Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3152: Reminiscing about old uncle and sister-in-law

The muscles on Xiang Mi's face jumped, and he shook his head and said, "Sister-in-law, between you and me, you will never die. I have been taken care of by you and Brother Ji Nu for so many years, and I can even say everything about me. It's all given by you, even my life, if you want it, you can take it at any time, I won't say a word."

A touch of emotion flashed in Murong Lan's eyes, she nodded and said, "Brother Tie Niu, you have always been the most affectionate, and to have a good brother like you in this life, I have no regrets in Murong Lan's death. But now, please Get out of the way, I have something important to do, so I can't catch up with you like this."

Xiang Mi sighed softly: "Sister-in-law, are you going to find Brother Ji Nu?"

Murong Lan nodded: "Things have changed, I have to see him in person, this is about the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, millions of people's lives, the family and the world, I have to see him. Tie Niu, you Don't get me wrong, I won't hurt him, no matter what, he is my husband, the biological father of my son, and the man I love, admire and respect all my life."

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "But after all, you are now the eldest princess of the Yan Kingdom, an enemy who fought against our Jin army, and..."

Having said that, he held back his words, and there were tears in his eyes, but he couldn't say any more.

A look of pain flashed on Murong Lan's face, and she said, "Today's war is the greatest tragedy I have ever experienced in my life, even if Dayan destroyed the country back then, the pain and guilt that I was unable to return to the sky cannot be reconciled with. Compared to this time, and this time, at least I have the ability to prevent this tragedy from happening again. Tie Niu, this is the reason why I am going to find a slave.”

Xiang Mi sighed: "Are you helping Brother Ji Nu to defeat Heipao and end this war, or do you want to help Dayan defeat Brother Ji Nu and let us retreat? Sister-in-law, I only need to listen to you."

Murong Lan said quietly: "Do you think that only the people of Dayan are my clan, my soldiers, aren't you my brothers? Isn't Ji Nu my husband? I don't want to. Yes, the soldiers and civilians of the two countries, soldiers and soldiers, are meaningless casualties for the ambition of a few people."

Having said that, she turned her head and pointed to the city gate at the rear: "Tie Niu, today at the South Gate alone, tens of thousands of soldiers from both countries have been killed in battle, and many of them are brothers, clansmen, and comrades I know. , just watching them die in front of my eyes, can you understand my feelings and thoughts?"

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "So, how are you going to stop this war? Are you impressing Brother Ji Nu with the love of husband and wife? If you can convince him that the last negotiation was successful, why wait until now?"

Murong Lan said sternly: "It's a matter of confidentiality, I can't tell my plan right now, but I can assure you, Brother Tie Niu, I will never hurt Ji Slave, to stop this war, what is needed is to let the black robe take over. Instead of letting the slaves get hurt, of course, he has to order the withdrawal of troops and stop slaughtering my clansmen, otherwise, even if I take my life, I will go to see the ancestors with my clansmen!"

Xiang Mi's expression changed: "Are you still going to fight Ji Nu brother?"

Murong Lan sighed, but her expression was extremely determined: "I don't want this to happen, but I must prepare for this, if he insists on not giving in and refusing to forgive our innocent people in Dayan, then I will fight for this life, and I will fight him once!"

"Brother Tie Niu, I don't want to lie to you, but before that, I will join forces with him to defeat the black robe and end this unnecessary war. If the black robe is gone, he will insist on destroying my Dayan and enslaving my clan. , then I will fight to the death! Brother Tie Niu, I know that you have military orders, you are ordered to attack the city, and you are also responsible for guarding. If you let me go, it is your dereliction of duty and abandonment. I will not embarrass you. Come on, come with me In a battle, life and death depend on fate, and each has no complaints."

Xiang Mi nodded earnestly: "Sister-in-law is still the elder sister-in-law forever, and also my iron bull's forever brother, I trust you!"

Having said that, he reached out to the saddle, took out a piece of rope, and threw it towards Murong Lan.

Murong Lan took the rope, frowned, and said, "Tie Niu, why are you doing this?"

Xiang Mi said sternly: "I believe in you, sister-in-law, and I believe in Brother Ji Nu even more. If you join forces to eliminate Heipao, just like when you were on the stage, you can join hands to eliminate Xi Chao. All misunderstandings and contradictions, All can be solved. I believe that Brother Ji Nu will not be like those greedy warlords who insist on making all of your clansmen into slavery, injustices and debts. It will definitely give you a satisfactory way out. So, I will help you meet Brother Ji Nu!"

Murong Lan's eyes widened: "Tie Niu, I can't help it, you are treasonous to the enemy. If you pursue it later, you will..."

Xiang Mi laughed: "So you have to tie me up first and take me as a hostage, so that I can protect you and pass through the army behind."

Murong Lan narrowed her eyes: "Are you sure this is possible?"

Xiang Mi nodded: "Otherwise, what would I do if I catch up with you? Anyway, if you want to ride through the three armies, it will not be so easy to reach Brother Jinu~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the second behind The formation is still my subordinates, if you see that I have given you control, you will not attack, otherwise, if you have some shortcomings when you are rushing to the formation, it will be the biggest tragedy!"

Murong Lan laughed: "My Tie Niu brother has really improved a lot, I can think of this, but, wouldn't you be a prisoner once, or a female prisoner, how can you be here in the future? In the army."

Xiang Mi grinned: "Fame? Fame is a piece of shit, can it be exchanged for the reconciliation of my eldest brother and sister-in-law, and the lives of thousands of innocent people? Sister-in-law, don't talk, it's not too late, let me send you now Let's go!" He said, suddenly galloping on his horse, rushing towards Murong Lan.

Murong Lan's eyes flashed coldly, and she whispered, "Offended!"

Her warhorse also raised its hooves, turned and ran towards Xiang Mi. The two horses galloped, rolling up a cloud of smoke, and soon, they were enveloped in the figure, except for the sound of roaring in the smoke and dust. The voice of the Jin army, a hundred steps away, can no longer see the situation inside the smoke.

A hundred paces away, in the formation of the Jin army, hundreds of sergeants were staring at the smoke, and a shield guard in the front row said in a low voice, "That enemy general who came is really the eldest princess of the Yan Kingdom, Murong Lan? I heard that she is our handsome..."

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