Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3175: Stay till the clouds open to see the moon

In a blink of an eye, in just a minute or two, more than 300 Wu soldiers rushed into the phalanx, and Shen Linzi shouted and directed these sergeants to disperse to their respective positions, sergeants who could run on their own with minor injuries Standing behind the shield formation in each direction, holding short weapons and bows and arrows, ready for battle, while more than 30 soldiers who were seriously injured and unable to move, as well as 60 or 70 corpses, were placed in the phalanx. At the center of the army, even the dozen or so medics accompanying the army immediately joined the medical staff of the Chinese army to join in the treatment of the wounded.

Shen Tianzi himself ran all the way under the handsome flag, looked at Tan Shao who jumped off the handsome stage, he was hugged by a big bear, he hugged and smiled: "Haha, Brother Shao, I see you still alive. But he is too happy."

Tan Shao smiled and patted Shen Tianzi on the back: "We all have to live well, live a long life, and have many children and grandchildren. Watching our grandson also go to the battlefield."

In a burst of laughter, the two separated. Tan Shao took Shen Tianzi's hand and looked at the sergeant he brought. There were fewer than 300 people who could still stand and fight. A trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and he shook. Shaking his head: "I remember that there were nearly a thousand elites when you attacked, and it took less than an hour..."

Speaking of this, Tan Shao didn't realize that he was choked up, especially when he looked at the center of this square, the corpses of the soldiers of this formation had been piled up like a hill, which made this iron-like man even more tearful in his eyes. Spinning around, his voice choked.

Shen Tianzi gritted his teeth: "It's because of our poor command that we fell into such a critical situation and implicated our brothers. In this battle, whether we win or lose, our faults cannot be washed away. In front of Brother Ji Nu, even if It's not an exaggeration to apologize for death!"

Tan Shao sighed: "The ineffective command has caused the army to fall into a desperate situation. I take full responsibility for this matter. Tian Zi, you are all good people, and you have made no mistakes. If it wasn't for your timely response, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to last this moment. arrive."

Having said this, he paused, but still said: "It's just that you guys are too risky this time. The enemy's iron cavalry is rushing around, and it is difficult to protect yourself. How can you leave the defensive position and come to us, just your troops, If it moves, a hundred armored cavalry can be wiped out."

Shen Tianzi smiled slightly: "Because I have carefully observed that the enemy troops galloping near our team all have armored cavalry, not even a hundred cavalry, not even ten cavalry!"

Tan Shao's expression changed, and he said in surprise, "How is this possible, there are at least a dozen or so waves of enemy cavalry that besieged us, and each round charged more than 2,000 cavalry, and you have suffered such a big loss before, and you still came to me. Did you send out a call for help, don't you even have ten cavalry troops?"

Shen Tianzi shook his head: "That was half a quarter of an hour ago. During this half-hour, almost all the enemy cavalry around us have been withdrawn, and only a few cavalry are still dragging branches and running in the dust, just bluffing, but , For us veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, maybe more than a few hundred cavalry posing as a thousand cavalry can't hear it, but trying to deceive us after a few cavalry, that's a dream!"

Tan Shao murmured: "It's weird, we just barely withstood the enemy's attack here, and the number of enemy troops killed and wounded is not many, and now it adds up to three or four hundred, this loss will not make them short of troops. Well, unless..."

His eyes lit up, and he quickly jumped onto the handsome stage. The smoke and dust around him gradually dissipated, and vaguely, he could see the blue cavalry like a tide, retreating into the distance. Three hundred steps away, the king's flag of the King of the North Sea could be seen. Below, a large number of cavalry began to re-arrange, and the direction their horses were facing was not here, but the north!

Tan Shao immediately reacted and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, it turns out that the big stone guy succeeded, no wonder the old thief Murong Town had to withdraw his troops. I knew that the big stone guy had something! "

Shen Tianzi also laughed: "It must be like this, otherwise it will not force Murong Town, who is about to succeed, to withdraw. Brother Shao, order it. I would like to lead the troops as the vanguard and go after the enemy cavalry!"

This time sN*TX Zhang Si. Just as he was talking, there was a sound of horses' hooves, from far to near, and Quine's loud voice also shouted: "Brothers, don't get me wrong, it's me, Da Zhuang."

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. This time, Tan Shao saw it clearly. A hundred paces away, there were more than thirty cavalry galloping from the side. Their bodies were covered in blood and sand. The shirt is stained with blood and wearing a one-eye patch, isn't it Kuai En Kuai Dazhuang? !

Tan Shao hurriedly said: "Quickly open the gate and let Brother Da Zhuang come in."

The gate of the formation opened, and Quinn rode in alone, while the cavalry behind him lined up to guard outside the formation. They took the time to replenish the water and bandage the wound. The infantry brothers behind him handed over water bags one after another. People do not untie their armor, and horses do not unsaddle. Except for the people who drink water, the sentry riders are still wandering around, taking about a hundred paces forward, observing and vigilant about the enemy.

Tan Shao looked at Kui En, who was running in front of him, and sighed, "Da Zhuang, are all your cavalry brothers here?"

In Quine's one eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~ tears glistened, and she gritted her teeth: "The four hundred and sixty-seven brothers who attacked with me, now only these are left, I'm sorry, Brother Shao, I didn't block it. The impact of the enemy cavalry, even, did not even die with my brothers!"

Having said this, his tears finally couldn't be held back and flowed across his face.

Tan Shao sighed: "Da Zhuang, I have seen your hard work in my eyes, I can see it clearly, in the face of armored cavalry that is dozens of times his own and equipped with much better equipment, you have fought hard until now without taking a step back. You even tried several times to attack the king flag of Murong Town, but it didn't work. You tried your best. Whether it is the brothers who died in battle or those who survived, they are all heroes. Responsibility and fault belong to the main general, I! "

Kui En gritted his teeth: "Now the enemy cavalry is retreating, ready to turn to meet the big stone and them, I detoured behind the enemy line before, and saw Murong Ping retreating from the front in embarrassment, only three or four hundred cavalry followed behind him. I am afraid that he led his troops to meet the big rock before and did not block it, which forced Murong Town to give up attacking us and instead confront the big rock, and the Yuebu cavalry of Qingjia are now lining up to us, trying to stop us Flank the North Sea King's department, Brother Ah Shao, order it, we'd better take advantage of the enemy's retreat now and attack all the way!"

Tan Shao frowned and said, "Are you sure, the cavalry that the enemy troops have attacked and cut through our army's formations and teams are already retreating?"

Kuai En said sternly: "It's true, there are no more than 100 enemy cavalry in the entire formation. Most of them are suspected soldiers who are bluffing. Brother Ah Shao, order, don't give them a chance to regroup!"

Make a big tyrant. Tan Shao said sternly: "The order is issued, each team will form a fish scale formation, and move closer to the central army in a hollow square formation, and reorganize the big formation!"

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