Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3222: Hard reward but hard punishment

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "Ji slave, don't do this, that's why I didn't tell you these things, but secretly handled it for you, ideals are beautiful, reality is cruel, people always have selfishness and greed. Desire, once rich and noble, may become the most hated person before. Rich people are not inherently bad, and poor people are not necessarily pure in nature. In many cases, it is just because there are no conditions for them to degenerate and do evil. "

Speaking of which, Liu Muzhi's fat finger pointed to the opposite Guanggu City: "Just like the more than 2,000 people you insisted on handing over to Murong Lan this time, we all know that at least tens of thousands of ordinary Xianbei people participated. In order to attack our Han people, under the mass violence, ordinary common people who are loyal and simple at ordinary times will become like wild animals and tigers. Animal nature, but once the power is in hand, the law is often ineffective, and the evil side of human nature will be exposed."

Liu Yu sighed: "Yes, once the power is in your hands, you get carried away, and you can't do anything if you are out of the control of the law. Back then, when we were divided into titles, we thought it was too simple, but the more this is the case, the more I feel. You can't tolerate indulgence, otherwise, in a few years, our Beifu soldiers and Jingba brothers will become worse than those noble families, and they will become real tigers and wolves who cause harm to the world. At least, the children of aristocratic families bully others. For hundreds of years, some rules have also been formed, and they are newcomers, and if they don't follow the rules, it will be more terrible."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "This kind of treatment cannot be done on a large scale and comprehensively, otherwise it will distract the brothers. To deal with it, we can only find some serious crimes and deal with them openly, especially in this crusade. When Yan Guo and Nanbian deal with the demon thieves, they are greedy for life and fear death, do not obey orders, and cause serious losses. You have to deal with a few. As a typical example, you can find out the evidence of their usual lawlessness, and punish them for several crimes. It can achieve the effect of punishment and shock without losing the hearts and minds of the military.”

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I will think about this matter. Dao Lian has been in Pengcheng for the past few years, is it really too much, too much to the point that the national law can't tolerate it?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "That's not so, you second brother, your brain is not very good, you have been stupid since childhood, you know that, so he is greedy but not cruel to the people, in Pengcheng as a history of Pengcheng. In the past few years, he has accepted bribes of tens of millions of dollars, and together with several noble families, he has occupied hundreds of hectares of land at a low price. If it is strictly calculated according to the national law, it should be the punishment of dismissal and demotion, and the crime will not lead to exile, let alone exile. Prison execution or something."

Liu Yu's face softened a little, and he sighed: "I have been out for many years, and I seldom return home, but when I saw Dao Lian several times, I found that his clothing and food were quite extravagant. The rules of the Tao are completely different, and they are always close to those noble families. I said a few words to him, and he also said that I am a great general. As an internal history of Pengcheng, he cannot lose the prestige of the court. , I didn't expect him to do so much, this official, I must not let him continue to be."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "We'll deal with it after the demon thief is defeated. But I suggest you don't publicly punish him and take his office. After all, you gave him this office, waiting to see you laugh. There are not a few people. After Nanyan is destroyed, there will be a large number of new officials to be appointed and a large number of officials to be transferred. At that time, I will transfer Dao Lian to a place where there is no money to be gained, and let him be idle at home. That is, anyway, he has a salary, and he has made tens of millions of money in the past few years, enough for him to live a rich life for several lifetimes."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "No, even if he is let go, he has to keep the money. These are the hard-earned money of the people and officials, and cannot go into his own pocket."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "To be honest, this money is very difficult to deal with, many of which are donated by his subordinate officials, this is also the rule in the officialdom for many years, in order to get promotion, you need to bribe your boss, now we The officials and officials trained by the school have not yet entered the officialdom on a large scale to provoke a major role. At present, we can only acquiesce to this situation. After all, this is an unspoken rule for hundreds of years. ."

Liu Yu said bitterly: "Corruption and corruption have always been the way to subjugate the country. One day, I will sweep these things away. Fatty, tell me the truth, do you also follow the Taoist rules in Jingzhou? pity?"

Liu Muzhi laughed: "That's not true, your two younger brothers are one day and one earth, no matter how unsatisfactory Dao Lian is, the more motivated the Taoist rules are. In the two years in Jingzhou, he has not committed any crimes in Qiu. The local people, when promoting and inquiring subordinates, are also in the right place, never accepting bribes, and the official reputation is very good.”

"The Taoist rules not only controlled himself, but also strictly restrained the cronies he brought over. There was a guard who had followed him for more than ten years. He robbed two rolls of mats at the Jiangling market, and he beheaded the guard and showed it to the public. It is because of such a reputation, so this time when the demon thieves attacked, when the catastrophe was imminent, Jingzhou was able to unite and defend this catastrophe."

Liu Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Tao Gui did not disappoint me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said before going to Jingzhou that Huan's has been running Jingzhou for many years and won the hearts of the people. We want to win people's hearts in Jingzhou, only by doing better. That's fine. It looks like he did it now, and I'll have to reuse him when this is over."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "No, Ji Nu, don't try to make him fill Wuji's lack this time, and sit in the position of the Big Three. You can't publicly punish Dao Lian because he doesn't live up to the law. You can't promote him just because of his merits and deeds, even if he has done more meritorious deeds, but it's just your brother, you can't sit on the Big Three now, or Liu Yi will have an idea, and the interior of Beifu may split early."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "The rules of the Tao are a drag on me. Over the years, he has made countless contributions, and he has been excellent in governing the military and government. If this time he can successfully pacify Nanyan and eliminate the demon thieves, he still cannot sit on the table. For the position of the Big Three, even I feel sorry for him."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "With Liu Yi here, you should be very cautious about the position of the third giant. Whether it's Liu Daogui or Liu Jingxuan, if you forcefully try to be promoted to the top, I'm afraid it will cause Liu Yi's backlash. I suggest, Continue to leave this position empty first, after destroying Nan Yan, return to the division to deal with the demon thief and Qiao Shu, then see who can make great achievements in these two battles, and then give him the position of the third giant!"

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