operating nearby, then there will be a big mess, when the internal instability and foreign enemies come again, there may be a risk of gain and loss here."

Liu Yu sighed: "It seems that I thought it was simple, but I didn't estimate that there would be so many difficulties at the time, and it's too late to say anything now. Tan Shao suffered heavy losses in Xicheng. The tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers who fell into the city and lost are most of his old direct lineage, and it is all over now, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to quickly accumulate such strength in the future."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "It's a blessing in disguise. After all, he won't be able to inherit your position, and he really isn't the right person."

Liu Yu looked at Liu Muzhi: "Then who do you think is suitable? Daogui and Tan Shao have been ruled out for you. Are those the four young people you mentioned?"

Liu Muzhi stroked his long beard and said, "Since you have left Tan Daoji in Jingzhou, you can exclude him first. Tan Daoji is proficient in the art of war and martial arts, and he also has a team of elites who have fought for many years. This time, I have also made a lot of credit, but after all, I have not been the main general, and I have been alone. If you don't bring him this time, you will let him miss the best opportunity to make contributions. If you want to directly inherit your great cause, I am afraid it will be difficult. Convince the crowd."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, my original intention was to let him always be Daogui's deputy, take root in Jingzhou, and then take over Jingzhou left by Daogui in the future, or to be more practical, I originally planned to let him He has the opportunity to replace Lu Zongzhi first and guard Yongzhou."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "You want to replace Lu Zongzhi? It's not easy, right? He has been the emperor of Yongzhou for many years. Once you touch him, Yongzhou will risk betrayal."

Liu Yu said coldly: "We can't let Lu Zongzhi be the local emperor forever because he is afraid of his betrayal, and his son Lu Gui is also a brave general. Since we returned to Jin, we have called Lu Zongzhi many times to enter the court and he refused to accept it. Come on, in fact, I already have the intention of being independent and independent. Originally, after I planned to destroy Nanyan, I would use the pretext of crusade against demon thieves or to recover Xishu, and ordered Lu Zongzhi or Lu Gui to lead the troops to fight. Soldiers guard it, so that Yongzhou will be handed over in a peaceful way, and the candidate to guard Yongzhou is none other than Tan Daoji."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "This is a good way. After practicing with Daogui for a few years, and then taking over Yongzhou, in the future, the Northern Expedition can also let Tan Daoji take Luoyang directly, but only after Lu Zongzhi is dealt with first, can this plan be realized. ."

Liu Yu sighed: "Actually, when the demon thieves raised their army this time, what I was most worried about was that Lu Zongzhi cooperated with the demon thief to deal with the Daogui, and Jingzhou would definitely lose. But the Daogui's performance exceeded my expectations. In addition, I can take the initiative to show affection to Lu Zongzhi, let him stand by us at the most critical time, Jingzhou can defend, and Lu Zongzhi also has great merit, so I will not be very good at him in the future."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Ji slave, when you break it, break it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com You now control half of the world, you can't be too concerned about personal feelings, so you can't let go of your hands and feet to do big things. Sooner or later Lu Zongzhi If he wants to be transferred from Yongzhou, if he refuses to leave, then he will have to fight with troops, Dajin eats this kind of feudal rule, isn't the loss not enough?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Let's talk about this after the demon thief is pacified, I don't know if I can live until then, if I'm not there, you can do what you want, as long as the rules agree with you. , there will be no problem!"

Liu Muzhi said with a smile: "It seems to be an account of last words. Don't be like this. You should handle these things yourself."

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

Liu Yu also laughed and said, "Isn't this just in case? There are some things that should be explained. Tan Daoji has already ruled it out. What do you think of the other three?"

Liu Muzhi put away his smile, and the fat on his fat face jumped: "Shen Tianzi, in fact, you will not entrust the entire Beifu, if you have this intention, then the main general of Xicheng will be him. Not Tan Shao, right?"

Liu Yudan said: "I don't mention my thoughts first, you say your thoughts first. After all, if the decision is to be made at that time, it will be you, not me."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Brothers of the Shen family, each has their own strengths, but Shen Tianzi is the most powerful one. He has both your courage, and the tactics of warfare are also top-notch. It's a pity that the Shen family has never been a demon thief in the past. , this stain can't be washed away by the current credit. It's okay to be a military commander, but if you take over the Beifu at once, it's obviously not suitable. This is probably the reason why you have more restrictions on the use of the Shen brothers. "Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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