Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3242: Who will make the resumption of the bright moon?

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "So, the big enemy in your eyes is still a member of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, but you are so sure that Tao Yuanming will be a subordinate of the cloak?"

Murong Chui pondered for a while, and said, "To be honest, among all the gods and apostles of the Tiandao Alliance, there are only two that I really can't see through, one is the cloak, but it was I who betrayed the Tiandao Alliance first and became independent. I have nothing to say when he starts attacking me. But Tao Yuanming, I have always been unable to see through this person. Whether he wants to stand on his own like me, or whether he has always been an undercover agent with a cloak on me, I can't say. But he I still have Gu worms on my body, and I still have to control us. Under such circumstances, I dare to go against me as a god, but I still don’t understand.”

Murong Lan said sternly: "I'm afraid you have underestimated Liu Yu, and the most underestimated person is this great scholar. He may not belong to any party, but he also has the will of self-reliance, wandering between you and the cloak. In the meantime, provoking right and wrong, doing things on your own, in order to get as many benefits as possible for yourself. If there is still one person in this world who can make Mingyue give up and do things for him, it is not you, nor is it a cloak, but It is most likely her senior brother and husband."

Murong Chui's expression changed: "Mingyue is not the kind of ordinary woman who can give everything for love. Tao Yuanming and her are just a relationship between brothers and sisters plus a lover. How can there be such an unbreakable love?"

Murong Lan sighed: "Brother, this is your negligence, I am a woman, and I also know women's minds, Mingyue is a murderous and ruthless female killer on the surface, but she has been trained with Tao Yuanming since she was a child. Apostle, among the hundreds of people, there are only two people left. It can be said that they all depended on each other along the way. The relationship between her and Tao Yuanming has long been a family relationship of life and death, not a simple love. It's just that you and the cloak always always Thinking they are emotionless killers, tools, but ignoring their emotions as human beings."

"Although because of your orders, they were forcibly separated and let them marry another person, but in their hearts, only the other party is trustworthy in this world. The reason why Mingyue died in Linqu was not because of your order, but because of your order. It was because I met Tao Yuanming secretly, and only returned after hearing his words."

Murong Chui murmured to himself: "Could it be that Tao Yuanming was also under the order of the cloak to deliberately come to harm me? Intentionally want Mingyue to die?"

Murong Lan shook her head: "He doesn't want Mingyue to die, but I can feel that Mingyue has a deep love for Tao Yuanming and is willing to do anything for him, but Tao Yuanming is a really cold-blooded and ruthless guy. , Even if I saw Mingyue's death, I didn't come forward, and adversity sees people's hearts. On this point, Wang Miaoyin and I have the same opinion, that is, Tao Yuanming is the one who instructs and uses Mingyue."

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "If you put it this way, Tao Yuanming killed Ming Yue, how could he continue to instruct Ming Yue Fei Gu?"

Murong Lan sighed: "I don't know, but during the year of Guanggu's siege, Mingyue Flying Gu went out of the city to investigate several times under your orders, and even came back seriously injured, I think it definitely has a chance again. The person who met Tao Yuanming, and it never reported to you whether it had met Tao Yuanming or not, it is obviously that he has persuaded Tao Yuanming again in private to do things for him."

Murong Chui breathed a sigh of relief: "This explanation makes sense, Tao Yuanming probably wanted to harm me, and then he could take over my position as a god, probably because the cloak also gave him a corresponding promise, as long as he could Kill me, then transfer everything I have to him, and he has the knowledge and power of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, and he can make Mingyue Flying Gu become a human again and be with Tao Yuanming again. If this is the case, it will be me It's Mingyue Flying Gu, and he will also find opportunities to assassinate you."

Murong Chui closed his eyes and murmured, "Unexpectedly, I thought I could control everyone, but in the end, I couldn't even control the bright moon, and I couldn't even recognize the collusion between her and Tao Yuanming. It's a white mess."

Murong Lan sneered: "The way you control us is nothing more than relying on us to cast gu, and then use the soul control place to control our whereabouts through these gu worms, but you will not understand that we apostles, every day What I dream about is how to get rid of these Gu worms, in this regard, I, Mingyue, Tao Yuanming, and even He Lanmin are all the same."

Murong Chui opened his eyes and gritted his teeth: "You know Mingyue has a problem, why didn't you tell me?"

Murong Lan laughed: "Even I have to find a way to get rid of this worm, why should I report others to you, do you think I will be on your side? Let me tell you, although I am not like Mingyue I will assassinate you directly, just because I am your sister, just because I have such a little bit of blood and family affection at the end, it does not mean that I will truly identify with you and do things for you, only Liu Yu is worth doing in this world."

Murong Chui smiled miserably: "Everyone who betrays relatives and leaves ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the enemy of the whole world, I finally understand why I failed, Liu Yu is right, relying on tricks, tricks and terror, it is impossible to truly grasp people's hearts, let People serve me. It is his method, and it is possible to recruit people who are willing to serve with their lives."

Having said this, Murong Chui's eyes flashed coldly: "However, don't think that Liu Yu will have the last laugh, this world is not all loyal and righteous people, there may be more people like me who want to control others, Those who take advantage of others, the more powerful people are, the easier it is to become like me in the face of power, and these people will become Liu Yu's formidable enemies, and after I die, I will also fight against him. Alan, I will hand over the soldiers By giving it to you, it means that the future destiny of our Murong clan will also be handed over to you and to Liu Yu. This time, I sincerely hope that you will succeed. In the hands of the losers, this will make me unable to rest my head even if I die."

Murong Lan nodded: "Yes, Liu Yu is not someone who doesn't know how to work around it. I drew the lottery just now, and I also got the Black Stone, so tomorrow I will put myself among the more than 2,000 people and hand it over. I believe that Liu Yu will forgive me and the other clansmen at the last moment. Only in this way can we take the first step towards the fusion of Hu and Han, and our clan will always stay in the Central Plains and become a member of the Han people. Instead of being slave owners, we should be on top."

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