Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3173: Life and death rescue bluff the enemy back

Murong Ping's eyes widened, and he didn't even care about the severe pain on his right face. In the smoke and dust thirty paces away, forty or fifty armored horses galloped out, the first one riding on, and a thirty or so seated one. The young man, with a strong back and a big bow, even this armored war horse happened to be Dolgenff's. Under the horse's neck, there was Dolgenff's head, his eyes were wide open, and his hair was scattered. Just like a rope, it is tied to the reins of a horse, and it will never rest.

Murong Ping gritted his teeth, the riding lance was still pressing against Xu Kuizhi's chest, and his other hand took out a riding shield from the saddle behind him and blocked it in front of him. The riders behind him exclaimed, "Protect the general. , Protect Brother Ping!" In a hurry, more than 20 horsemen stepped forward and blocked in front of Murong Ping.

Murong Ping looked at Zhu Lingshi and quickly began to assess the situation ahead. From the smoke, cavalrymen rushed out continuously. In just a minute or two, there were 60 or 70 cavalry behind Zhu Lingshi. There was a formation behind him, and Zhu Lingshi had a smile on his face, holding a bow, patrolling back and forth in front of these cavalry formations, looking at Murong Ping with disdain in his eyes.

Murong Ping rolled his eyes and laughed loudly: "Are you really Zhu Lingshi? I don't believe it, this guy also said he was Zhu Lingshi!"

Zhu Lingshi said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if it's Zhu Lingshi, as long as you know that I can easily kill you now, that's enough. Of course, you can also come and kill me. After all, there are so many of you now."

Behind Murong Ping, a group of armored riders roared, "Don't be crazy, I will kill you now!"

"Brother Ping, order, I am willing to take this person's head!"

"These little thieves, who stole our horses, are now pretending to be inside. Brother Ping, don't pay attention to this kid. Order, let's go up and slaughter them!"

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Zhu Lingshi smiled and said: "Oh, your eyes are good, I can recognize that these are the war horses you used before, but let me tell you some unfortunate news, what do you call this cavalry on war horses, oh, Like the owners of Dolgenff, they all died."

Murong Ping gritted his teeth and said word by word, "Don't be complacent, all the people in the twenty iron-wheeled chariots in front of you have died, and this is the only one left!"

This time sntXw Zhang Si. He said, riding a lance pointing at Xu Kuizhi on the ground, and grinning: "I will kill this last one now to avenge Ado Agan!"

Zhu Lingshi said indifferently: "Kill, kill as you like, it's just a little **** I sent out to lure the enemy, this person is just a clerk in the rear army, I won't waste my warriors to die, Murong Ping, You don't even look at the current situation, your retreat has been cut off, and your two flanks are surrounded by our army, if I were you, I wouldn't be arguing with the enemy here now, it's too late to escape!"

Murong Ping's complexion changed, and there was a sound of hoofs behind him. He turned his head to look, and saw a rider with several arrows stuck all over his body. He was bleeding profusely all the way. There was a cry in his voice: "Brother Ping, Brother Ping, it's not good."

Murong Ping's brows furrowed, and he hurriedly said in a low voice, "Be quiet, don't reveal the military plane!"

As soon as the knight saw the dozens of Jin troops on the opposite side, he immediately reacted, ran to Murong Ping's side, and said in a low voice, "I am the centurion Mang Getai under the seat of the left-wing cavalry master Haramu. , the Jin army's two-wing chariots added up to more than fifty vehicles, suddenly turned, and outflanked our army's follow-up cavalry from the two wings, now in the fierce battle, the Lord of the Haramu Building has ordered me to report, please Ping Ge quickly retreat!"

Murong Ping gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "How is this possible, aren't those enemy chariots fighting against our two-wing cavalry, how could they attack our central cavalry?"

Manggetai sighed: "Our army's two-winged cavalry could not shoot the enemy's chariots against each other, and they have already withdrawn from the battlefield, while the enemy's two-winged chariots did not pursue, but attacked our army's middle road together. Therefore, the Lord of Haramu gave the order that the cavalry will turn to follow-up. Come over to the enemy chariots and attack their wheels. Unexpectedly, these chariots are also iron wheels, and…”

When he said this, he hesitated for a while, and said: "When these chariots are charging, they are connected with iron locks between the chariots. Our cavalry is completely unable to rush through the chariot, and it is getting narrower and narrower for them. , it's hard to resist now."

Murong Ping's forehead began to sweat, and he murmured, "What, it turned out to be the impact of a chariot connected by iron cables? Damn it, the enemy army really has an ambush!"

On the opposite side, Zhu Lingshi's sneer came: "Why, haven't you seen our army's serial chariots? Murong Ping, I'll let you open your eyes now!"

He said, waved his hand, and in the smoke and dust behind him, the wheels were rolling, and the rumbling sound echoed in the ears of everyone, more than forty chariots lined up in a row, and four armored horses in each chariot. Pulled out slowly, every car was stained with blood, and a number of wooden stakes, or one or two, or three or five, were temporarily inserted on the carriage. Above each stake~www .wuxiaspot.com~ They are all sharpened into spikes and have a braided head. Isn't it the head of the two waves of knights who disappeared after the two previous assaults?

These chariots slowly passed Zhu Lingshi and the others in front. At the same time as they passed them, the soldiers on the chariots threw iron chains as thick as children's arms towards the adjacent chariots. In the unison of their shouts and cheers, these chariots were all connected by iron cables. The soldiers on the chariots were straight forward, and everyone shouted "Destroy the Hu" with great momentum.

Murong Ping's raised hand trembled slightly, and Xu Kuizhi on the ground could clearly see the tip of the lance swaying gently, he laughed loudly: "Dog thief, kill me, kill me, I Brothers, you will avenge me, hahahaha!"

Make a big tyrant. Murong Ping gritted his teeth and shouted at Zhu Lingshi: "Zhu, wait for me, I will kill you next time!"

As soon as he said that, he turned around, regardless of Xu Kuizhi on the ground, and fled backwards without looking back, and the many cavalry around him also turned their horses around, almost in the blink of an eye, and more than a hundred people were overcrowded just now. After riding, there was no one left, only Xu Kuizhi on the ground and the solitary chariot remained in place.

The smile on Zhu Lingshi's face disappeared immediately, his concern was beyond words, and he shouted, "Remove the chain, maintain the formation, and slowly push up."

As he spoke, he manipulated the war horse, jumped over the iron rope connecting the two chariots in front, and went straight to Xu Kuizhi. After riding, he ran to Xu Kuizhi's side, jumped off the horse, looked at the wound on Xu Kuizhi's chest, and said, "Kuizhi, how is it, can you hold it?"

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