Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3708: Murong Tienan breaks through the formation

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The Yan Army's armored cavalry, which was charging towards the Jin Army's chariot formation, was also a dense group. The eyes behind the face were bloodshot, and the red tongues were sticking out of their mouths, and they looked like they were facing the prey. The wolf who launched the attack, and Murong Ping, was the one who rushed in front.

His companion next to him, also his messenger, Murong Wuhen, followed the charge and said, "Brother Ping, Adoge and the others have been charging over for a little while, and they haven't seen them rushing back under the banner, we really want to do this. rush up?"

Murong Ping laughed: "When the opportunity comes, why not charge? Even if Hodor and the others can't turn around and attack the enemy chariots, it won't affect our charge!"

Murong Wuhen shook his head and said loudly, "But we didn't destroy the enemy's wheels just now. More than a hundred iron cavalry died in battle, and not a single chariot was broken!"

Murong Ping said sternly: "I can see clearly, their chariot wheels are specially made, iron wheels, so we attacked the wheels to no effect, but this is also what I expected, Zhang Gang is there, what is strange? I wouldn't be too surprised by anything."

Murong Wuhen's eyes widened: "But, but this way, these chariots have no weaknesses. We can't break their wheels, but we can't destroy the chariots."

Murong Ping sneered and said, "If you can't beat the wheels, can't you break the chariot? You can look at it. Those chariots before have wooden wheels with sharp sickles on their shafts. Cutting the legs of our cavalry, despite the fact that we destroyed ten or eight chariots, but our warhorses were also cut off a lot, and the losses were not small, so those enemy chariots still retreated. We are also powerless to continue the pursuit.”

Murong Wuhen said thoughtfully: "Brother Ping, what do you mean, Adoge and the others attacked us before and rushed over, watching as dozens of lances were shot down on the enemy's vehicle. Brother, but I didn't cut the horse's legs and flutter like before."

When he said this, he glanced at the distance on the opposite side, and quickly said: "It's about 150 paces away from the enemy, what should I do now?"

Murong Ping waved his hand confidently: "If they use iron wheels, they can't use wheel knives, we can't break these broken wheels, and we won't hurt the enemy's knife wheels, so you see, they are also now. I'm afraid, I don't dare to split the car and the car like this, I need to concentrate and move closer."

A flash of excitement flashed in Murong Wuhen's eyes: "They are afraid that we will rush to the front and fight them in close quarters, right? There are only a few spears and lances in a car. If ten cavalry besiege one, then even if they are on a chariot, they are not opponents!"

Murong Ping said with a smile: "Yes, that's it, don't look at these Jin army chariots that are both lure and iron wheels, they are all bluffing, oh, now it's a hundred steps. It's okay, let me continue to charge!"

He said, holding the long lance in one hand, eyes wide open, ready to thrust forward.

Murong Wuhen laughed and was about to pick up the big bow when Murong Ping sternly said, "Idiot, don't pick up bows and arrows, this distance is close combat, and the arrows will affect our speed and attack with lances, the Jin army's iron wheel battle There are more than 20 cars, all in the center, the two wings and the back are ordinary wooden wheels, and Zhu Lingshi is on the blue flag command car in the center!"

Murong Wuhen excitedly picked up the long lance and said, "Yeah, he's scared. Now he's summoning other chariots to protect him, Brother Ping, **** him!"

Murong Ping nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, it can be seen that this iron-wheeled chariot of the Jin army is this, and it is also their middle army vehicle. Now they can't run, they can only concentrate on these chariots, trying to block our attack. , and the follow-up and left and right two-wing chariots are unbearable. As long as we destroy these 20 chariots, the other broken chariots will collapse without fighting. When we chase these collapsed chariots, we can attack them. And the follow-up troops that crushed the enemy army, everyone listen to me, the target is the blue flag chariot in the center, regardless of other vehicles, my target is the heads of everyone on this vehicle!"

Murong Wuhen took out the horn in his arms, put it to his mouth, and blew it loudly. Three or four rapid sounds made all the nearby cavalry roar in unison, about a hundred paces wide. The front of the cavalry formation suddenly shrank to fifty paces wide. All the knights picked up the long spear halberd and charged forward like a thunder!

Murong Wuhen laughed, threw away the horn in his hand, stood on the stirrup, and was about to raise his lance to make a surprise attack, when suddenly he heard a "whoosh", an arrow came towards him, hit his neck, and he A blood hole suddenly appeared on the throat of the man, and as soon as his eyes darkened, he fell to the ground and planted his horse. At the same time, on the opposite chariot, a volley of bows and crossbows fired, and there was a dense rain of arrows~www. wuxiaspot.com~ ruthlessly splashed on the body of the intensively charged armored cavalry, and immediately, forty or fifty cavalry fell in response.

Murong Ping's figure suddenly emerged from behind Murong Wuhen, and at the moment when Murong Wuhen blew his horn, he hid behind him, because his experience in countless battles had made him understand that the moment of a charge In an instant, it is also the most dangerous time. Those who rush to the front are often the ones who die the fastest. Those who are wearing signal flags, horns, and general school armor must be the target of the opponent's key strikes. Hiding in this person The back is the best protection for yourself.

But now, a round of arrow rain has been shot, and it will take time to wind up the strings. It is time for him to take the lead and jump ahead. He doesn't even look at the body of Murong Wuhen, who is sliding down from the horse in front of him. Standing on the stirrup, holding the lance, gritted his teeth, and shouted: "Murong Ping is here, the one who blocks me will die!"

An advancing Jin army chariot was approaching the center, the iron wheels rolled, and it rushed straight towards Murong Ping. The archers on the chariot were busy trying to shoot arrows, and the master also stood up straight and desperately rushed. Swinging the whip, trying to hit Murong Ping from the side, ten steps, seven steps, five steps! Getting closer and closer!

Behind Murong Ping, there was a sound of bowstrings rattling, at least thirty or forty arrows were shot at the same time, facing the side of the Jin army chariot, which was almost defenseless. It was a rain of arrows, so close The distance is only thirty or forty paces, and everyone in the car is a moving target, whether it is the archer who is shooting the arrow, or the lancer who is slashing, and even the royal hand who stands up in front is all three arrows in his body. Above, blood was flying in the air, and the Jin army in the whole car, just stood up, turned into corpses and died on their respective posts, eyes wide open, watching Murong Ping whizzing past him, dying!

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