Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3200: Private transaction for return

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "It's not the same, the demon thief prisoners of war at that time were the people of Great Jin anyway. The affairs of their own people were handled by their own laws, but this time, it was the fake Yan who attacked the enemy country. You can't deal with this set of laws against the people of the country. Just like the last time when you quelled the demon thief, the noble family did not do much, but this time you went abroad for thousands of miles and fought for more than a year. Provide food and weapons and replenish human and material resources. Now, you also need to repay them."

Liu Yu said angrily: "This is not right. These food, grass, weapons, manpower and people belong to the country, not from aristocratic families. It's just that the Great Jin gave them official positions and authorized them to manage the locality, but the taxes collected are If you enter the treasury, you can't say that these are the money supplied by the aristocratic family."

Wang Miaoyin laughed: "My cavalry general, you really handed over all the logistics and armaments to your Fat Changshi. Have you never asked about the source of the money?"

Liu Yu raised his brows: "Fatty told me that these grains and grasses are all shipped from the warehouse at the rear. If he didn't lie to me, it was the storage of the national treasury. How did this become the help of the family? It can be said that the officials served by the children of the aristocratic family are able to do things effectively and have collected enough taxes for the country.”

Wang Miaoyin sneered and looked at Murong Lan: "Princess Murong, it seems that for so many years, your wise helper and our fat Zhuge have helped our General Liu to take care of this family and state affairs so well, so good He only needs to fight wars with peace of mind, and he doesn't need to worry about the source of money and food, so you can help him manage the house."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Ji slave, Empress Wang is right, it's true, the state is based on the tax law, 30 taxes and 1, and the manpower and material resources of the people's corvés for 20 days are only enough to maintain the operation of the country at ordinary times. It is impossible to fight some small battles to pacify the mountain thieves and grasshoppers. It is impossible to fight such a war of 100,000 troops to destroy the country. It is impossible to rely on normal taxation for more than a year. Since the Sun En rebellion in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the people's livelihood has been ruined and they cannot make ends meet. Even the most fertile Sanwu land is thousands of miles away, and according to the normal tax, there is not enough grain and grass in the warehouse."

Having said this, she paused: "Just like our Dayan fighting a war and dispatching hundreds of thousands or more than 200,000 horses, in addition to using up the storage in the national treasury, we also need to donate their own reserves. This time you You should also know that the equipment, armor, and weapons of our Dayan tribes are not the same, because these are built by each tribe, and many of the cattle and sheep in the supply of food and grass are privately owned by each tribe. In the same way, when Xie An was on the Northern Expedition, the national power of Dajin was far stronger than you are now, but even in this way, all major families have to donate their illicit food, and this time, there will be no difference between you two."

Liu Yu's head began to sweat, and he gritted his teeth: "Even if there is a strong family when sending troops, but this year's siege of Guanggu City, every day, the powerful nobles from all over Qingzhou come to transport food, not only these domestic ones. A noble family, if you count it like this, I have to give benefits to these local tyrants?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "General Liu, what you said, Mu Zhi and I had already discussed it before we came. That's right, since the siege of Guanggu, the grain shipped from the rear has indeed been much less. Strictly speaking, this The next time you sent troops to Nanyan to besiege Guanggu for a year, all the consumption, the storage of the treasury accounted for one-third, the smuggled grain and private soldiers from the family's high gates were probably a little more than one-third, and the rest was less than three. One part is the supply of local tyrants in Qingzhou."

Having said this, she paused: "However, don't think that these Qingzhou tyrants are kind, they are afraid that after Nanyan destroys the country, the territory and servants will be deprived, so they will work hard, you see before the battle of Linqu , the only one who came to defect to you is a Pilu Daoxiu with more than a thousand people. This shows that most of the local families are still waiting and watching. To this day, there are a lot of people surnamed Gao Feng and Han who help Nanyan defend the city."

Murong Lan sighed: "The land of Qingzhou has been plagued by military disasters since ancient times, and the powerful families that can survive to the present will not easily put their treasures on one side unless they are sure that he can win. In addition, my eldest brother decided to defend Guangxi. After the consolidation, they also forcibly detained the direct-line patriarchs of the major families in the city, while the branch clans outside the city fell to your side of the Jin army. Queen Wang is right, they want to protect their own interests by doing this. , I also want to divide the original territory and population of the Murong clan and the Xianbei people after the war. Queen Wang, you must have talked to them a lot this year. UU read www.uukanshu.com"

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "It's natural, General Liu only takes care of the front line, and I, representing the great Jin, represent the interests of the aristocratic family, and I should discuss with the local families early on the distribution of interests after the war. If you lose, you will have to talk about how these families will continue to be loyal to the Jin Dynasty behind the enemy and insist on fighting. Therefore, the grain and weapons brought by the family from the rear will not only supply the army, but also some of them will be provided to these local tyrants. Some of the troops that were rotated back did not directly return to Dajin, but went to these powerful Zhuangzi and Wubao to train the villagers and make them capable of fighting."

Liu Yu's face changed: "What, you guys are actually here to organize your army in secret?"

Wang Miaoyin said calmly: "This is a state matter, not just military affairs. You only need to fight against the black robes, maintain the rear, and manage the officials. It's not your responsibility. So much energy and time to fight, Liu Yu, this is for your own good."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "It turns out that this year, you have been picking up the fruits of this victory behind you. No wonder you can't see you all day long, and they all say that you go to comfort the sergeant, meet the tyrants from all over the world, and comfort people's hearts. Unexpectedly, you are like this. Soothing!"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "If you don't give these tyrannical landlords a little reassurance, how can it be called appeasement? Besides, after the war, there are robbers and bandits everywhere. If you want to besiege Guanggu, you can't spread the army to the prefectures and counties. To help these local tyrants to look after their homes, can't we only rely on our aristocratic family to help you maintain stability in the local area? Train militiamen and recruit scattered soldiers to vanquish bandits, so that you can stabilize your hometown while still having spare energy. Support you in your siege. Brother Yu, you don't want to be cheap and be good, and you won't be satisfied with the benefits, this is not your style."

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