Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3221: The ideal paradise is not instant

When Liu Yu said this, his eyes were bright and his arms were waving vigorously, and the strong and powerful gesture represented his thoughts and mood at this time: "Just like when Huan Xuan usurped the rebellion, I had to go against my will. The reason for persuading him to enter is to survive first, and then have the opportunity to build justice. If there is such an embarrassment in the future, you can speak bluntly to me, and we will discuss it!"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Ji slave, you are the embodiment of light and justice, just like the sun, but in this world, there is light and there is darkness, some people like to enslave others, like to take advantage of others, and like to get something for nothing. Or it’s not a good idea to do more with less, but it doesn’t mean that some people don’t deserve to live because they think this way. Oppressing, subjugating others, the way of heaven that is taken for granted by the world, has been completely reversed."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Fatty, what's wrong with you? To reverse this, isn't it what we have been doing for decades? Isn't it your original intention when you and I were young and high-spirited and wanted to turn things around? Don't you have it now? Prosperity and wealth, have these original intentions changed?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Ji slave, we danced like chickens when we were young, we practiced literacy and martial arts hard, thinking that one day we could pacify the world and realize our lifelong ideals. But to be honest, from the beginning, I didn't fully agree with it. Your overly idealized idea can achieve a peaceful world in our generation, make the world clear, and make everyone turn their heads."

Liu Yu was about to blurt it out, and a great man of the later generations did it, but he kept the words away. After all, in this world, Murong Chui was the first person who knew his transmigration identity, and he didn't know who he was. Through what kind of sorcery, even this is known.

When Murong Chui wakes up, before he dies, he has to ask himself carefully, if he really has any way to transcend, then if he can use many thought books of later generations, human beings have turned around and progressed for thousands of years. Especially the process of overthrowing the three mountains and the people standing up from now on can be known to the world in this era, and maybe I don't have to live so hard.

But Liu Yu's thoughts changed, and he returned from ideal to reality. After all, these are impossible things. If Heipao knew what the future would be like, he wouldn't have to ask himself that.

If Murong Chui had the ability to return to the era when he came, I am afraid he would have flown over to study the killing weapons and techniques of aircraft, tanks and cannons. If he really had these, he would definitely become a **** in this world. Ascension and becoming the master of heaven and earth does not seem to be a dream.

Thinking about the great man in the future, who also faced his own country and nation, and fell into suffering for more than a hundred years, it seems that he has been cursed and is in danger of subjugating the country and the species, but when he has these powers, he is I think about serving the people all my life, and my good name will last forever.

As a black robe, Murong Chui, without this ability, still thinks about becoming a **** and becoming an immortal, immortal blessings will always be enjoyed, and finally retaliate against monsters, and even a name cannot be left in the history books after death. How can the difference be so big?

Liu Yu sighed softly, looked at Liu Muzhi, and said, "So, you actually never believed in the world I hope to build?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "I believe that one day, these will be realized, but I believe that in our lifetime, we will probably not be able to see it. However, Ji Nu, you may have misunderstood me on one point. Although I don't believe that I can see it, I will also strive and work hard in this direction, the so-called Foolish Old Man moves mountains, that's what it is!"

"If everyone doesn't do it because they may not see it being done, then these things will never be done. All I can do is get as close to this goal as possible in my lifetime. In our whole life, when we meet death on the sickbed, we can also die with a smile and be worthy of our hearts, because we all strive for this ideal in our whole life, and we will not regret our wasted time.”

Liu Yu's heart was moved for a while, and he took Liu Muzhi's hand: "Fatty, I read you right, you are still the same fat man you were back then. So, if we encounter such a thing in the future, let's face and solve it together. You don't have to do this alone. Your brain is more flexible than mine, and if you feel you need to compromise, I won't force it."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "To be honest, Ji Nu, the darkness you have experienced may conflict with your ideals, just as you will still kill the king because of the death of Brother Tingyun. Yumanmen, this is the reason why I dare not report all the following things to you, because your sense of justice is too strong, once you can't control yourself, it may ruin a big thing."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Shouldn't the Wang family kill the family? This is the rule of our eight brothers in Beijing, forcing the whole family to die. If we don't take revenge, then why are we born to die?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "That's the truth, but what if the Jingba brothers forced the whole family to death? Or they fought with people after returning to their hometown, or took the opportunity to seek revenge, or were killed or killed. Killing others, there are hundreds of thousands of such things, and all of them must be judged in accordance with the law, so can you still kill Yan here today?"

Liu Yu's face changed: "Is there such a thing? Why did you never tell me?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "What if I told you? Can you sweep away all the darkness in the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ evil, selfishness, cruelty, and greed in human nature? Don't say anything else? , let's say the Shen brothers, after they returned to their hometowns, they also destroyed the enemy, or the big stone. When he was the county magistrate to destroy the Yao family, although it was to eradicate the tyrants, he also privately divided the Yao family's property. , As for Xi Le, not to mention, he has a lot of arrogant soldiers like this, even your brother Liu Daolian was a violent place when he was an official, bullying men and women, these things, If I really told you everything, what would you do?!"

Liu Yu's mouth was slightly open. He never dreamed that under his own rule, so many such things would happen. At this moment, he suddenly understood why the great man of his time would commit crimes in his later years. There are so many mistakes, and there will be so many painful lessons for people's livelihood, which will damage his great achievements in his life.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "The state has national laws, and the military has military regulations. If you really want to commit these things, you have to deal with a group of people properly, and kill a group of people, lest people say that I, Liu Yu, bend the law for personal gain, even if it is pity, I Never protect!"

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