Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3190: Ten thousand years alone, empty and cold

Liu Yu said sternly: "Humans are all creatures, not pigs, dogs, dogs and sheep. Your analogy has no legitimacy at all."

Murong Chui said coldly, "The difference between dragons and phoenixes among people and ordinary fools and **** may be greater than the difference between ordinary people and animals, just like you, Liu Yu, you may beat hundreds of strong men by yourself, but ordinary people are not. A man of the age of 20 may be able to beat two cows alone. That's the difference. Liu Yu, you are obviously not from this era, and you have abilities and abilities far exceeding those of ordinary people. Ordinary people are classified into one category? You can become a god, why should you give up the supreme divine power at your fingertips for the sake of a so-called lofty ideal?"

Having said this, a cold light flashed in Murong Chui's eyes: "The great man of the future generations that you admire, he is definitely not the same as you in this era, he has the ability to be the best in the world, he is only a mortal, he can't do it. With one enemy against a thousand like you, he can't be immortal like you, so he can only put himself in the same position as mortals, because he himself has no strength to deal with mortals."

"Like Confucius, he just read more than others, but he didn't get to the point where everyone in the world was drunk and sober. So, in order to make a name for himself, he taught those disciples all the books in the family, in order to stay In the name of a sage, if he has a choice, he can live for thousands of years, and he can cultivate immortality by himself, then I am afraid that he will only cultivate immortals by himself, not caring about the life and death of others.”

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So Lao Tzu only cares about himself, even if he becomes an immortal, no one knows, but Confucius is admired by us forever, lives in our hearts forever, and is respected by us."

Murong Chui hooked the corners of his lips in disdain: "How about living in your hearts, not still dead? I still don't know what kind of ants or maggots will be reincarnated into, what's the use of your respect? If you look back at these people, you will no longer regard them as the same kind as we humans look at all kinds of cattle, sheep, cats and dogs. How would you know the beauty of becoming a god? Animals like dogs and horses respect you, like you, and talk about you for thousands of years, what’s the benefit?”

When Murong Chui said this, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes: "Actually, you should also know that there are many magical techniques in the Tiandao Alliance, even in the world you came from, if you and I really Cooperation, I will let you master all the secrets of the Heavenly Dao Alliance and know all about the Ten Thousand Years Taiping Plan, when that time comes, you will definitely not..."

Liu Yu laughed and said: "Okay, Murong Chui, as I said before, the Tao is different, it does not work for each other, becoming a **** and becoming an immortal, with supreme power and long lifespan, it is indeed attractive to many people. But if I achieve this by hurting thousands of souls and lives, by not being human, and enslaving the world as beasts like cattle and sheep, then I would rather never become such a god!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yu's eyes gleamed: "The reason why people are human is that we have human emotions, morals and values ​​as human beings, there are indeed many bad things in human nature, but more Family, friendship, and love are so beautiful. Life is alive because of these things that are worth cherishing and protecting. If you lose your humanity and regard people of the same kind as cows, sheep, pigs and dogs, then you are in this world. What's the point?"

"Even if you become a god, ascend to an immortal, and go to the sky, what is there in the sky, there are immortals like you, or a group like you, who can live with you forever and live like a human being?"

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "No, above the nine heavens, it is cold and lonely, and naturally there are not so many ordinary beings in the world. If everyone can fly to the sky, wouldn't it be chaos in the sky?"

Liu Yu sneered and said: "That's it, if you live for thousands of years, you are just like the mountains and rivers, there is no one of your kind, no one talks to you, no one is your kind, and there is no difference between you being alive and dead. , poor, so poor!"

Murong Chui suddenly shouted angrily, "No, at that time, at that time, all of you mortals, that is, my servants in the human world, you must offer me incense, treat me like a god, and offer sacrifices to me. , and you and Murong Lan will lead our clan, talk to me when you are lonely, and live with me."

Liu Yu sneered: "It's so sad, you said just now that we are nothing more than cattle and sheep hounds in your eyes, you have become immortals, we are no longer your kind, but you are ignored, and you have to talk to me again. We aliens talk to us, beasts of the same kind, to be worshipped, just like you and your war horses, right?"

Murong Chui breathed heavily: "You guys, after you have been peaceful for ten thousand years, Liu Yu, you, you and my sister can also become immortals and stay with me. No, not aliens."

Liu Yu said calmly: "Isn't that only the three of us who can become gods and become immortals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are only three of us in the sky, and only the Murong family has become a talking cow and sheep. Ordinary people have always suppressed and ruled them, and they have become beasts who can't speak and can't communicate with us, right?"

A look of fear flashed in Murong Chui's eyes, and he was unable to refute it.

Liu Yu sighed: "You are so high that you can decide the life and death of everyone, and you will no longer be the same brain, one will, and one kind, Murong Chui, then you will truly appreciate the so-called loneliness and widowhood. The taste of loneliness, even if you have a long life, and you will die with the world, what is the use? No one can communicate with you, no one can accompany you to experience the feelings of the world, you live, and you die again. what differences are there?"

Murong Chui shouted sharply: "No, I am a god, I will become a god, I want all the creatures in the world to worship at my feet, I want them to speak with me, they have to say, I want them to speak I have to speak, I want them to live, and if I want them to die, they die, they are not allowed to leave me, they are not allowed..."

Liu Yu slowly pulled out the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand: "Murong Chui, you are already crazy, I can be sure now that you no longer have the feelings and thoughts of a person, I came back to this world to be a person. Instead of becoming a mad **** like you, I will stop your plan for 10,000 years of peace!"

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