Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3229: The defeated army is also available

Murong Zhen said with a sneer: "Lord Helan, you have dealt with these Han people too little, here is the military discussion, Han Zhuo and these Han ministers are not here, I can say Wuji, you can see how they usually treat us. Be respectful and obedient. When the Jin army arrived, their clansmen and branches turned against the Jin army in various places. If not, how could we have been defeated so badly this time? Isn’t it because of the Han people in Qingzhou? , have they all surrendered to the enemy?"

Helan Lu hooked the corners of his mouth: "Who told us to lose in Linqu. These Han people are just grass, and they will fall wherever they are strong. When Dayan came, didn't they also look out for the wind. But this is not the same as Liu What does it have to do with Yu? It is he who decides our future destiny, not these Han people."

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth: "This is your ignorance. Who is Liu Yu? He is a general, not an emperor. He is only in charge of wars, regardless of what happens after the war, just like Luoyang back then. After defeating us, The emperor of the Jin Dynasty ordered him to go back obediently, and the Han people in Luoyang could only fall into the hands of the Hou Qin Hu people again. Do you understand?"

Helan Lu's eyes shone with light, thoughtful. Murong Zhen turned to Murong Lan and said solemnly, "Princess Lan, it's not that I can't trust your husband, but even he has given them many times to aristocratic families in the Jin Kingdom. The officials were deceived and almost lost his life. Since ancient times, there have been few loyal and good officials who have made contributions to the outside world, and traitors and villains stand above the court. Look at our Dayan, so many loyal ministers and good generals, but this result is not because of such traitors as Murong Chui and Gongsun Wulou. person?"

Murong Lan said sternly, "Liu Yu's situation is different. He has the power in his hands, so he can..."

Murong Zhen waved his hand and interrupted Murong Lan's words: "Didn't Hei Pao make it clear, there are his comrades in the Jin Kingdom, and they should cooperate with him, that mantle of the Tiandao Alliance, such a traitor, he picks The rebellion of Tianshidao started, and now it is about to hit Jiankang!"

"Why did Liu Yu rush to siege the city? He was about to starve us to death after a year of siege, but it was solved by storming at the cost of tens of thousands of casualties. Isn't it just because he was in a hurry to go back? Otherwise, Jian Kangyi If we lose it, the state of Jin will be destroyed, so what is the use of destroying us?"

Helan Lu also said: "There is indeed a reason for this, Liu Yu's attack this time is because the backyard is on fire, and he has to go back to put out the fire in a hurry, but I believe that he did not kill us today, and there are other considerations, not only It's called benevolence."

He Lanmin suddenly said: "That's because Liu Yu had to think about the post-war events, vented his anger and slaughtered Guanggu and killed all of us Xianbei people, not only would it be a loss of morality, but also no one can contain those Qilu people in the future. Han Chinese."

Helan Lu's eyes lit up and he said in surprise, "Oh, what you said is absolutely perfect, why didn't I think of this!"

He Lanmin smiled slightly, looked at Murong Lan, and said, "In war, it's always for profit. Liu Yu is a shrewd commander and a great statesman. He won't raise troops out of anger. Taking revenge, but this revenge is also about maintaining his image of benevolence, righteousness and love for the people. Second, it has been his dream for many years to expel the Hu prisoners and restore the Central Plains, but this dream does not mean that the Hu people must be exterminated, just like Princess Lan is also a Hu. Man, but it is useful to him, he still can't put it down."

Murong Lan said coldly, "Minmin, be careful. Liu Yu is not that kind of lecher."

Helan Mingge smiled coquettishly: "Of course, your husband is a dragon and a phoenix, but we Xianbei are all capable of fighting, especially good at riding and archery. Liu Yu wants to conquer the world and pacify the Central Plains, only by his infantry. No, we must have elite cavalry, so he let us go, not because of feelings or morals, but because we people are useful to him, you have to admit this, Alan?"

Murong Lan frowned: "After returning to submission, we are all citizens of Dajin, and every citizen is useful to the country. We Xianbei people have an advantage in fighting, so we should take more military service and military affairs. Responsibility, that's fine."

He Lanmin nodded: "Of course there is no problem, but what I want to say is that Liu Yu also needs us very much. It is better to keep us than to kill us. Since he needs us, then we have to negotiate with him. There is no need to be like what you said, you can only accept it unconditionally and let others be slaughtered."

At this time, everyone in the hall nodded, Murong Zhen stroked his white beard and said, "It's still what Priest Amin said, it's true. Princess Lan, do you want to continue to talk to me? Liu Yu, what about the conditions?"

Murong Zhen gritted his teeth: "Either let us continue to be stationed in Guanggu, we can submit to the Great Jin, and use the banner of the Great Jin, in fact, you can let Princess Lan as the chief officer to guard this place, but we can't be separated, and we can't Scattered into various Han manor houses as slaves."

"Either give us hundreds of large sea ships and let us return to the homeland of Liaodong. This Guanggu belongs to Liu Yu. He distributes it how he likes, but it is none of our business. In fact, Princess Lan~www.wuxiaspot.com ~I would rather be in the latter situation, I believe most of the clansmen also want to go back to their hometown!"

Murong Lan sneered: "Go back to your hometown? Do you know what's going on in Liaodong now? It was Feng who killed our Murong clan and has changed its name to Beiyan. If we go back, we have to fight with Beiyan from our hometown first. You Do you think we can defeat the Feng Clan of Beiyan, which has been separated from Liaodong for nearly ten years and has deep roots?"

Murong Zhen said in a deep voice, "I know Feng Ba best, he was my subordinate back then in Xiyan, and his ability is not very good. If we go back, even the current troops will be sure to beat him."

Murong Lan sighed: "Okay, Beihai King, now there are no more than 100,000 soldiers in this inner city, and only 30,000 people can afford to fight with weapons. There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and there are tens of thousands of armored and cavalry in Longcheng. It is our land in Nanyan. Those Han people are powerful and powerful. Now you are confident that they can beat the surnamed Gao and the surnamed Yuan? "

Murong Zhen wanted to refute, but was speechless.

Murong Lan continued: "Besides, in the bitter and cold land of Liaodong, our ancestors did not want to suffer the hardships of survival, so they brought their clan to the Central Plains. Over the years, we have at least lived a far better life than before, King of the North Sea. You said that you want to go back to your hometown and live the life of drinking ice and chewing grass, and living in no fixed place, how many people are willing? After enjoying the prosperity and stability of the Central Plains, who can bear it again to go to the bitter cold land?”

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