Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3241: It takes a long time for ideas to spread

Speaking of this, Murong Chui suddenly became energetic, sat up straight, and even his pale complexion became ruddy: "At that time, don't talk about aristocratic families, even the brothers from the Beijing Eighth Party who fought their lives to become rich. , will also become his most terrifying enemy, your son, and his other sons, will become the most violent person against him, Alan, without the power of superman, can you force your will?"

Murong Lan was speechless for a while. In fact, her heart was still shaking and she was asking herself this question. However, over the years, her feelings for Liu Yu have gradually developed from admiration, admiration, and worship to blind obedience and subconsciousness. I already felt that even the eldest brother of the heavens had gained the powerful power of the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Those with demigods would be defeated by Liu Yu. The noble family's high family has been uprooted by him, so in this world, what else can stop that man?

But Murong Chui's words aroused the fear deep in her heart, combined with the future she saw, her body trembled slightly, she gritted her teeth, and retorted confrontationally: "Liu Yu's body is inside He has the power of the wild, he has superhuman wisdom, a will as firm as iron, and he has the charm that thousands of people are willing to follow. This is something you have never really obtained. Don't judge Liu by your tricks and tricks. Yu, he is seeking the happiness and interests of the tens of millions of people at the bottom, and he will definitely get the support of the most people."

Murong Chui laughed: "If you want to become a sage, you will harm the interests of your family and relatives, and seek the interests of ordinary people who have nothing to do with it. Confucius in the Central Plains, he spread education to the common people who were not allowed to have access to knowledge before, so he became a teacher. However, Confucius only spread knowledge, not power. If he was a prince or a king, he wanted to spread knowledge. The power is also shared with ordinary people, and the end is probably another."

Having said this, Murong Chui said coldly: "Of course, if you have soldiers in your hands, you have power, you can sit on the throne for a long time, and you can ensure that your ideas will be accepted by the world, just like the ancient system of renunciation. It is not impossible to become a monarchy with a family in the world. After all, Liu Yu has super ability, and also has insight and vision far beyond this era. It's not impossible to achieve what I want to do, it's just..."

Having said this, he sat up straighter, and his eyes fixed on Murong Lan: "He has to live long enough to write his thoughts into a book, turn them into words, and let all the people in the world live. Everyone can learn that they have to block the counterattacks of emperors, noble families, nobles, and warlords in the process, and they have to dominate the world and ascend to the throne. This is not a matter of three years, five years, ten or eight years. At the very least, we have to ensure that this system can operate for a period of 100 years, so that this system can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.”

Murong Lan nodded thoughtfully and said, "That's the truth, but if the school is set up that specialize in training officials, wouldn't there be a large number of low-level officials who can govern the country within ten years? They will be able to spread these ideas and reach people’s hearts.”

Murong Chui said coldly, "It's not that easy, whether it's our tribe of the Hu people or the gentry of the Han people, they have maintained their power for thousands of years, relying on these talented people who govern the country, no one can govern without us. The country, this is the foundation of our rule of the world. Liu Yu's actions may be effective in the short term, but the noble family will definitely use various methods to restrain them in retrospect. The most realistic point is the one he set himself. It is the rule that people who are not qualified for merit are not officials, what are the merits and titles of those who have come out of the training ranks of officials and officials? Even if they are officials such as the village chief Li Zhengqiu Kui, what reason is there for them?"

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "As long as Liu Yu has military power in his hands and Liu Muzhi in the court helps him manage his affairs, even if many people disagree, these policies can be forcibly passed. There was almost no support, but even Liu Yu insisted on doing it his own way."

Murong Chui sighed: "That is the result of a lot of compromises and concessions made by Liu Muzhi and Wang Miaoyin from a noble family. Besides, I'm afraid they took the land of Qilu after the demise of Dayan, and our tribe. The clansmen of the family will return to the noble families. If I expect it right, I am afraid that many of our clansmen will be assigned to the major families as farmers and tenant farmers, and they will actually become their private army. There is this collection of armored cavalry. As an opportunity for their own exclusive military power, how could these Southern Dynasty families miss it?”

Murong Lan thought of the previous confrontation with Liu Yu and Wang Miaoyin outside the city, and sighed: "You guessed it, the Jin Dynasty family did have this plan, but Liu Yu resolutely pushed back and did not agree. He wants to establish In a world where everyone is equal, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen again."

Murong Chui nodded: "This is in line with his style of behavior, but there are conditions and costs for refusing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Liu Yu has completely turned his face with the noble family, many things will be difficult to do in the future. Yes, I expect that he still has to allocate a part of the clansmen to the noble family. Otherwise, he will have no way to govern this place. After this battle, he will immediately return to the division to pacify the chaos of the Tianshi Dao. It is impossible. Stay here for even a moment, this is our chance, and what I ask of you is to seize this chance."

Murong Lan's face froze: "What are you thinking about? Do you want to wait for Liu Yu to revolt after he has retired?"

Murong Chui shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "The first thing I want to do is to avenge myself, Alan, who do you think is the enemy I hate the most right now?"

Murong Lan raised her eyebrows: "It was attacking you, hurting you and hurting you, so that you could become the Mingyue Flying Gu like you are now, but she is already dead, do you want to smash her corpse into thousands of pieces? Have you eaten it alive?"

A cold light flashed in Murong Chui's eyes: "I understand Mingyue best, you idiot, it must have been ordered by someone to attack me, just like you said, someone made her think that she would be able to restore her human form by killing me, or let her take it back. She believes that I am lying to her and will never change into a human form, so that she will take revenge on me, but who can make her believe, except for the cloak or Tao Yuanming who defected to the cloak?"

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