Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3189: Later generations of technology are more secretive

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Okay, needless to say, even if I want to pass on this idea of ​​mine, I won't rely on myself to live for thousands of years. Just like Confucius, like the great figure in our world. , they all died after only a few decades of life, but their ideas lived on forever!"

"The reason why Confucius became a Confucian saint is because he imparted knowledge and culture to ordinary people for the first time selflessly, making it possible for ordinary people to learn knowledge that could only be spread among noble children before. The great men of our time went a step further and eliminated the gods and emperors, and made everyone go to school and learn skills. It is precisely because of their selflessness that they are willing to share knowledge and the power of the world with ordinary people, so they don’t need a thousand years. With a lifetime of 10,000 years, there will naturally be generations of people who will inherit their ideals. Carry forward their careers."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "It's like me, even if I have traveled through a thousand years and come to this world, I still want to realize the idea of ​​our great man in this world a thousand years in advance. It can make the people of the world, like our era, no longer suffer from war and chaos. One or two people have talent and knowledge, no matter how powerful they are, they are limited. To promote the development of this world, it will create faster, stronger and more powerful technology for the benefit of the world!"

Liu Yu looked directly into Murong Chui's eyes: "In the world I came from, people have already gotten rid of poverty and hunger, and there is no need to be like this era, where thousands of people can only work all day, just to eat. With enough food, we, the common people, can grow hundreds of acres of land. The country's granary is always full, and we can even farm it without manpower. The operations of ploughing, sowing, martingale, fertilizing, weeding, and harvesting are performed automatically.”

"We no longer need to rob and plunder them in order to keep ourselves alive. This is just like what Confucius said, Cang Lin knows the etiquette, whether it is Han or Hu, can live well, and there will be no wars. This is the kingdom of heaven that people of this era could never dream of, but in our world, it is actually realized.”

Murong Chui gritted his teeth, shook his head and said, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, the world you said you came from was only a hundred years ago, and it's not much different from what we are today, how could it be so turned upside down in a hundred years? Change and development? You must have lied to me!"

Liu Yu said with a sneer: "Man is a very magical creature, and his potential is so great that he often doesn't even know it himself. Many times, people just don't have the opportunity to learn and master some super powerful skills. Once they have this opportunity, it may burst out enough technology to lead an era."

Having said that, he looked at Murong Chui and said solemnly, "It's like the horses that you prairie people deal with all day long. Before there were no stirrups, people couldn't stand on the saddle and couldn't exert force, so the role of the horse can only be Mobility, unable to attack on horseback, let alone to overwhelm the infantry formation. But it is because of the whimsy of an unknown genius that this stirrup was added to the saddle, which allowed the cavalry to start freeing their hands and using long weapons on the horse. It is very difficult for the infantry to block the cavalry since then."

Murong Chui sneered and said, "This is God's gift from our ancestors to the warriors of the grasslands, so that we can easily defeat you Han people!"

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, this is not a gift from God, but because you all ride horses in the grasslands, and there are enough people thinking about how to keep their balance on the horse and free their hands to do other things, if there are only a few The princes and nobles can ride horses, but ordinary shepherds and common people cannot ride. I’m afraid that until now, you can only ride on the bare backs of horses, grab the horse’s mane, and ride around the neck of the horse.”

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "So, you want to say that only when everyone has the opportunity to master technology and culture, can these technologies become better and better, and the world become better and better?"

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Yes, this is something that everyone in our era knew, everyone was for me, I was for everyone, and studying as an official depends on the actual results, what we did in our era. In the future, the university you will go to is not only teaching the Four Books and Five Classics, the Analects of Confucius, but more about teaching all kinds of techniques to apply what you have learned, which we call science.”

Murong Chui frowned: "Science? What? I've never heard of it. I'm afraid it's not some magic trick, sorcerer secretary."

Liu Yu sternly said: "That is the knowledge and ability of people to recognize this world and transform this world, from how to farm horses, to how to build things that can fly in the sky, run in the sea, and even go straight for nine days, it's all science. It can only be done, and even if science has reached the extreme, it can reverse time and space, travel thousands of miles, and fly freely in the universe.”

Murong Chui sneered and said, "What's so difficult about this? Liu Yu, I don't mind telling you a secret~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What you said, in our Tiandao Alliance, almost all secretaries can do it. Nian Taiping, you can achieve everything you said!"

This time, even Liu Yu was startled, his eyes widened: "What? You are talking about a thousand years of peace, can you have the scientific level of later generations?"

Murong Chui said in a deep voice, "The secret techniques of the Heavenly Dao Alliance are far more powerful than you think, just like reincarnating the deceased into a longevity medicine man, or taking a Gu worm and turning into a monster like the Moon Flying Gu. Can science do it?"

Liu Yu frowned and said, "These are evil magic arts, and they are not among the sciences of our later generations."

However, in his heart, he thought to himself that in future generations, he had also heard of some evil scientists conducting various human experiments, typically such as 731 monsters. Perhaps, they could really be allowed to do Longevity monsters, Resident Evil and these things come.

Murong Chui sneered and said, "That's it, don't want your science to govern all things. In the Alliance of Heaven and Dao, there are wonderful techniques and thaumaturgy. Ten thousand ordinary people are not as effective as a genius. All the miracles in this world. Only those with divine power can create them. Liu Yu, you think that giving those ignorant and foolish people a chance to learn cultural knowledge can make the world stronger, it can only be said that you do not know the mystery between the world and the earth. Think about it from another angle, do you think that if cows, sheep, pigs and dogs learn to speak like people, they can become more powerful than people?"

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