Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3125: Defeated and become a slave family

Tears welled up in Wang Miaoyin's eyes, looking at Liu Yu's eyes, full of resentment: "You finally speak your mind, so far, after so many years, your wife is her, your true love, It's on her too, right?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Miaoyin, don't be like this, I also have a tacit understanding with you, just like what you're thinking now, I know exactly what you're thinking."

Wang Miaoyin suddenly sternly said: "Since you know what I think, why are you still on her side? You know that Muronglan lied to me again, and promised to leave forever and go back to her hometown in Liaodong, but now you have to do it again. Breaking your promise, you would rather abandon your family and country, abandon the inconsistency between Han and Hu that you have insisted on for many years, restore the ambition of the Han family, but also protect her? Liu Yu, look at yourself, your original intention, your soul , did you just hook up a barbarian woman like this?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I repeat, it's not a Muronglan issue, I have to find a way to allow the Han and Hu people to coexist peacefully, otherwise I will destroy Nanyan today, and I will destroy Hou Qin tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. If you want to destroy the Northern Wei Dynasty, how do you deal with these thousands of Hu people?!"

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth and said solemnly: "Hulu, Yidi people with beast-like hearts, surrender when our Han family is strong, and make trouble when we are weak. This kind of thing has happened many times in the past, and if you really want long-term peace, then you should expel them all and let them Go back to the grasslands, or be our Han people's slaves, break up the tribal state, assign them to various villages and towns, change their names and surnames, and be our Han people's slaves obediently. Then think about this adult, that princess, and something will happen sooner or later. ."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "Miaoyin, are you crazy? How could the Hu people be so obedient, and you want to suddenly disband the manor and sever the farmer, are you willing?"

Wang Miaoyin bit her red lips with silver teeth, and said word by word, "Failed to be a slave, there is no bargaining condition, long pain is worse than short pain, my thinking is stronger than many ordinary soldiers, ask the soldiers on the front line now. , what do they want to do with the Yan State military and civilians in Guanggu City, I am afraid that nine out of ten are eager to kill and then hurry up, I can give them a way to live, it is already a kind of grace!"

Liu Yu's complexion changed: "Miaoyin, what do you mean by this, is it just a whim, or is it the emperor's decree, the imperial decree, that you brought this time, are you going to deal with it like this?"

Wang Miaoyin's face sank, and she said coldly: "Since I've said it here, then I don't have to hide it from you, Brother Yu, you can see through my mind at a glance, yes, you're right, this is true. It's not what I meant, but the meaning of the entire Dajin family. It is implemented through the emperor's jade seal and through me, the empress who is accompanying the army. I'm sorry, I lied to you until now. However, it should be time to explain it to you. "

Speaking of which, she looked at Liu Muzhi, who frowned: "Muzhi, although I haven't told you about this, I think your ears and eyes have already heard about it."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "I originally wanted to try again after the battle to see if there was any room for turning around. After all..."

Liu Yu's face swelled red all of a sudden. It was the first time in his life that he was betrayed by such a close relative. No matter what he had done before, even if he was sneak attacked by Liu Yi, he was not such a relative who absolutely trusted him. He roared. : "How can you do this? How can you decide the disposition of this battle behind my back?!"

Liu Muzhi sighed softly, and said solemnly: "Ji slave, calm down, don't be impulsive, if the aristocratic family didn't get manpower in return from the war, how could they be so easily and happily contributing? How can the big army appear here?!"

Liu Yu was trembling with anger: "This is the sixth year of Yixi, not the Taiyuan period. Over the years, the grain we have collected, the soldiers we have recruited, and the land we have distributed are all the kindness of the Jin Dynasty, not their noble family. Why do I still have the breath of a noble family after struggling for so many years? Don’t our grain and weapons come from the treasury? Is it still the same as before, given by the Xie family?”

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "There are no children of the aristocratic family to manage and collect them. Brother Yu, do you think the money in the treasury fell from the sky? Do you believe it or not, if the family does not cooperate, I am afraid that this year you will lose a grain of rice. It’s impossible to accept them? Even if you have tens of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of thousands of soldiers willing to die for you and willing to go north with you, how do you manage their food and clothing?”

Liu Yu stared at Wang Miaoyin motionlessly: "Did you think that without the noble family, without the cooperation of your Wang family and Xie family, I will not be able to receive food or collect money from now on? Or do you want to force me to complete it? Torn face with the high-ranking family, and completely promote the sergeant of the military in the future?"

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "Even if you promote them, they will become a new family, Brother Yu, this world is always inseparable from people's management and rule, your ideals are realistic with these powerful people. There are conflicts in the interests of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Our Xie family can persuade most of the families to join the army this time, not by the titles you promised, but by convincing everyone that the northern expedition will have enough benefits and will Obtaining the newly occupied land in Qingzhou and Jiangbei can also take the soldiers and civilians of Nanyan, especially the Xianbei soldiers who are good at riding and archery, as the masters of the family.”

Speaking of which, Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Muzhi and said, "Muzhi, you should have mentioned this to Brother Yu. You should have confessed it since you hid it now."

Liu Muzhi sighed softly and looked at Liu Yu: "Yes, this is the main condition for their willingness to support this time. The noble family wants to build their own armed forces and protect their own manor. They can easily hold military power, and they can make veterans their guards. Now that you have restructured the system, the old brothers in Beifu can get prestigious land themselves, and it is impossible for them to become family generals of aristocratic families like Liu Laozhi. so…………"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So, they fell in love with the brave and agile Hu people, and wanted to use them directly as their slaves to guard the home, right?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, that's it, they don't want to have Sun En's Rebellion again and wait for their own death. In addition, they have to make achievements in the future, from the acquisition of the title, to rely on the children of the aristocratic family to charge into the battlefield by themselves, but it's too difficult for them. Now, if there is a family member who has made meritorious deeds, it can be counted in the master's name, Ji slave, it is a human effort, and some things, I am afraid you have to make concessions!"


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