Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3155: The iron bull has sent the array for the quality

Captain Huang said thoughtfully: "But, that Empress Liu, not later..."

When he said this, his face changed, and he stopped the following words.

Uncle Lin Zi sighed: "Yeah, it's a coincidence, Empress Liu actually later became one of our three giants in Beifu, the governor of Yuzhou, and the wife of the late general Xile. I was shocked when I heard the news."

Captain Huang gritted his teeth: "Brother Xile has always been at odds with Brother Ji Nu, probably because of Queen Wang's relationship, so she sheltered Mrs. Liu. After all, Mrs. Liu has also made friends with many noble families, which can be used to compete Queen Wang and the family behind her."

Uncle Lin said sternly: "That's why, this time Empress Wang went with the army and wanted to take revenge on Murong Lan. First, we have to cut off our commander's other thoughts, and we can only join forces with her in the future. Second, it is also a warning to that Mrs. Liu, the result of being an enemy of her. The third thing is to make the commander make a contribution, and then firmly hold down Brother Xile. Boys, this court has always been like a battlefield, and we ordinary people should stay far away. Good order."

Xiao Liuzi sighed: "I just understood after hearing Uncle Lin Zi's explanation. However, why did Zang Aiqin leave Dashuai and return to Nanyan after so many trials and tribulations?"

Captain Huang hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "Boy, after all, she is from Xianbei, the princess of Yan State, how could she just sit back and ignore the difficulties of the country. Just like your village, if your future daughter-in-law's family sends someone there Attack, then which side are you standing on?"

Xiao Liuzi scratched his head: "That's true. However, since Princess Murong chose to be the princess of Yan Kingdom, she is our enemy. She is coming here now..."

When Xiao Liuzi said this, he looked at Captain Huang and gritted his teeth: "Brother Huang, can you do this?"

Captain Huang frowned tightly and looked at Uncle Lin Zi: "Uncle Lin Zi, you are an old senior, tell me, what should we do? As soldiers, we have to stay here and fight the enemy, but as a major Handsome little brothers, now that you know these things, do you really want to start?"

Uncle Lin Zi sighed and said faintly: "Don't talk about you, even a general like Brother Tie Niu, isn't it difficult to handle now, he is chasing Princess Murong over by himself, probably just to convince Princess Murong to turn back or It was a surrender. After all, no matter how close personal feelings are, in the face of this important military event, you have to give in. Brothers, Brother Tie Niu is a famous general in the army. He threw the rope at Murong Lan just now. Murong Lan tied herself up to avoid fighting, if he can take down Murong Lan, it will save us the trouble, but if..."

Before he could finish his words, he only heard the sound of swords clashing, followed by a loud roar from Xiang Mi, and then, the smoke and dust in front of him, where the sound of fighting was still heard, gradually stopped flying.

Captain Huang said nervously: "Uncle Lin Zi, what is the result of this? Brother Tie Niu's martial arts are strong, and Murong Lan is a woman after all, so there should be no problem in taking her down."

Uncle Lin Zi shook his head solemnly: "I'm afraid you don't know how powerful Murong Lan is. She can fight side by side with the commander. Not to mention, it was that year that he and the marshal teamed up to fight a three-to-four-foot-tall iron-armored monster, and finally joined forces to win, I have seen it with my own eyes!"

Xiao Liuzi's eyes widened: "A monster three or four feet high? Or an iron armor? Isn't that higher than this Guanggu city wall, my God, how is this possible!"

Uncle Lin Zi laughed: "Only such a woman is worthy of our handsome. Although Brother Tie Niu is also a famous warrior in the world, I'm afraid..."

When his words came to this point, the smoke and dust in front of him completely dissipated, and Murong Lan was sitting steadily on the white horseback in the waves, with a calm expression and even breath. The helmet also disappeared, and one head of hair was hanging down, while the two hands were tied with ropes, and the back was back, and the head was downcast, like a defeated rooster.

Uncle Lin Zi's expression changed slightly as he murmured, "I never imagined that even Brother Tie Niu would be defeated by Murong Lan."

Captain Huang on the side gritted his teeth: "Even if Brother Tie Niu loses, we still have thousands of brothers here. I don't believe Murong Lan can rush past, everyone prepare..."

He was about to raise his hand when he heard Xiang Mi in front of him yelling: "Are you crazy? Do you want to shoot me with me? Huang Shilang, are you timid, you want to sit here with me? location?"

Captain Huang was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly waved his hand: "Brother Tie Niu, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't dare to hurt you even if I gave me a hundred courage, we just wanted to..."

Xiang Mi shouted sharply: "Think about it, this person is not only the general of the Yan Kingdom, but also my sister-in-law, my former brother, the two armies are fighting against each other, and each has its own master. Didn't you see me fighting her just now? I lost. Now, I have nothing to say, I have to let her go. Get out of the way!"

Captain Huang looked embarrassed and hesitating, Uncle Lin said: "Xiao Huang, why are you hesitating, Brother Tie Niu is our general, and his words are military orders. If there is anything, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Finally He's in charge, let's clear the passage."

Xiao Liuzi gritted his teeth: "But this is equivalent to invading the enemy, is it really okay?"

Uncle Lin Zi shook his head: "It's all right, Brother Ji Nu, Master Liu has the final say. Back then, for the sake of the people of Wu, he personally let Lu Xunxu overwhelm these demon thieves, and besides, Brother Tie Niu is still in her hands. , we can't hurt our general, let's go."

Captain Huang sighed, waved his hand, and said solemnly: "Listen, spread out the formation, clear the passage, and let them pass."

A few other team members' voices came from afar: "Old Huang, did you really let them go?"

Team Huang is gritting his teeth: "This is an order from General Xiang, we can only abide by it, Brother Tie Niu said, all the responsibilities will be borne by him, what else do we say?"

He said, waved his hand, and said solemnly: "What are you waiting for, get out of the way, all the bows and arrows are in the bag, the sword is in the sheath, the tip of the lance points upwards, anyone who dares to shoot against the order, behead!"

A passage, in this way, moved away from the dense army formation to both sides, just like the sea opened a passage for Bi, Murong Lan rode his horse in front, leading Xiang Jing's warhorse, and galloped through this passage, two people. The sergeants on the side saluted them in unison, until the figures of the two disappeared into the distance.

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