Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3230: The young emperor's right to withdraw troops

A low and gloomy voice sounded at the gate of the hall: "If it is for freedom, there is nothing that can't be tolerated."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they looked in the direction of the door, only to see Murong Chao, whose whole body was wrapped in a fox fur coat, with a pale face, and now, with the help of the Queen Mother Gongsun, he crossed the threshold.

This time, even Murong Lan's face changed greatly, and He Lanmin opened her mouth even more, covered her mouth with her hands, and said in shock, "This, how is this possible, you are not..."

In silence and surprise, Murong Chao just walked over the threshold, his eyes were filled with unspeakable gloom and sharpness: "I have used evil methods to control this old thief Murong Chui for so long, now , As the old thief is dying, the evil power that controls me no longer exists, Dayan generals, loyal ministers, you have worked hard today."

Now all the generals looked at each other, Murong Zhen took the lead in kneeling and said solemnly: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Yueshou and the other generals from Murong Town also knelt down. Helan Lu gritted his teeth and glanced at Murong Lan. Murong Lan frowned: "Your Majesty, have you really recovered?"

Murong Chao's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said with hatred, "For more than a year, I have completely controlled this old thief, like a corpse. He instructed Gongsun Wulou to kill him. He was afraid that I would leak this news, so he forced me to take banned drugs on the spot, and let him manipulate him to this day. Until today, he has severely injured Liu Yu, and I am free now!"

He Lanmin immediately knelt down and said loudly, "Long live, long live, my emperor."

Immediately following, Helan Lu also knelt down and pressed his hand to his chest: "Your Majesty, I, Helan Lu and all our Helan tribesmen, obey your orders."

All the generals of the Helan Clan also knelt down at the same time. Soon, in the entire hall, except for Murong Chao who sat on the dragon chair by himself, there were only two women standing at the door, the Queen Mother Gongsun and Murong Lan. Did not kneel.

Murong Chao sat back on the dragon chair and said to the door, "Come on, help the Queen Mother to go back to the palace and have a good rest. If it wasn't for the Queen Mother today, I'm afraid I would have killed the black robe as well!"

Empress Dowager Gongsun said excitedly: "Emperor, don't let this thief go. For the past few years, I have kept this thief under house arrest in the harem, like a prisoner. This old life is almost gone, and now I will put this thief under house arrest. He smashed his corpse into thousands of pieces to relieve the hatred in our hearts!"

As soon as these words came out, Murong Zhen jumped up first, and he was about to slap his knife, and said sternly: "I killed this thief myself!" And Helan Lu, not to be outdone, followed the knife and bounced, and then, almost All the generals in the hall pulled out their weapons, and they were about to cut Murong Chui on the ground into pieces.

Murong Chao suddenly raised his hand: "King of Beihai, wait a minute, now is not the time to kill this person. There are thousands of hatreds and hatreds, this person cannot be killed by us!"

All the generals who were about to slash at this time were stunned. Murong Zhen widened his eyes, opened his mouth and said, "Well, what's going on here? Your Majesty, don't you want to take revenge? This thief is a sinner who murdered the late emperor, not to mention that he took the initiative to bring wolves into the room and destroy my Dayan. old hatred."

Murong Chao sighed, looked at Murong Lan, who opened his arms and stopped in front of Murong Chui, and said, "Didn't Princess Lan just say that, now Liu Yu wants this person, and now you want to kill him in a hurry, then we How to explain to Liu Yu? Do you want everyone's life?!"

These words were like a bowl of cold water, poured down the head, everyone sighed and put away their knives, and another burst of angry eyes and **** spit sprayed at Murong Chui, and as everyone withdrew the knives, Murong Lan also retreated. He lowered his arms, looked at Murong Chao, and knelt down on his chest: "See Your Majesty, Long Live My Emperor, Long Live Long Live."

Murong Chao smiled slightly: "Auntie has worked hard, if it wasn't for you this time, we would be dead by now. If you hadn't tried hard to persuade the old thief over the years, I'm afraid I would have encountered his poisonous hands a long time ago. I don't have the chance to be in front of you anymore."

Murong Lan stood up and looked at the eldest nephew carefully. Except for his pale face, he looked the same as usual. The Queen Mother Gongsun at the door had already left the hall with the help of several guards. , and the hall door was closed again, because when the door was opened just now, the wind blowing from the outside caused the candlelight to flicker, so that the somewhat strange expression on Murong Chao's face returned to normal.

Murong Lan nodded and said, "Since Your Majesty is back in charge of the government, then this military talisman should be returned to its original owner, King of the North Sea, should you return the military talisman?"

The corners of Murong Zhen's mouth twitched slightly, but he respectfully knelt forward on one knee and held up the military talisman with both hands. Murong Chao nodded, got up and took the flying horse talisman without looking at it. But suddenly said: "Princess Lan stepped forward to receive the order."

Murong Lan was a little surprised. She didn't know what medicine he was selling in the gourd. She knelt down and raised her palm up, but she only felt that something was placed in her palm. When she looked up, it turned out to be the flying horse talisman.

Everyone in the hall was stunned, and Murong Zhen even blurted out: "Your Majesty, this military talisman, the old minister is dedicated to you, why are you..."

Murong Chao turned his head abruptly, and his two cold eyes shot directly at Murong Zhen: "King of the North Sea, who do you think is this military talisman?"

Murong Zhen only felt a killing intent coming towards his face. He suddenly realized that the person in front of him is the current emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and this military charm, obviously he can give it to anyone he wants, Murong Zhen Gritting his teeth, he knelt down: "This military talisman, of course, belongs to Your Majesty, you can decide to grant it to anyone."

Murong Chao sneered and said, "Then I have given this military talisman to Princess Lan to reward her loyalty to Dayan over the years. What's the problem?"

Murong Zhen's head began to sweat, an invisible pressure that made him breathless. It was something that even Murong De had never given. It was only when he was under Murong Chui that sometimes there would be such a terrible pressure. At this moment, he even wondered if Murong Chui had used some magic trick to resurrect this young emperor's body.

But Murong Zhen could only reply: "No problem, old minister, old minister accepts any decision made by your majesty. Princess Lan has devoted herself to the country for many years, and today she has saved all of our lives, which she deserves."

Murong Chao nodded and looked at Murong Lan: "Then, Princess Lan, do you know why I want to hand over the military talisman that ordered Dayan into your hands at this time? At this time, it can be It's not a power, it's a responsibility, and it's a responsibility that affects the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in our family!"

A list of eight chapters in one hill and eight chapters in the Northern Palace of the Eastern Jin Dynasty https://

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