Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3201: Enclosure and slavery for investment

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Miaoyin, do you want to make all of this a given fact, so I can only accept it? There is a state law, and this system of military merit was established a few years ago, except for you. Apart from the aristocratic families and local tyrants, the ones who contributed the most in this battle were the soldiers and soldiers of the entire army, so you will let them go back empty-handed like this?"

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "What they rewarded is the title, not the land. As for where to allocate the land, we can discuss it after going back. For example, this time the demon thieves are in trouble and they must be eliminated. If not, the place in Guangzhou will be vacant, and in the vast Lingnan area, some land will reward these meritorious soldiers, right?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "Then I will let you Xie Wang's family go to Guangzhou now and give Sanwu's manor to the meritorious soldiers, just like the deal you made with Diao Kui back then, okay?"

Wang Miaoyin was not angry, and said calmly: "Okay, if you really do this, we can only do it. You, General Liu, have a strong army, and we can only do the same, but I will trouble you and those noble families in the future. Let's deal with the gatekeepers."

The muscles on Liu Yu's face were beating gently, and his hand was clenched into a fist. Obviously, he was extremely angry, but he couldn't attack.

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Liu Yu, don't be like this, now is not the time for you to turn against aristocratic clansmen, maybe, Queen Wang is for your own good, if you discuss these things with you in advance, you will not agree , then this northern expedition will have to be abandoned halfway."

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "Muronglan, you don't have to pretend to be a good person here and try to persuade me to make peace. I won't give up the promise I've made to others just because you said a few good words. Liu Yu only wants to send troops and take revenge. , Destroying Hu, he did come upon call to the army, but the logistical ordnance, as well as the follow-up management, he just handed it over to Liu Muzhi, Liu Muzhi couldn't change this, and in the end he had to cooperate with us ."

"These conditions have been negotiated long ago. After Nanyan destroyed the country, the members of the Murong clan were brought under our aristocratic family. This is also to suppress the needs of the local Han people. If the Xianbei soldiers and horses are not kept here, then Qingzhou is afraid. It will be the same as the previous few times, as soon as the army withdraws, it will rebel and become independent again, General Liu, is this what you want for the Northern Expedition?"

Liu Yu said solemnly: "No, I will leave enough troops and officials to take full control of this place, rather than just as before, just to make a name for myself. I will leave these matters to me. I asked Fatty to prepare early, and he also said that he would arrange for the children of the aristocratic family who want to be motivated, who want to gain fame, who have made contributions in this battle, and worry about official positions here, why are these different from what you said ?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "When you come here to be an official, you can't confer nobility and land here? Isn't this what I said about the distribution of interests after the war? Why, Brother Yu, let someone come here to be an official from the homeland and protect the country's borders. , guarding against the local Han people who may defect again at any time, and guarding against the invasion of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Later Qin Dynasty, such an official is not so easy to be, shouldn't it give enough benefits?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "The imperial court will send troops to protect officials, and I will also leave the army to garrison here. This is the behavior of the country. Why has it become the self-interest of your noble family?"

Speaking of which, he pointed at Murong Lan, but still stared at Wang Miaoyin: "You guys want to grab all the soldiers and civilians of the Yan Kingdom, and fill their own manor with the status of slaves and tributaries, and this is how to turn Qingzhou into the former Wu Dynasty. The hereditary estates of the land?"

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "This is to act according to your rules. If you have made meritorious deeds, you will be awarded the title. The fief is here, and you can recruit and assign servants according to the title. It is not a dilemma to use these Xianbei people who surrendered and defeated as Zhuangke. Have you solved it? Otherwise, what are you going to do with these Xianbei people?"

Having said that, Wang Miaoyin turned her head to look at Murong Lan, and smiled: "Princess Murong, you people from Xianbei have never been involved in production or farming. Even if the land is allocated to you, you will starve to death for so many years. Come on, you are all used to the days of not doing anything about production, but just fighting, but it’s just that the Han people used to enslave, drive, and farm for you.”

"But you won't be able to take advantage of your country's defeat this time. If you change your identity, you can be like Liu Laozhi and the others who were the generals of this noble family. If you are awarded a title, you can buy land and buy a property yourself, isn’t it better than going back to your hometown in Liaodong by crossing the sea and facing the curse of the holy tree?”

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "That's not the same, neither I nor Liu Yu will accept the result that someone who was born free will be forced into slavery. If it is a prisoner of war, then there is nothing to say~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But we are now negotiating the matter of taking the initiative to surrender. My condition is that it is okay for us Xianbei people to be the common people, and it is okay to join the army to defend the Jin Dynasty, but it is absolutely impossible for us to be part of the family forever, private soldiers. ."

Speaking of which, Murong Lan looked at Liu Yu and said solemnly, "Liu Yu, do you remember? Before you first entered Beifu, you were still a farmer in Jingkou, but it was because the Diao family at that time wanted to occupy the land. The circle of people, the three families of Tan Pingzhi, Wei Yongzhi and Meng Chang, who went south to Jingkou, and hundreds of refugees from the north who had fled along with them, were used as slaves of their own family. The Diao family has a vengeance."

"Today, this kind of thing happened again. Some people want to turn hundreds of thousands of people into slaves in the name of victory, and you, with far more power than before, are you going to sit back and watch such a thing happen? "

When Murong Lan said this, she also turned her head to look at Wang Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, you and I have known each other for more than 20 years. We used to be in love with sisters, and we turned against each other, but no matter what, in my heart, you are a person who pursues freedom. A woman with a righteous heart, because you admire heroes like Liu Yu, you have resisted the fate imposed on you by your family many times. You deeply know the value of freedom. Why do you do these things today to deprive others of their freedom? Do you really want to? Are you living the person you hated the most?"

Wang Miaoyin's face also blushed slightly, and she lowered her head: "When you are alone, when you are young and carefree, you can be full of ideals, but now, we are not young men and women, and we can no longer live by our dreams. In terms of interests, you have to take care of the lives of more than 200,000 clansmen, and I also want to speak for the children of hundreds of thousands of families. The foundation of Dajin will be shaken."

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