Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3783: Ambition is immortal

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "Your idea is very good, but I'm afraid it's not easy to realize, if Liu Yu can really forgive you, then he will further conflict with the aristocratic family, and it will be difficult to order these Jiangnan aristocratic families. However, this is also an opportunity for our clan, you can take our Murong clan and take the opportunity to become Liu Yu's help, especially to let the children of the clan enter a large number of Liu Yu's official schools, and in the future, take the opportunity to control place, for the future."

Murong Lan shook her head: "Murong Chui, you still don't give up on this matter. You still think that our Murong Clan will have a chance to fight back and rise up in the future. It's really hopeless."

Murong Chui's expression changed, "Aren't you a descendant of the Murong Clan? Don't you take responsibility for the future of your clan and descendants?"

Murong Lan said calmly: "Just because I am the descendant of the Murong Clan, I am responsible for their lives. As for the future and destiny, that is not something I can control. Go, all I can do is to let them turn from the descendants of the Murong clan into the Central Plains, China, and Han people, so that they can live well in the future and live as the people of Dajin."

Murong Chui's eyes widened: "Childish, life depends on the hands, how to live well?! Even if Liu Yu can protect you for a while, he can't protect you forever!"

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "My eldest brother, did we just talk for nothing? Liu Yu doesn't want this kind of rule of man based on people, but that everyone is equal, and the national law guarantees that everyone has equal opportunities as much as possible. In the future, it is not Liu Yu, nor my Murong Lan, that can protect my Murong clan for generations to come. It is the rules and systems that have been established. The power to punish and kill others at will. You see?"

Murong Chui's eyes widened, and he was speechless for a long time. Finally, he sighed: "This kind of thing sounds good, but it's too difficult to implement. Everyone wants to be a king and an emperor, isn't it just the power of life and death? Without this power, how can we do great things."

Murong Lan shook her head: "This is not necessarily true, just like in our grassland tribes, tribe adults and leaders can execute their slaves at will without taking any responsibility, but among the Han people in the Central Plains, even the servants and the chorus are not Anyone who can kill casually, kills without reason, is a crime under the laws of the state. Although the master kills the servant, the crime is reduced by one level, and there is no need to pay for life, but at least the Han people in the Central Plains agree, and slaves are human beings, and they cannot take lives casually. I think the popularization of Liu Yu's law that everyone is equal is not as difficult as you think."

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "That was only after the Central Plains Han people changed from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to feudal slavery, in order to make slaves become common people and increase the strength of the country. But this process lasted for thousands of years. For a hundred years, it was also through war that countries and princes who did not kill slaves at will, by accepting a large number of fugitive slaves under slavery, won the war, and slowly let the world recognize these things. Liu Yu wants to go further on this step. A big step, and I don't think he can make it."

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "As long as the superiors have this awareness and have this idea, they can naturally be implemented through the power in their hands. Just like the attack on Dayan this time, it was also generally opposed by the whole state of Jin, but it was also implemented. And I They have already agreed with Wang Miaoyin that although they will break up and split our Murong clan, there will be a certain transition period, and they will teach us how to cultivate, gradually get rid of the nomadic life, and become the same people as the Han people in the Central Plains. "

Murong Chui's brows furrowed: "In that case, our Murong Clan is good at riding and archery, and the advantage of being strong in battle will be gone. If things go on like this, we will be no different from farmers in the Central Plains."

Murong Lan said indifferently: "If you want to integrate into the Central Plains, just like these Han Jin people, this step is a matter of time. If you regard yourself as a special group who only fights wars and does not pay taxes, you will have a lot of wrongs. If I think about it, then there will be various internal struggles, and all I can do is this step."

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "Even if you want to be like the Han people in the future, you can't just give up on yourself, break up, and let others be slaughtered when you are just defeated in battle. How did the former Qin end? Fu Jian's brain burned out, he scattered the Di people, and in the end the world changed, and the Han and Hu people all over the place attacked the Di people, and they couldn't support each other, so they lost the world?"

Murong Lan sighed: "Brother, this time our country is destroyed and perished. This is the result of all the Murong clan being gathered together. Do you still need to discuss about dispersion and concentration? Does it make sense? It has spared our lives and given us a chance to stay in the Central Plains as commoners, so how can we bargain?"

Murong Chui said solemnly: "It's their business whether they give it or not. Now it's up to you, as a descendant of the Murong clan, to fight for the benefits of your own clan. If Liu Yu wants to implement his system that everyone is equal, he will inevitably There is a conflict with the aristocratic family represented by Wang Miaoyin, and this is a good opportunity for you to survive the death!"

"You have to be the representative of the Murong clan, support Liu Yu, and at the same time protect yourself, so that the Murong clan as a whole, a family, can guard the territory for Liu Yu in this land of Qingzhou~www.wuxiaspot.com~you You can also take the initiative to ask Ying, take out a part of the elite to go back with Liu Yu to pacify the chaos of Tianshi Dao, and find opportunities to make contributions. Only then can we keep us as a whole from being divided, and when the timing changes in the future, we can have a chance to rise again. You even this Don't you understand the reason?"

Murong Lan said calmly: "There's no need for this anymore. From now on, we'll all be the people of Da Jin, and like the Han people, we will be self-sufficient. If there is something that Da Jin looks up to in the military, we can be like military households and soldiers, but It is also an order from Jin, and it will no longer be managed by our surnamed Murong. Brother, you should give up your idea of ​​supporting troops and dividing one side. This is nothing but reluctance to give up the power of the Murong clan. Forget it, this ambition will only harm the clan."

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "Confused, you have no power in your hands, how can you guarantee the lives of your clan? How will you go to see your ancestors after you die?"

Murong Lan said coldly: "I can make you into such a situation and clean up, save the lives of the clan, and stay in the Central Plains to survive in the future. I, Murong Lan, are worthy of the clan at all times, and I am not afraid to go after my death. Seeing the ancestors. But you, big brother, you should think about it now, how to explain all this to the ancestors after death!"

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