Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3695: Rescue soldiers in desperation

Shen Linzi laughed and said: "Third brother, today our brothers can fight side by side, all die here, and it is not worth living in this world. Our death in battle is enough to wash away the shame of former thieves! "

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth, grabbed Shen Linzi's hand, and said solemnly: "Linzi, don't say such things, it's not the end, everything has a chance, the commander won't leave us alone, Brother Ah Shao. Let's fight on our own, just try to delay the time as long as possible until the reinforcements are killed!"

Shen Linzi murmured to himself: "Can it really be delayed until then, in case..."

Shen Tianzi said sternly: "There is no case, Lin Zi, we are the soldiers of Brother Ji Nu, the Beifu Army who is invincible. We have already defeated the enemy's cavalry three times, and we will definitely be able to defeat the next time, and the next time. , hold on tight, don't think about other things!"

Shen Linzi nodded vigorously: "Yes, the flag is still there, and the hope is still there, third brother, look at Brother Ah Shao's handsome flag, it's still there..."

As he spoke, he pointed more than a hundred paces away, in the direction of the Central Army, the flag with the character "Tan" fluttering high, but following his finger, suddenly, more than ten long-stemmed wolf-toothed arrows shot past the flagpole. The rope above was broken by the arrow, the blue flag fell down at once, Shen Linzi's smile froze on his face, and he could no longer speak, and the sound of iron hoofs from all directions, all Qidi poured into the central phalanx that began to become chaotic because of the landing of the handsome flag!

Tan Shao was standing in the center of the central square. Here was a temporary high platform that was temporarily placed on top of three chariots. Standing in the center, and at this moment, the handsome flag with the character "Tan" fell on the ground on one side, three or four guards were hurriedly holding the rope, trying to raise the flag again. After all, the handsome flag is related to the morale and hope of the entire army.

Within a radius of fifty paces, the last one thousand heavy armored soldiers of the Chinese army were desperately guarding the last line of defense. The warriors in the circle flew into the air due to this powerful impact and fell into the formation, but as long as they could stand up by themselves, they would struggle to run back to the front position.

The more than 200 archers in the array, according to the orders of their respective teams, kept shooting arrows to support the attacked direction, while outside the array, the arrows shot by the enemy cavalry fell like raindrops. In the central open space, almost every arrow will shoot down one or two archers. The guards holding wooden shields are desperately waving the shields in their hands to resist the enemy arrows falling like raindrops. They are the archers on their side. Provide as much cover as possible.

Cursing, screaming, screaming, accompanied by the roar of the Hu riders in the outer circle, and the wailing of the warhorse hitting the shield and the long lance, all rang out. Gradually, the Hu people spoke blunt Chinese, He shouted: "You can't die if you don't fight, you can't die if you fight!" And this wave of sound came from all directions, like a stormy sea, shaking the hearts of everyone in this phalanx.

Tan Hezhi's face turned pale, he held the blue flag he picked up from the ground, and cried: "Big brother, the flag has fallen, this, how can this be good."

The muscles on Tan Shao's face were shaking slightly, he looked around, closed his eyes, shook his head and said, "We have tried our best to resist and fight, now the enemy's bows and arrows can directly attack here, think again. It is impossible to defend by a phalanx, so instead of sitting still, it is better to fight to the death.”

As he spoke, he snatched the blue flag from Tan Hezhi's hand, and put the flag directly on the halberd in his hand. The twig on the side of the halberd hung the flag, and Tan Shao held it up high. Daji, let this handsome flag flutter in the wind, and he shouted: "Children, serve the country with all your loyalty, and die without regrets!"

All the sergeants looked back at the flag at the same time, gritted their teeth, and shouted in the loudest voice: "Serve the country with all your loyalty, and die without regrets!"

Tan Shao suddenly jumped off the handsome stage, raised the halberd, and shouted: "Disperse the formation, kill it, fight with the Hulu, kill it..."

He was about to pull out his legs to charge, but only heard a loud drum horn from the north, hundreds of drums were beating heavily, and a banner with the character "Zhu" was faintly visible even through the smoke and dust. , the vibration of the wheels of hundreds of chariots running over the ground was like a slight earthquake, and a familiar voice, which was greatly enhanced by the big iron horn, penetrated directly into Tan Shao's ears: "Brother Shao Don't worry, Ling Shi is here!"

Tan Shao was stunned for a moment, then turned to ecstasy, and laughed loudly: "The rescue is here, the rescue is here, it's a big rock, it's a big rock, haha, I knew that someone would definitely come to save us, and he , Quickly send the order, hold it firmly, stand up to this last paragraph, as soon as the enemy cavalry retreats, give me a full chase!"

He said, tore down the handsome flag hanging on the halberd, and raised it up to the flagpole in person: "Beat the drum, beat the drum, let all the teams continue to hold on firmly, and wait for my command!"

Less than seventy paces away from Tan Shao's handsome flag, Murong Zhen's white beard swayed gently in the wind, looking at the blue handsome flag that was raised again, and at the shield wall in front of him. , the more than one hundred cavalrymen who had retreated again, with arrows sticking out of their bodies, muttered to themselves, "God's will, is this God's will?"

Murong Ping rushed to his side and pulled out an arrow shaft above his left leg. The **** arrow shot up, and the two servant guards hurriedly threw a marching stop bleeding powder on his wound. com and Murong Ping roared: "Your Majesty, why do you have to withdraw at this time? Just charge twice, no, charge again, and I will definitely be able to smash Tan Shao's tortoise shell!"

Murong Zhen shook his head and said, "The enemy's chariots have already been killed. If we continue to attack these formations, we will only be attacked by the enemy. Taking advantage of the heavy losses of the enemy's infantry and the need to regroup, we must face the enemy first. The chariot troops, otherwise, kill them in front of them, and we will not even have the distance to attack!"

Murong Ping spit out a **** spit, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn Wu Er, where did these **** chariots come from?!"

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth and said: "The enemy chariots came from the direction of Beicheng. There were as many as 130 in the first batch, and there should be more in the back, but these are pure chariots, without the cover of cavalry, Ah. Ping, you take the two thousand iron cavalry that have been resting here, and let me beat this leading chariot first, if a chariot rushes here, come and see me!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Murong Ping's eyes: "Okay, then I'll leave it to the king, and the little nephew will now kill that enemy general named Zhu!"

Murong Zhen said solemnly: "Don't underestimate the enemy, attacking their wheels, that's the chariot's weakness!"

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