Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3156: Youth is always attractive

Murong Lan and Xiang Mi were in this way, one after the other, galloping on their horses until they reached more than 300 paces behind the formation in the second row, and they both stopped in an open space. The ropes have been untied, because the binding itself is a pretense.

Xiang Mi smiled while rubbing his wrist: "If you want a fake tie, you may have to practice more in the future. Sister-in-law, you still don't know how to be a girl. You can see from this."

Murong Lan sneered: "My hand has always been a knife and an arrow. If I want to find someone who can become a female celebrity, go back and find your daughter-in-law, Brother Tie Niu."

Xiang Mi nodded: "I'm not afraid that if someone with short eyes attacks you, I have to help you to resist, otherwise, it will be tied up. However, I thought about it on the way just now, Let's just say that I fought with Helan Lu and beat him back to the city, so it took a lot of energy to lose to you, how about it, sister-in-law, this reason is very reasonable."

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "You bastard, can't see it, now there are more and more Huahua intestines, okay, thank you for giving me a ride this time, I have to go."

Xiang Mi said sternly: "Sister-in-law, be careful, Brother A Shou should go back in the second round. He just said that he would go back to protect Brother Ji Nu, and he also said..."

Having said that, he hesitated for a while, but did not continue.

Murong Lan frowned slightly: "Are you trying to say that Ah Shou will do his best to stop me?"

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth, slapped the saddle head, and said loudly, "Sister-in-law, A Shou is not trying to stop you, not to harm you. Don't get me wrong, he is, he wants to save you."

Murong Lan suddenly laughed: "Okay, I understand what he meant. You mean, Ah Shou didn't want me to meet Miaoyin, so he wanted to stop me in person, right?"

Xiang Mi nodded and said: "Yes, he told me before that I must keep you, but I still can't do it, because, I believe what you said, to eliminate the black robe, you need you It's enough to join forces with Brother Ji Nu. It's just that I still don't quite understand, is the black robe really so powerful that it's worth the two of you to fight together?"

Murong Lan hesitated for a moment, then said: "Tie Niu, thank you for telling me these things, I must tell you now, the black robe is not someone else, but my brother, the former emperor of Yan Kingdom, the famous **** of war in the world. Murong Chui!"

This time Xiang Mi was so startled that he almost fell off his horse, and even the mount jumped and chirped non-stop. It took him a while to control the reins before he stabilized. He stared straight at Murong Lan: "This is , how is this possible, how many years has he been dead?!"

Murong Lan shook her head: "That's just a technique of suspended animation, in fact, he practiced the sorcery of the Heavenly Dao Alliance to rejuvenate his youth. Now Murong Chui has probably recovered to his body in his 30s or 40s, and it is no longer you. The imaginary one who is over 80 years old is dead."

Xiang Mi touched his chest and murmured, "My God, in this world, there is still the art of rejuvenating youth, isn't it possible to never die?"

Having said that, his eyes suddenly stopped on Murong Lan's beautiful face, which was like a beautiful woman in twenty-eight, and his eyes widened: "Ah, sister-in-law, so, you, you too..."

Murong Lan sighed faintly: "Yes, as his sister and as an apostle of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, I have practiced this technique of rejuvenation and youth, so now I still look like twenty. Same as last year."

Xiang Mi sighed: "No wonder I always look at my sister-in-law so beautiful. But Brother Ji Nu must not have learned this. Like us, he is also a middle-aged man now."

Murong Lan nodded: "This kind of beauty-preserving technique cannot be successful overnight. It has always been a secret technique of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, and it will never be spread. If it wasn't for this attraction and temptation back then, I don't think I would have embarked on it. Lu, have helped my eldest brother for so many years. After all, which woman can resist the temptation of eternal youth and allure of the country?!"

Xiang Mi suddenly thought of something, and his face changed: "Then, that Wang and Queen she..."

Murong Lan shook her head: "Tie Niu, don't think too much, she's not a member of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, although she's also a Zhuyan **, but that's the ancestral secret recipe of their Xie family, not only that, they also climb dragons and phoenixes to control their children. These methods of raising daughters, but I can tell you clearly, these are not taught by the Tiandao Alliance to the Xie family."

Xiang Mi breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, if I knew that Queen Wang was also a member of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, I would really go crazy. Then this time, are you going to join forces with Brother Ji Nu to fight Murong Chui together? I'm going to help too."

Murong Lan waved her hand: "Brother Tie Niu, this kind of decisive battle is not won by numbers. My eldest brother has now regained his middle-aged physical strength, and he has magic magic and organ skills in his hands. If he is not a great master, In the past, it was just to die, Tie Niu, it's not that I don't trust you, but this battle is the fateful confrontation between me and Ji Slave and Heipao, and innocent people cannot be involved!"

Xiang Mi sighed: "I'm still not good at martial arts. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not very good at riding, so I can't help you, but Brother A Shou can definitely help you, sister-in-law, tell Brother A Shou the news. , he will definitely help you."

Murong Lan raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "For some reason, I can't explain all this to A Shou right now, but I believe that he can understand me, and, in this battle, if Miao Yin can let go Heart knot, do your best to help me, that can be helpful.”

Xiang Mi's eyes widened: "This, how is this possible? Does Queen Wang know martial arts and are better than me?"

Murong Lan laughed: "Tie Niu, I'm afraid you don't know, Wang Miaoyin is a top spy trained strictly by the Xie family. In this battle, it's not as good as you to be resolute and determined, but if you talk about this kind of closeness. If you fight with your body, and your swordsmanship is light, then you are far inferior to him. This kind of small-scale fight does not depend on your brute force and heavy armor, but also on agility and speed. This is why I won't let you come. s reason."

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "Understood, but, can you really join forces with Queen Wang? She wants your life. At that time, instead of being able to help you, she will fight you to the death, isn't it? Is the black robe cheaper? Also, if you beat down your eldest brother, will you, a secretary with a stunning appearance forever..." Having said that, he suddenly stopped his words and did not dare to continue any further. .

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