Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3202: 3-party negotiation becomes 4-corner

Having said that, Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu, who had been silent, and said, "Brother Yu, I know that you are still the righteous young man of the year, you absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen, so this Mu Zhi and I discussed the matter privately and decided to issue these orders in the name of the imperial court. Maybe it can be a little more relaxed in terms of interpretation, but it will attract the children of aristocratic families to serve as officials here. The manor is given to them, and the Xianbei people are left to continue to join the army and become servants in the register of the aristocratic family. These conditions are negotiated, and our noble family will not give in."

Speaking of this, her eyes flashed coldly: "If you don't rely on the children of aristocratic families for post-war management here, even if you move these Xianbei people away, the local tyrants who have not been suppressed will inevitably take advantage of it. After the army class division, you will start again when you fight with Tianshidao. At that time, you will fight with your own hands, and the land of Qilu, which countless soldiers and soldiers have exchanged for their lives, will be lost again. Brother Yu, I am not scaring you, but a fact. !"

Liu Yu sighed: "Miaoyin, you are right. My original idea was too simple. I wanted to bring the Xianbei soldiers and civilians back to Huaibei and Huainan, and divide their land for farming, so that they could become military households and soldiers, and even build an independent army. The cavalry troops are a bit too hasty, in the post-war Qingzhou land, it is difficult to control without leaving tens of thousands of strong troops."

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "You want us to send troops to guard Qingzhou, no problem. We Xianbei people can't do anything except fight and herd. These pastures are our foundation. However, this does not mean that we have to sell ourselves. As slaves, we lose our freedom. We are not prisoners of war, but soldiers and civilians who have surrendered. Why should we become part of the family, the status of domestic slaves? Is this fair?"

Wang Miaoyin sneered and said: "This is the result of conquest, just like the people and soldiers who fell into the enemy's hands after the Yan Kingdom was destroyed, it is also the result of becoming slaves. If you join our family, at least someone will take care of your meals. Brother Yu, don't blame me for not reminding you, this post-war Qingzhou land has a population of hundreds of thousands. This year, the food, cattle and sheep have almost been swept away, and you have to face dozens of people behind. Thousands of mouths that need to eat every day, what to feed them?"

Having said that, Wang Miaoyin raised her eyebrows proudly and looked at Murong Lan: "Alan, you have been hungry in the city for almost a year, you should have a deep understanding of the taste of hunger, if it weren't for the former We negotiated for the first time in a few days. Brother Yu gave you thousands of stone grains. I’m afraid you will still eat people. If you want to maintain your freedom, you have to have this strength. Even if I agree to give you freedom, Brother Yu will take it. If you don’t produce food and fight back against the demon thieves, you can’t lose a single bucket of rations. In the end, don’t you still have to rely on our family in Wu for the supply?”

"Or, do you want to resume your old business and become horse thieves, bandits, and rob the local Han people? Alan, I advise you to die early. Now this is the land of Qingzhou in Dajin. It is no longer the Nanyan Kingdom where you can do whatever you want. Even Brother Yu will never allow such a situation. Right, Brother Yu." She said this, a smile flashed on her face, with a pair of winning tickets in her hands. look straight at Liu Yu.

Liu Yu nodded: "I sent troops to Nanyan to eliminate the barbarians who have been oppressing and harming our Han people for hundreds of years, and to recover their homeland. Although I do not agree to take the Xianbei people who voluntarily surrender as slaves, I will not allow them. to oppress the Han people."

Having said that, he said solemnly: "However, after this time of expressing opinions, I think things are becoming clearer and clearer. In fact, although we represent different stakeholders, our original intentions should be the same, and that is to hope that this After more than a year of war, the land of Qilu, which had been in constant wars for a hundred years, can get complete peace, and both Han and Hu people can live a peaceful life.

Murong Lan and Wang Miaoyin looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

A burst of fire suddenly ignited on the surrounding handsome stage, and before you knew it, the sky had turned dark, the sun went down, and night fell, and the sound of Liu Muzhi's footsteps came from below the stage, accompanied by his fat body. Shape, the aroma of roasted chicken legs spread earlier than he himself: "Why, we haven't talked yet, it's getting dark today."

He walked to Liu Yu's side, sat down cross-legged, and said: "Everything is arranged, Murong Chui brought Helan Lu into the city, and the Yan army also retreated, most of our army returned to the camp, and a few were outside. The city is under surveillance. This battle is really heavy casualties. Tens of thousands of Xianbei people in the outer city also died. Now the city is full of corpses. I am sending someone to collect the corpses. I won't be coming back."

Liu Yu nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, UU reading www.uukanshu.com fat man, but you are so courageous that you and Miaoyin have been hiding it from me for so long, if Alan came to negotiate today, you would still have to Continue to hide it from me, I didn't know why you wanted to be the governor of Qingzhou before, but now I understand, you want to do these things yourself, right?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Ji slave, do you know how embarrassing it is for me to be caught in the middle? Do you want me to tell you these conditions at the time? Or do you want me to directly reject the noble families behind Miaoyin? Big clan? As the saying goes, a smart daughter-in-law hides from both ends, and if you want to get things done, you can only do this first."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Then how to solve it now, please tell me a solution. If you make all Xianbei people become slaves of the family according to your promise, Alan will not agree, and I will not agree."

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "These conditions are only for the purpose of winning this battle and winning this battle. As you said just now, we have all won this battle. The country succeeded, and Alan, you finally took the surviving clan to get rid of the black robe's control for so many years, and with the possibility of changing the fate of your Murong clan, we all won, right?"

Murong Lan said coldly: "We got rid of the Tiandao Alliance and my eldest brother, but we didn't turn our heads and become slaves to the aristocratic families. Fatty, I'm not joking with you on this matter."

Liu Muzhi looked at Wang Miaoyin: "You heard it, people swear to death and refuse to be slaves, I want to say, this generation is too immoral to become a part, even if it is a prisoner of war from the previous Tianshidao, it's just doing it. A few years of hard labor can redeem your freedom. You want the Xianbei people to be your own private soldiers from generation to generation, and you want the great Jin to return to the aristocratic family. This point, Ji slave does not agree, Alan does not agree, and I will not agree. ."

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