Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3126: Ideal turn empty when young

Liu Yu looked at Liu Muzhi with bright eyes, and said solemnly, "If we have been fighting for so many years, we still have to return to the world where the noble family has held power for generations, and let the people of the world become their slaves again. What's the point of our struggle?"

When Liu Yu said this, he turned to look at Wang Miaoyin and said loudly: "When we were young, when we first met, I remember that you agreed with me, Miaoyin, that what we want to save is all the people in the world, not everyone in the world. In a world where people are oppressed and people are born to be ruled and enslaved, have you forgotten the ideals of your youth now?"

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "The ideal in my youth? When I was a teenager, you and I were powerless, just men and women who were full of ideals and hopes and didn't know the difficulties of the world. Now that we have reached this position, our every word, every Decisions will decide the life and death of hundreds of thousands, millions of people, change their lives, and talk about the ideals of childhood, is it too naive? You say that everyone should not be ruled and enslaved, then Can you allow any soldier in your army to make decisions for you? If it is up to the sergeants, I am afraid that eight out of ten soldiers do not want to fight this city of Guanggu. When you go home, you decide the life and death of thousands of soldiers, why do you say that a noble family cannot rule and manage the people?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I'm doing it for the good of the soldiers, they fight for the Great Jin, and they fight for the Han people in the world, and they will naturally get corresponding rewards, but what about the aristocratic family, can the noble family give these benefits? The biggest difference between me and you is that I fight for public affairs, not selfish desires, and I will give all soldiers the hope of standing out and changing their lives, and I will not force them to fight here!"

Wang Miaoyin sneered and said, "Hope? Take the land that belonged to the noble family and the scholars of the world, and distribute the property as military merit. Is this called hope? Today, you take people's property to give favors, and tomorrow you will change the person in charge. You can also take away the family business of your soldiers and soldiers to distribute to a new batch of people. There is no way to protect the credit of the predecessors, the rules of the family business, and a ruler will take the inheritance of the predecessors in order to please the people at the bottom. Divide the descendants, and then change to a new one to come to power, and then take the inheritance of the descendants and divide the descendants, so is there still a rule in this world?"

Liu Yu sighed and said, "You can tell me these truths before, and we can have a good discussion. If I have any ill-conceived things, we can also discuss and adjust them together, but you come here first and then play it out, don't follow along. I decided to do this forcibly after discussing it. Have you considered my feelings? Have you considered the feelings of the entire army? In this way, all the hundreds of thousands of Hu people will be plundered into slaves and filled into the family's manor. After that, we will continue the northern expedition. , will the Hu people still surrender? It is bound to be executed to the end, and the noble family will continue to support it? It is not the blood of the soldiers of the Beifu!"

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "This is already the result of our compromises and concessions. You don't allow the aristocratic family to continue to let the Han people be their family members, then we have to find new people who are willing to be happy. This Qingzhou property, you I want to distribute it to the meritorious soldiers, but they can't farm here, they must want to go back to their hometown. The only result is that, like those real estate in Jiangbei, they will finally be sold to the noble family. This is the land of the border county, and the army can't Jiujiu, who knows when the Hu people will attack again, and you must maintain the garrison here, so apart from relying on the resigned Hu people to serve as soldiers, do you have any better options?"

Liu Yu's eyes were shining, and he was thinking about this problem quickly in his heart. Indeed, this problem has tormented him for a long time. Even after the capture of Guanggu, the army will inevitably return to the division and Lu Xun's celestial thief. In the battle, who will defend Qingzhou and Nanyan will be a big problem. When discussing with Liu Muzhi just now, Liu Muzhi said that he would stay in the town himself, and he should not delegate power to the local tyrants in Qingzhou. He has already formed such a tacit understanding with Wang Miaoyin, and is ready to rely on the Hu people controlled by the aristocratic family as the main defense force of Qingzhou.

Liu Yu thought of this, looked at Liu Muzhi, and said solemnly, "Do you think so too, Fatty?!"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Originally, I wanted to lay down Guanggu to discuss this with you later, and I could even make some more detailed changes, such as letting the strong soldiers of the Hu people stay, the soldiers of the generals, and the families of the families. They stayed here in name to manage their former military colonies and tribes smoothly, and let their family members and nephews be assigned to the prefectures and counties of Wu in the form of half hostages for surveillance. However, since Miaoyin mentioned it like this, we might as well Let’s talk about it too, I’m afraid I will stay in Qingzhou, and I have to rely on these Hu soldiers and horses, otherwise the local Han people in Qingzhou will be strong and powerful, and within a few months, they will be independent and everything will return to the past!”

Liu Yu took a deep breath and looked at Liu Muzhi: "If I don't do this, but stay here with a strong enough army, and move the surrendered soldiers and civilians of Nanyan to the south~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What can I do? I'm not under the control of the noble family, what can they do to me? Will Xi Le be established to split the North Palace?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Ji slave, don't be like this, don't be arrogant, and don't regard the noble family as your enemy, at least they have benefits now and are willing to support your great cause, and they have not stood in the way of heaven at this time. On the side of the alliance and the demon thief, if you turn against them at this time and turn your face, if even Miao Yin and Madam Xie do not support you, then the fate of Zu Ti, Huan Wen, and Xie Xuan is just around the corner!"

Liu Yu stood up all of a sudden, held down the Dragon Slaying Sword, and said sternly, "They dare! If anyone wants to imitate the Mafia and bring disaster to the country and the people, see how I deal with him. Wang Yu's fate is a lesson from the past!"

Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu motionless, and murmured, "Brother Yu, do you want to clean up with me? Just for her?!"

Liu Yu's eyes were bloodshot and he was breathing rapidly. He gritted his teeth and said loudly, "Miaoyin, don't force me to be your opposite, this is not Muronglan's business, but a state affair. What I want to create is a Everyone, including the Hu people, is equal, and there is no longer a world of oppression and slavery. If we don’t treat the Hu people as human beings, then sooner or later we will also stop treating our Han people as human beings. ?"

Wang Miaoyin closed her eyes, and a teardrop slid from the corner of her eyes: "Did I not give her a chance to choose from the Xianbei people? Brother Yu, how heartless are you towards me?!"


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