Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3240: Explain the funeral to Alan

The muscles on Murong Chui's face twitched slightly, and his eyes suddenly lit up like lightning. He looked at Murong Lan: "Don't tell me, do you think I can still have any conspiracy?"

Murong Lan hooked her lips: "I never dared to underestimate my eldest brother, the country was destroyed and the army was destroyed, but your ambition should not be dissipated so easily, I think, you control the soul of Murong Chao, and you want to occupy this place for a long time. Get a body, wait for the moment, and if you have the chance, you will still want to realize your 10,000-year peace plan.”

Murong Chui shook his head, a sad look flashed in his eyes: "It's impossible, Alan, the soul control technique can't last too long, at most three days, after which the caster will lose his vitality and die, and I myself have been severely injured. , I was able to control Murong Chao's body because I forced him to eat the Gu worm before, which has the effect of the Gu worm, in fact, I only controlled the Gu worm, not him."

Murong Lan's complexion changed slightly, she took a step forward and looked at Murong Chui who was on the ground carefully. In just a few moments, the body on the ground looked much older than before, and even the skin became similar. Millennium bark is the same.

Murong Lan opened her mouth wide, covered her mouth with her hands, and said in surprise, "This, how is this possible, how could your soul-controlling technique make you so..."

Murong Chui said calmly, "The so-called soul-controlling technique must either use needles or use Gu worms as a medium to control the human brain, and then move one's own soul into it. This is the secret technique of the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Wang Mengzi and Murong Chao moved their souls, and their vitality was greatly damaged. This is the reason why I couldn't exert my strength at the critical moment when I fought against Liu Yu. However, everything is God's will. time, I have to deal with the follow-up."

Tears welled up in Murong Lan's eyes. She had complicated feelings for the man in front of her. Although she hated this demon, at least this man still maintained the purest brother-sister relationship to herself, and to him , I have an unspeakable attachment, and after many years, it has been difficult to let go, even the love for Liu Yu, I am afraid it is not as close as the kind of kinship that is also a teacher and a father.

Murong Lan's voice was also a little choked: "Could it be that there is no secret magic that can replenish your vitality and make you live longer?"

Murong Chui shook his head: "Mo Xiejian specializes in breaking all kinds of gods and demons. The higher the cultivation, the more severe the damage. Back then, the King of Chu also absorbed the souls of thousands of people, almost immortal. My soul flies away, I can't imagine that after a thousand years, it is my turn to taste this taste, it is also a time and a fate."

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "It really doesn't work, can you eat another Gu worm for yourself, just like the one you gave us, and then like Mingyue, the Gu worm attacks and turns into a monster, at least survive first, and then find a way to do it later. Back to human form?"

Murong Chui smiled miserably: "Enough, my good sister, turned into that kind of monster, even the female killer Mingyue is unwilling, let alone me, a good generation of emperors, a character left in the history books, to become a monster, that's not as good as As a person, walk clean."

Having said that, he looked at Murong Chui's body on the ground and smiled miserably: "What's more, if I eat Gu worms and become a monster, I will have to be controlled by the cloak and will forever be the killing tool of the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Would you accept this outcome?"

Murong Lan's brows wrinkled slightly: "Is it possible to become like Mingyue, is it still unavoidable to be controlled?"

Murong Chui nodded: "Yes, after becoming a Gu demon, you need to take the secret medicine of the Heavenly Dao Alliance once every five years, otherwise there will be thousands of small insects in the body breaking the body and eating the marrow, the tragic taste is unimaginable. I am now I'm wondering if Mingyue Flying Gu also knows this news, and that's why he betrays me!"

Murong Lan asked suspiciously, "Then, as the former **** of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, don't you have this secret medicine?"

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "No, I can control the attack of Gu worms, but the secret medicine to restrain Gu worms is in the hands of the cloak, and half of the secrets of the Heavenly Dao Alliance are beyond my grasp. I joined the Heavenly Dao Alliance back then. At that time, I always dreamed that I could kill another **** and hold the secret, but after so many years, from the predecessor of the cloak to the cloak, I realized that this is wishful thinking, and everyone who has come this far is among the people. Longfeng, everything has been arranged for a long time, even if you accidentally kill it for a while, you will not let the secrets you hold fall into the hands of another person, it is not without reason that the Tiandao Alliance can last for thousands of years."

Murong Lan laughed: "Then you rebelled against the alliance this time, didn't you let their other half's secret disappear forever?"

Murong Chui stared at Murong Lan motionless: "So, the big thing I want to explain is that I have to tell you everything I know."

Murong Lan's expression changed, she took a step back, her face was full of alertness: "What do you mean, you want me to inherit your ambitions? Then inherit your eternal peace plan? Murong Chui, you have failed yourself, by mistake. You have wronged your country and your family, will you still not wake up by this time?"

Murong Chui said coldly, "Knowledge and secret techniques are all just means, how to use them depends on who owns them. Maybe these things in my hands are evil methods that harm the world, but in your hands, or in Liu Yu's hands. In his hands, he is the key to defeating the Heavenly Dao Alliance and realizing his Heavenly Kingdom."

Murong Lan's brows furrowed: "We don't need these things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to be able to defeat the evil demons. For example, you, didn't you just defeat them? It's the same after changing the cloak!"

Murong Chui sneered and said, "Not to mention whether he can defeat the cloak, and whether Mo Xie and Mingyue Flying Gu have the good luck of sneaking a sneak attack, even if he defeats the cloak, is the Heavenly Dao League finished? There are people who are immortal, become gods and become immortals. There will always be successors in the Dao League that day. You have no magic and magic skills. Who will inherit and who will operate?"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "He will popularize education to everyone, and deeply root the idea of ​​everyone's equality in the hearts of the people. Even if there are no children or daughters, everyone in the world is his children. The foundation of one’s life is gone, and it can be inherited naturally, just like now, this kind of rule of the father and the son, the brother and the brother, is also seen as a matter of course, but in the name of God, the ancestors !"

A cold light flashed in Murong Chui's eyes: "So Liu Yu is doomed to fail if he doesn't use external force, and now he has to rely on cooperation with emperors, nobles, and noble families. Once these people understand, this is going to break their foundation and wipe them out completely. This kind of people, let them become like civilians, will they still cooperate?"

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