Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3191: Wind and Thunder Discoloration Mo Xie Slash

Murong Chui's eyes widened, and he also raised the Dragon-Slaughtering Halberd in his hand, gritted his teeth: "No one can stop my plan for 10,000 years of peace, no one can stop me from becoming a **** in this world, my sons will not stop me. Yes, my sister can't, neither can you! Liu Yu, you won't cooperate with me, you're my enemy, I'll destroy you first, and then..."

Liu Yu's whole body also began to rise into the sky, an awe-inspiring and inviolable fighting spirit, his eyes were piercing, and he looked directly at Murong Chui: "Come on, end your ambition, end the source of the chaos in the world, I will return. Coming to this world is the arrangement of God, and it is destined to stop you."

The black robe suddenly screamed, and the surrounding air wall suddenly disappeared. Liu Yu could clearly feel that a force that could almost surpass the sky and the earth instantly tore the entire surrounding air. The tunnel full of rays of light seemed to open in front of him, and countless luminous crystals spewed out of this tunnel, and his body, together with the weapon in his hand, could not move for a moment.

Liu Yu only felt that the seven orifices were about to burst, and the whole person was completely trapped. The dragon-killing sword in his hand was lifted little by little, but he was completely out of his control, and the opposite Murong Chui also followed him. In the same way, the whole person seemed to be restrained by an invisible force and could no longer move. Only the dragon-slaying giant halberd and the dragon-slaying sword slowly swayed, his eyes were full of desire for success, and his eyes were full of desire. He stared at himself motionlessly, his lips did not move, but a voice exploded in Liu Yu's mind.

"Liu Yu, since you are not from this world, then I can only use the power beyond heaven and earth to trap you, and then extract your power and transfer it to me. You are now a living dead, unable to act, only You can do it at my mercy!"

Liu Yu only felt his own strength, as if it was flowing towards the outside of the body, but he couldn't struggle. He gritted his teeth and wanted to speak, but his own voice could speak to Murong Chui's heart. He knew very well that the other party I can hear myself: "You, how did you manage to control me? It's impossible!"

Murong Chui laughed smugly: "Liu Yu, Liu Yu, for this day, I made arrangements many years ago, do you remember the time you burned yourself in the fire when you were in Wuqiao Ze? Alan, I used the so-called Tianshan Ice Silkworm Cream to save you, and at the same time as the poison of black fire, I also placed my control in your body, and now is the time to activate this control!"

Liu Yu's mind flashed with light and flint, recalling what happened back then, he knew it all at once, and shouted sharply, "Despicable and shameless, to actually use such a trick, Murong Chui, you claim to be a god, just fight with me!"

A cold light flashed in Murong Chui's eyes: "When I have mastered your power, I will be the true god, and will be able to launch the Ten Thousand Years Peace Plan, Liu Yu, accept your fate, when I become a god, I have supreme power. After that, maybe I will think about realizing your ideal among these ants-like human beings. However, on this day, it is impossible for you to see it again. Come on, the power of the future generations, the divine power that has traveled through the millennium, do my best in vivo!"

Liu Yu only felt that it was getting harder and harder to breathe. The sound of the breath around him, like wind and thunder, was getting heavier and heavier, and the sound of fighting outside became more and more clear. The air barrier completely isolated the outside world, and as Murong Chui fought his own life and death, he used almost all of his strength to trap himself, which made him unable to maintain the airflow around him, and even let him You can see and hear what's going on outside.

On the handsome platform, hundreds of corpses have been lying on the ground, not only Wang Miaoyin's silver armored swordsmen, but also many Chinese army guards, and the parts of the longevity monsters and the mechanic are scattered. On the ground, Wang Miaoyin had collapsed to the ground, her body protective armor had numerous cracks, blood was flowing from the corners of her mouth, she reluctantly stood on the ground with the Moxie Sword, her hair was scattered, and her eyes were almost dull.

On the opposite side of her, Mingyue Flying Gu, with not a single bristles left on her body, twenty or thirty sword marks all over her body, six pairs of flying wings, more than five pairs were broken, and only the last remaining A pair, barely connected to the body, vibrating slightly, the bone whip in its hand has been broken by less than two feet, and it is almost unusable.

The situation of the battle is already obvious. Just as the two of them are talking, the battle outside has almost ended in a lose-lose situation. On and off the stage, apart from Liu Yu and Murong Chui, there is only this peerless woman who has fought for decades. He was still alive, and he was almost at the point where he was exhausted. The two swordsmanship battles against the Phantom Gu technique had reached the moment when the winner was finally decided.

Wang Miaoyin's eyes swept to Liu Yu. In her eyes just now, this was a wall of air that disappeared. Everything inside was unknown until the moment when Murong Chui dragged Liu Yu, because of the breath. After weakening, she saw everything inside, and in front of Liu Yu, the dragon slaughtering halberd was just a little bit, inch by inch, pressing towards his chest, her beauty suddenly turned pale, and she shouted: " Brother Yu!"

At this moment of daze~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the Mingyue Flying Gu on the opposite side suddenly had a bright green light in his eyes, and rushed towards Wang Miaoyin. This time, he fluttered his wings, two remaining on his body. The wings, with a bang, were both broken, and the sharp sword qi of Liangyi swordsmanship had already made these two wings exist in name only, and what it had been waiting for was this last chance!

With the strength of these wings, Mingyue Flying Gu rushed to Wang Miaoyin's body in an instant. Wang Miaoyin's distraction just now made it too late for her to draw a circle of two swords and encircle this terrifying monster. , her jade feet a little, and she retreated violently, while the Mo Xie sword in her hand tried her best to retreat while pulling out the sword circle, trying to use the circle of air to fly the Mingyue Flying Gu as far as possible. block.

However, Wang Miaoyin only drew less than half a circle. As soon as the sound of wind and thunder started, she only felt a flower in front of her eyes. The Mingyue Flying Gu had already rushed to the place less than three feet in front of her, and the bone teeth less than two feet away. The whip hits her chest. Wang Miaoyin almost instinctively gave up drawing a circle of swords to block the enemy. Instead, she slashed the sword and stabbed the bone and tooth whip. In any case, cut the enemy's blade first!

With a "click", Mingyue Flying Gu's right whisker, along with the bone whip in its hand, was broken under this sword, black juice splashed, and the broken whisker and bone whip just slapped. All of a sudden, it fell to the ground!

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