Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3151: Royal Sister Shen Gong Zhen 0 Army

After Xu Chite, more than 20 archers also raised their bows to shoot, but after hearing this, more than 10 people immediately put down their bows and looked at the horses, with braided hair and white helmets. Yingtong was dancing in the air, and the people who came were picturesque, with a stunning face, with a heroic spirit, isn't it Liu Yu's wife, Murong Lan? !

These archers who have been in the Beifu Army since the Shenjian Assault Battalion during the Tan Pingzhi period exclaimed in surprise, "It's my sister-in-law, it's my sister-in-law!"

However, there are still three or four Xu family parts brought by Xu Chite, who do not know Muronglan, and their movements are also consistent. Like Xu Chite, they directly mount the arrow and shoot it out. When he stopped drinking, it was too late, three or four arrows shot out in a row, heading straight for Murong Lan.

I saw Murong Lan on the horse's back, with her slender waist swaying like a willow in the wind, dancing with the wind, only a few swaying, these arrows brushed past her side, and not a single arrow could hit Murong. orchid.

The last arrow went straight to Murong Lan's left shoulder. She raised her eyebrows, and her left hand slashed in the air like lightning. The arrow was copied in her hand, and she turned around and put it on her right hand. The archer of the Jin army who shot the arrow widened his eyes. Before he had time to applaud the move, he only heard the sound of "woo". The arrow came, and he didn't even have time to dodge. I only felt a pain in my left shoulder, and my whole body fell backwards and fell to the ground.

The archer screamed: "My shoulder, my shoulder!"

His heart was bleeding. As an archer, he knew very well that the force and strength of the arrow must have penetrated his left shoulder, and the shoulder bone would definitely be shattered with one blow. In his life, he would never be able to draw the bow again The arrow is released, and even being an ordinary farmer with a **** is an extravagant hope!

He was imagining the feeling of this arrow piercing his shoulders and back, breaking bones. He closed his eyes, waiting for all this to come, and sighed secretly: I never thought that I would be disabled for life, old man. God, you are so unfair to me.

But the pain of the broken bones in his imagination did not come. Amidst the exclamations of the people around him, he opened his eyes and looked at his left shoulder, only to see a leather shoulder pad embedded with a The arrow shaft, without the arrow, still shot into the soft leather armor. The arrow was still the one that he shot out, but the arrow had obviously been taken off by Murong Lan. If not, he would be a waste now! Even with the strength that this arrow can enter armor without a head, and replace it with his original three-edged bone-penetrating arrow, not only this left arm, but also his life may not be there.

Xiang Mi kicked the soldier's **** heavily, and scolded sharply, "Idiot, if sister-in-law hadn't been merciful, your little life would have been lost long ago!"

This time, the soldier came to his senses and cried, "I was wrong, it was my fault, thank you for not killing me!"

And in his voice, Murong Lan rushed towards the Jin army formation like lightning, and everyone consciously dodged to both sides this time, and even pressed their hands on their chests to move towards Murong Lan. present.

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth, got on his horse, and said loudly to Xu Chite who had just climbed up from the ground beside him: "Chite, don't let arrows go, this is a military order, if anyone dares to shoot at my sister-in-law, I will kill him myself!"

Xu Chite didn't dare to say anything else this time. Muronglan's martial arts had always been heard by ear, but today he truly saw what it means to be in heaven. All the legends about Liu Yu, the **** of war couple in the army, had been personally experienced. I dare not have any more unreasonable thoughts.

Xiang Mi's figure also disappeared with the sound of horses' hooves. Xu Chite glanced around at the hundreds of soldiers around him. Everyone looked at Murong Lan's disappearing figure, and their faces were full of admiration. After all, they were all soldiers. As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any. Most of these people have never fought side by side with Murong Lan like Xiang Mi, but today I saw her going out of the city, avoiding arrows, grabbing arrows, and reflexing. , they only have the big word "serving" written on them.

Xu Chite gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "Why are you in a daze, why don't you hurry up and clean up the battlefield, didn't you listen to Brother Tie Niu, burn all these dead ghosts and monsters for me, otherwise, don't even think about entering the city? La!"

Murong Lan's silver armored white horse was galloping all the way. The Jin army behind him was getting farther and farther away, and more than a hundred paces away, a new large group of Jin army was already starting to form the formation. After a few hundred steps, the rear team could not see clearly, only an enemy cavalry that was not in Jin uniform and armor could be seen coming quickly.

The soldiers in the front row were hurriedly raising their shields and holding lances, while the archers in the back row were hoisting their arrows and waiting in full force. They all knew that they could rush through the array guarded by Mi and Xu Chite in the front row and rushed here. Yes, it must be a strong enemy, even if there is only one, it must be defended like a big enemy.

Murong Lan let out a long "woo", and Lang Libai under the seat held back her four hooves, standing slowly on the ground, shaking her head gently and flicking her tail, Murong Lan stroked its long mane with pity and muttered. He murmured, "Could it be that you really want to force me to hurt people?"

Xiang Mi's voice sounded from the back, out of breath: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you, you wait for iron bull, wait, iron bull..."

Murong Lan gritted her teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ phoenix waist twisted, and immediately turned upside down. At the same time, she used a bow to guide arrows, pointing straight to ride. The arrows she used this time were shining brightly, and it was definitely not empty before. The arrow shaft, facing Xiang Mi, who was 20 paces away, came with the dust, and said coldly: "Tie Niu, don't force me to do something to you!"

Xiang Mi quickly took control of the horse and stopped more than ten paces away. He spread his hands high so that Murong Lan could see clearly that there were no weapons in his hands, and then said loudly, "Sister-in-law, don't get me wrong, I I didn't come to be your enemy!"

Murong Lan put down the bow in her hand, but the arrow was still buckled on the string, the wind howling on the battlefield was blowing her hair, she said solemnly: "Tie Niu, I'm going to see Ji Nu, why are you so miserable? Force, do you have to force me to do something with you? You don't really think that now that I have just given birth, I can't beat you."

Xiang Mi laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, I will never be able to beat you on a horse in this life, let alone me, even Brother Ji Nu and Brother A Shou may not be able to beat you on a horse. It's natural, not comparable to us Han people."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "I really miss the days when we were together in the Beifu army. At that time, we practiced all the time, always so carefree, and I never thought that there would be such a day when we would You die and I live, swordsmen meet."

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