Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3709: life and death time

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The other iron-wheeled chariot on the left roared and charged towards Murong Ping. The one who just followed behind Murong Ping had already shot all the bows and arrows in their hands. Yu Qi threw out the sub-melee weapons in his hands, hand halberds, hammers, iron whips, in short, except for the long spear in his hand, he threw whatever he caught, and went straight to the armored soldiers on the opposite car. go.

There was a sound of weapons hitting the car body and the armor. With the terrifying sound of bones breaking blunt weapons, the four or five soldiers in the car were smashed and fell out of the car, and even the master was hit with a hand hammer. He smashed his head, and his head was broken. He wanted to continue to control the chariot, but he was hit in the neck with a halberd. This time, his head was tilted, and he died in the seat.

The commander of the chariot swayed from side to side for a while, and flashed four or five hidden weapons on the vehicle. The most recent one directly shot down his helmet, and his hair was flying in the air. He also shot a crossbow in the air, knocking down an armored cavalry that was rushing towards him.

But the chariot commander immediately realized that almost all his companions were killed in battle, and even the chariot lost control because of the death of the hand. Watch the dead brother's body fall outside the car.

The chariot commander himself stood on the seat of Yushou's blood-stained red, his face was hideous, he gripped the long rein in his hand with gnashing teeth, and continued to charge at Murong Ping, shouting: "Let's die together. , to die together!"

This time, Murong Ping finally turned his head. At a distance of about five paces, a Jin army soldier, covered in blood, with red eyes, and disheveled hair, stood on the back of four panting and blood-spraying war horses. On the top of the chariot, he rushed towards himself, and his momentum directly put life and death aside, even if he fought for his life, he would kill himself on the spot!

Murong Ping shook his head and suddenly laughed: "Good man, in the next life, be my brother!"

As he spoke, his entire body suddenly rose into the air, and jumped on top of the stirrup, flying to the side like a big bird.

The Jin army commander's mouth was so wide open that he couldn't close it at all. He never imagined that things would turn out like this. Before he could even let out a cry of exclamation, his four chariots and horses collided with Murong Ping's. mount.

A shrill neigh sounded, and Murong Ping's mount flew four or five steps away from the collision. The side vest was cut open by the sharp corners on the head of the chariot and horse, and the muscles on the side were completely stabbed. When it came out, even the broken bones and internal organs were clearly visible. The horse's liver and intestines continued to flow out from the blood opening more than a foot wide, and the four hooves struggled weakly, and soon died.

The four horses pulling the chariots of the Jin army also suffered from this fierce collision. The necks of the two horses were obviously twisted, and they fell to the ground immediately. The other two also collided. Jin Xing, dizzy and weak, fell to the ground when his legs became weak. This chariot, which had always been imposing just now, was smashed by this collision almost in an instant. The commander in the position of the hand, suddenly unable to control his body, flew out of the car, impartially, and fell on the horse of Murong Ping, who was killed by the crash, and fell in a pool of blood.

His eyes were full of unwillingness, and he twisted his neck to look at Murong Ping, who was four or five steps away. He saw Murong Ping standing on the ground, shaking his head at him, then trotting a few steps, grabbing a horse from him. The war horse that ran in front of him with no one on his back was exactly the one that Murong Wuhen had before. The moment he jumped onto the war horse, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, as if he was lamenting that such a brave warrior was an enemy. .

The moment he jumped onto the warhorse, he no longer turned his head to look at the Jin army commander in the pool of blood, because, out of the corner of his last eye, he had discovered that more than ten warhorses, with the knights standing on them, were galloping like flying. Passing the direction where the captain fell to the ground, you don't need to look to know that this brave warrior has now turned into a pool of blood and mud, and I'm afraid even his mother can't tell the shape.

Thirty or forty riders rushed to the side of the chariot that was paralyzed on the ground because the chariot suddenly fell to the ground. Several sergeants, who were dizzy and dizzy, were struggling to get up. , but it was a forest-like spear lance, which immediately stabbed them with blood holes all over their bodies, and even a few brave and brave armored riders jumped directly into the carriage from their horses. He took out the saber and big sword in his hand, and slashed and slashed violently at the dying Jin army in the car. Finally, these butchers, whose bodies were covered in blood, held up these **** heads. He cheered his victory on the chariot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, Murong Ping rode a war horse and attacked the chariot where Xu Kuizhi was. Behind him, at least 200 knights also rushed to They were sprinting with all their strength, and five or six chariots that had just approached rushed forward desperately, launching a suicidal counter-assault against the oncoming armored cavalry.

It's just that these chariots came in a hurry, and they were not connected by iron chains. They could not stop the concentrated attack of the enemy. Almost every car was surrounded by twenty or thirty cavalry. The chariots, either shooting or galloping, took turns to go into battle. Soon, the soldiers on the chariots were all covered with arrows, or their bodies were pierced with blood holes, and almost all of them died in battle. . All he can do is use his own life to delay time.

The commander of the last two chariots turned around and shouted at Xu Kuizhi, "Commander, get back, get back, we'll break!"

Tears glistened in Xu Kuizhi's eyes. He knew that these loyal and brave soldiers did not know that this was a fake handsome car. The flag, the soldiers of this side regard this fake handsome flag as the central army, and the enemy is also the same. Ten chariots, there are not many left, only the last one is left, and it is still towed in the back, so that the flag is flying high.

At the same time as the opponent's central cavalry attacked desperately, the wooden-wheeled chariots two hundred paces away on both wings had dispersed the enemy cavalry that had attacked their own side before, and began to turn around and flank the center. It took a little while, or even a few minutes, as long as fifty Zhu Lingshi's main chariots at the rear were killed and the opening was sealed, it would definitely be a perfect encirclement.

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