Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3239: Willing to gamble for a short time

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "Even so, I'm still willing to help him succeed, even if it's for this cause, sacrificing myself, eldest brother, since the first time I saw Liu Yu, I knew that this would be me. His fate, because he and you are two extremes, all the darkness and intrigue you have here will reflect his ideal and ridiculous, but you can also see his greatness more clearly, big brother, you still do not understand, people This kind of animal is peculiar and doesn’t want to live in fear and anxiety. You always rely on coercion and inducement to make people submit and obey you, instead of giving your heart and willing to let people die for you.”

Murong Chui closed his eyes gently and murmured: "I once believed in the beauty of human nature, I had a happy family, had an enviable position, held a heavy army, was the pillar of the country, my first My wife, Da Duan, is the best woman in the world. She is gentle and beautiful. She is willing to give everything for me. Even when I was framed by Kezuhun and Murong Ping and wanted to get a confession from her, she would rather be tortured. He was beaten to death, and he didn't betray me."

There were tears in Murong Lan's eyes, and she said emotionally, "Sister-in-law is really a strange woman in this world, eldest brother, I have never understood why you don't cherish such a good wife, but want to become The kind of person she hates the most? I believe that the man who is worth risking his life to save is Murong Chui, the **** of war of the Yan Kingdom back then, not the dark-hearted emperor of the Yan Kingdom later Murong Chui."

Murong Chui smiled bitterly and said, "But Murong Chui, the **** of war of the Yan Kingdom who is admired by countless women in the world, can't even protect his own wife, because of his outstanding ability and armed forces, he framed the traitor for no reason and his wife was beaten alive. When I die, my son will betray himself, which makes me believe that the light of human nature cannot let me live in this world. Everything I cherish and want to protect will fail because of lack of strength. Instead of letting me experience this kind of thing again , it is better to let go of everything and gain power."

"So I betrayed Dayan and turned to the former Qin Dynasty. At the same time, I joined the Tiandao Alliance to find a way to gain supreme power and destroy all enemies in the world. When I finally forbeared for many years, and even dedicated my wife to Fu Jian again, I Successfully instigated wars in the world, destroyed the Qin state, revived Dayan, and took the throne, do you know what I thought at that moment?"

Murong Lan said quietly: "You are probably telling my sister-in-law that the great revenge of the year has finally been avenged. You can rehabilitate her and let her rest her eyes."

Murong Chui shook his head and murmured, "No, Alan, you are wrong, the moment I sat on the dragon chair, I suddenly felt an incomparable emptiness. Wife, join a cult, fall into the devil's way, and turn myself into an out-and-out devil. When I finally sit in this position, all the people I want to protect will either die or leave, and the enemies I want to take revenge on are long ago. I have been dead for many years, and I have no way to repay my gratitude, and I can't take revenge. It seems that I have the world. In fact, every son wants me to die early, so as to take my position. I have an empire, but there is no one I can trust. All I can feel is emptiness, an incomparable emptiness."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "You always have the chance to look back, you watched Liu Yu's growth with your own eyes, you should have discovered in him the beauty of human nature and the light in the world that you no longer believed in, However, you were deceived by the 10,000-year plan of peace and the desire to become a god, and you made the most wrong choice. The country that we have fought for a hundred years has been destroyed by our own hands, from the founding emperor who could have created a dynasty, to the sinner of all ages, eldest brother, even I sigh for you."

Murong Chui murmured: "Yes, this is because of my greed, but it was Kezuhun, Murong Wei, and Murong Ping who opened up my greed. After the curse of the holy tree, he poisoned me, which made me believe that only by holding power can we control our own destiny."

"When I was in power, I sighed that time is fleeting, and life is coming to an end. Alan, you should know best how difficult it is for me to get all this, so I am afraid, I am afraid of losing, I am afraid that I have too much time. Short. I wish I could be this emperor for generations to come."

"So after I became emperor, I pursued the immortal magic of Tiandao League more and more. I hope to have the same lifespan as heaven and earth, so that I can enjoy all this hard-won and enjoy that. Everything in the world worships me and worships me like a god."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Power and wealth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is indeed the most poisonous poison in the world, eldest brother, in fact, don't blame the Kezuhun clan, Murong Wei, Murong Ping, or anything. Holy tree curse, you become like this because you like power."

"It's just that the power you were able to gain in the past was just a general. You have always enjoyed the support you received when you were a general protecting the country and the pillar of the country. When there is no imperial power, when the powers such as the post-power are suppressed, you have infinite glory. Just like you, sooner or later, you will have ambitions and want to seize the throne."

"Because, since ancient times, the imperial power will not be able to accommodate a general who holds troops in his hands and has a high reputation. If you change any emperor, you will not be able to accommodate you who are greedy for military power."

Murong Chui nodded: "Maybe, maybe deep down in my heart, or because of that curse, or because of the education I received since I was a child, I was unwilling to be subordinated to others, and the army and the beauties were the ones I absolutely refused to give in. I will fight with him to the end, even if it is my father. So, I succeeded and I failed. But the price of this failure is to bet on us freedom for the whole family.”

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

Having said this, he reluctantly sat up straight, looked at Murong Lan, and said sternly: "When I handed you the military talisman, I handed over the future of our Murong Clan to you, and it turns out that I can't save it. Dayan, he can't save Murong Clan, nor my ambition, so let Liu Yu prove to him if he can do what I can't do."

Murong Lan's phoenix eyes turned, and she looked at Murong Chui's body: "Then what are your plans? Are you really going to die like this? I don't think you will be willing to die like this."

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