Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3174: Responsive Commander

The corners of Xu Kuizhi's mouth kept bleeding, and every breath was painful to the stomach. He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't, don't worry about me, hurry, hurry up and chase after the enemy, don't, don't let Murong Ping Run, run!"

Zhu Lingshi sighed, shook his head and said, "Murong Ping still has a strong strength, more than a thousand armored cavalry, not all of our hundred chariots can be wiped out, the reinforcements behind are keeping up, we have to Re-arrange the formation, and then connect the iron chains to the enemy's formation, and this time, the counter-attack troops that have defeated Murong Ping are already victorious!"

Xu Kuizhi's eyes widened: "This, how can this be possible, we, we started an appointment, we agreed to ask, to completely wipe out Murong Ping's subordinates..."

He was excited for a while, and even the wound on his chest continued to bleed, and he suddenly coughed and was speechless.

Zhu Lingshi sighed, and two doctors in white coats jumped out of a chariot behind him. They quickly stepped forward and began to spread the marching blood stop powder on Xu Kuizhi's wound, and helped him up. body, and tied a medicated tape to the wound to stop the bleeding.

Zhu Lingshi looked at Xu Kuizhi and said sternly: "The style of play must be changed at any time according to the changes in the battle situation, how can it be the same? These twenty chariots did not block the attack of the enemy cavalry, and we also eliminated the hundreds of cavalry that came over. It took a lot of effort. Don't look at our chariots, but more than 20 of them have been damaged. With the current situation, if we fight recklessly with Murong Ping's more than 1,000 cavalry, I'm afraid we will also be left. There are not many troops left, and the most urgent task now is to relieve the siege of Tan Shao and his troops, not to entangle with the troops blocked by the enemy."

Xu Kuizhi muttered to himself: "Yes, how could I forget that this is our fundamental mission."

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Having said this, tears welled up in his eyes: "It's just, just like this, Brother Biao, the ten brothers, and so many soldiers, all sacrificed in vain."

Zhu Lingshi sighed: "Although they committed capital crimes, they all washed their shame with heroic battles. They are all good brothers. Kuizhi, this is life. From the moment we set foot on the battlefield, we must Prepare to die."

The doctor on the side interjected: "Xu joined the army, in order to save you, General Zhu didn't even have time to wait for the chariots to line up again, arrange them, and directly rode on the enemy's horses and killed them. It was very dangerous just now. Come here, maybe General Zhu will put himself in, you just want to protect their friendship with Director Zhu, why don't you think that Brother Shishi also gave his life to save you."

A look of shame flashed across Xu Kuizhi's face: "Brother Shitou, it's my fault for Xu Kuizhi, I don't know good hearts, this time you save me, save my life, I will be..."

Zhu Lingshi waved his hand and stopped Xu Kuizhi from continuing: "Okay, you are so seriously injured, don't talk more, the battle is not over yet, I have to go to rescue Brother Ah Shao immediately, the good news is that we are behind The reinforcements from the other side have followed, and the next 200 heavy-armed chariots are already lined up, and they can drive Murong Ping's defeated army to counterattack Murong Town. If he knows the situation, he should retreat now."

Xu Kuizhi gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Brother Shitou, help me, help me kill more, kill more Hulu."

He said so many words in one breath, only to feel a sharp pain, and the world turned around in front of him, and he fainted like this.

Zhu Lingshi's expression changed slightly, and he was about to go forward to check, but the doctor next to him said, "It's okay, Xu Canjun just lost a lot of blood before he fainted. Although his injury is not serious, there is no danger of his life. General, I am here, you can go to the battle with confidence."

This time Zhang Si. Zhu Lingshi nodded and bowed to the doctor: "It's all to do, Dr. Zhang."

When he said this, he jumped off the war horse and ran to the front quickly. From the fake handsome car that was covered with blood, he picked up the blue handsome flag with red characters. In Zhu Lingshi's eyes There was a flash of cold killing intent, and he took the flag in his hand, waved it three times in the air, and shouted: "All soldiers follow orders, train in formation, tie iron ropes, cavalry cover the two wings, and infantry follow the rear. , within half a quarter of an hour, I need to attack the entire enemy line!"

Guanggu, Xicheng, Tanshao Zhongjun.

There was a sound of bows and crossbow shooting, and there were more than ten screams of war horses. In the gaps where the corpses were scattered, the corpses of more than 100 people and horses were quickly dragged away by the auxiliary soldiers. The wounded soldiers and civilians, who were wrapped in wound belts and could not even put on their armor in time, wore shields and lances, firmly blocking these gaps, while Tan Shao sat expressionlessly in the center seat of more than ten carriages. On the small handsome platform where the chariots were built side by side, the halberd stood on the halberd, the head of the halberd was already stained with blood, and there were more than ten arrows stuck on the ground around, and the bodies of two Yan army cavalrymen were being caught under his feet. Five steps away.

Holding a shield, Tan Hezhi stood in front of Tan Shao, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time we finally resisted again, but, just lost again. More than 100 brothers, and now even the wounded and civilians are all on board, the next time the enemy attacks, I am afraid......"

Tan Shao said indifferently: "It's okay, even if I kill this handsome stage, what can I do? I'm not old enough to lift a sword or wield a halberd. I gave orders and retreated thirty steps from all sides. Defense!"

Tan Hezhi's complexion changed: "Thirty steps back? Here, so that the enemy can shoot directly to the handsome platform, big brother, are you sure this is true?"

Tan Shao gritted his teeth: "The enemy's arrows are not many, just now they were rushing from all sides. Compared with bows and arrows, I am more afraid that the distance of the outer circle is too long, resulting in insufficient troops, so try to shorten the defense line as much as possible. You must come and save us!"

Tan Hezhi gritted his teeth, waved the flag, and waved the flag to the soldiers around him. Suddenly, a scout on the left shouted: "To the southwest, a group of men and horses are rapidly approaching, and they are fifty paces away. Are you shooting? ?!"

Tan Shao's expression changed, he turned his head to look at where he was coming from, and he muttered: "It's not cavalry, it's infantry, let's shoot slowly, and ask if the coming army is an enemy or a friend?!"

Before he could finish his words, he only heard a familiar loud voice roaring: "Brother Ah Shao, it's me, San Lang and Shi Lang of the Shen family, come to meet!"

A trace of surprise flashed across Tan Shao's face, but he roared in a deep voice, "A song is heartbroken!"

The voice of Shen Tianzi on the opposite side immediately followed: "Where in the world can I find a soulmate, Brother Ah Shao, when are you going to give this bird a secret signal?"

Make a big tyrant. Tan Shao laughed and said, "It's my own person, open the gate, let Brother Shen come in, hold the position with a strong crossbow and a bow, and prevent the enemy cavalry from raiding in."

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