Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3694: Iron cavalry gallops to fight

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "It depends on whether I support him or not, it is deeply rooted in the Jiankang family, and the forces in Wudi are soaring to the sky. The Meng family is from outside and has almost no foundation. , only to make merit and establish a career, this is the most crucial question of motivation, isn't it the same reason that you want to use Wang to suppress evil?"

Liu Yu sighed: "My worry about Huaiyu is not about him, but about Meng Chang. Although Meng Chang and Meng Yanda have been in friendship with us for decades, I have never been able to see through this person. He is a scholar, and he always has something hidden in his heart. He has never really communicated with me. I don't even know what he really wants. If it weren't for him, like Tan Pingzhi and Wei Yongzhi, he raised his clan from the north. As a refugee, I would even suspect that he is from the Mafia."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Then you can see through Wang Zhen'e? He is also just trying to be in trouble, just because he chose to be a military general, not a civil official like Meng Chang, so you trust him? "

Liu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Perhaps, it was because when Murong Lan and I went to the grasslands in the early years, we met Wang Zhen'e, who was a teenager at the time. We have a natural affection, maybe I did have preconceived ideas, but, I I can't see through Meng Yanda, I don't like it, more probably because he has always been on Xile's side, Huaiyu is also Xile's old part, plus the fact that he has his uncle Meng Chang, he really can't be them. puppet?"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "I will observe this point more in the future. When Meng Chang first came to Jingkou, he wanted to cling to the aristocratic family and develop with the power of the aristocratic family. He is different from Tan Pingzhi and Wei Yongzhi. He himself cannot fight. He can only follow the path of a civil servant, and it is understandable to do so. His values ​​and ideas are close to Liu Yi, so he can get together quickly, but this does not mean that they are an unbreakable alliance. When we were together, we just borrowed from each other, which is different from the friendship we have had since childhood."

Liu Yu nodded: "You mean, they are actually a kind of people. If the power reaches a certain level, it will be a competitive relationship, not a complementary relationship?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Yes, Liu Yi himself is both civil and military, and he is also a good family. Now Meng Chang is not needed to contribute, and Meng Chang's original weakness is the army, but if Meng Huaiyu takes control of the military, then he There is no need to use Liu Yi to take charge of the army, and the relationship between the two may turn from cooperation to opposition, just like Liu Yi's relationship with you, there used to be cooperation, but now there are more contradictions."

Liu Yu sighed: "I didn't think about so many complicated things before, I just thought that I would take my brothers to fight in the north and south, make achievements, and at most just balance the relationship with Xile, Wuji and A Shou, Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the cultivation of the younger generation involves so many intricate relationships, Fatty, no matter if I can survive this time or not, you have to help me deal with it in the future."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "It's better for you to survive and deal with it by yourself. To be honest, with my prestige and ability, if it's something that heirs cultivate, it can't be dealt with. If nothing else, the four young People, they will only obey you, not me. No matter I want to forcibly cultivate any one, the other three may cause trouble, not to mention Liu Yi. It's not that you let the rules support me, I things that can be done.”

Liu Yu sighed: "I see, it seems that I still have to deal with it, Fatty, it will be..."

Before he could finish his words, he heard a burst of cheers from the direction of Xicheng, and with the sound of the rumbling wheels, a rare smile flashed on his face: "Very good, it seems that the age Shi, you didn't disappoint me!"

Guanggu, Xicheng.

More than 20,000 Jin army infantrymen have completely fallen into the smoke and dust.

Fifty people, a squad of about a hundred people, crowded, side by side, long lancers and shield hands tightly surrounded by the outer circle, and the hollow square in the inner circle, except for the wounded soldiers lying on the ground and the dead companions. , that is, more than ten crossbowmen, holding up the crossbow in their hands, gritted their teeth, stared at them, and pricked their ears, listening to the sound of the wind, the sound of killing and the sound of horses’ hooves.

Because the battle situation can no longer be seen all around, ten steps away, there is smoke and dust all over the sky, the sound of iron hoofs hitting the ground everywhere, and the rude roars of Hu Qi when they attacked everywhere. The locust-like arrows are lost, and the dense and powerful shots at this distance can knock down more than ten soldiers holding shields and lances in a certain direction at once. Once a large gap appears on one side of the formation, they will immediately collapse Dozens of cavalry rushed out of the smoke, holding long lances, and rushed towards the remnants of the formation.

The screams, the wailing, the sound of swords and guns piercing the body are endless, and occasionally there are a few neighs of war horses, UU reading www.uukanshu. The flags erected by each team in the com team constantly landed, and the landing of almost every flag represented an infantry detachment that was wiped out by the iron cavalry assault, and what was even more hopeless was that the other infantry detachments only I can watch the nearby comrades being wiped out like this, because, in this situation of splitting the assault, any act of leaving the position without authorization and launching an attack, I am afraid that it will not last even three minutes, and it will be completely wiped out. !

Shen Tianzi slammed out an axe and cut off the leg of a horse-armored horse that rushed into the inner formation. The horse-armored horse wielding a mace suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. The three swordsmen roared and stepped forward, slashing and slashing with swords and stabs. The armored cavalry, who was still struggling to get up, was cut off to the ground. His head and limbs were cut off.

The surrounding light swordsmen also killed the six or seven cavalry that rushed into the formation. The remaining three or four cavalry saw that the situation was not good. After waving their weapons a few times, they quickly fled from the gate that had just opened. When they came out, the Jin army soldiers who fell to the ground in the direction of the gap struggled to get up, picked up the weapons and shields in their hands, and re-blocked the defense line that had just opened a gap for Qiang.

Shen Linzi was covered in blood, and he couldn't tell which ones belonged to the enemy and which belonged to himself. He didn't even bother to bandage them. He stared at Shen Tianzi and shouted, "Third brother, this is unbearable. , we have to move closer to Brother Shao!"

Shen Tianzi fiercely pulled out an arrow on his shoulder, and spat **** spit on the ground: "It's hard to say how long he can hold on, Lin Zi, hold on tight and fight to the death!"

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