Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3786: Shuang Shu made a decision to choose

He Lanmin gritted her teeth, a look of determination flashed on her gorgeous melon seeds face, she took a step back, and said solemnly: "Yes, now, Murong Lan, I won't hide it from you, our Helan Clan. I have already discussed with Empress Wang, in this battle, I will find a way to let Su Weijun into the city and make a contribution to her, if you can design and capture Murong Chui, it will be a great achievement."

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "My good sister, I really have to thank you, when you were in Nancheng, you two brothers and sisters, one could take me down and the other controlled my son. If you attacked me at that time, wouldn't it be better than now? Conditions are much more favorable?"

He Lanmin sighed: "If it wasn't for the love of sisters for so many years, I really wanted to do this. The main reason is that you, Murong Lan, are a person who values ​​love and promises, and Wang Miaoyin, to be honest, I can't do it. Trust her as much as you trust her, and besides, you are a person who would rather be broken, and if you really start to catch you, if you commit suicide or are killed by us, how can Liu Yu let us go?"

Murong Lan said indifferently: "You're still relatively smart, that's the truth, so you didn't attack me, not because of sisterhood, but because of the trade-off, and you think it's better not to tear your face with me."

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "Sister love is a little bit, but if death is imminent and the Jin army breaks the city, I can't control so much. But fortunately, Wang Miaoyin's men can't live up to their expectations and can't break the city, and in the end I have to rely on You killed Mingyue with an arrow, and Heipao was seriously injured. Only then can you talk to Liu Yu about such conditions, and it is also in the best interest of our Helan Department. Muronglan, everyone has their own position. No matter what the result is, you will not suffer It's a loss, but our Helan Department is different, I don't have a husband like Liu Yu, so I can't decide my own destiny, so I can only cooperate with Wang Miaoyin."

Murong Lan nodded: "I can understand your position, but do you trust Wang Miaoyin like that? If she doesn't go to Liu Yu or me, but to you, what does that mean?"

He Lanmin sighed: "I have no choice, Alan, Liu Yu and you may want to save the Murong clan and the Xianbei people in the city, but Wang Miaoyin is eager to destroy the city and then slaughter the city. Today's battle is like this. It was tragic, and his eyes were red. After the Jin army entered the city, if Wang Miaoyin's men broke the city, they would definitely take the lead in slaughtering the city, and the troops behind would follow suit. Even Liu Yu could not stop it. , is the result Wang Miaoyin wants. Only if you and Liu Yu have an irresolvable hatred, it is impossible for you to be together. You are so smart, how can you not understand this?"

Murong Lan said coldly: "So, let Wang Miaoyin's Su Wei army enter the city, slaughter all the members of my Murong clan, and your Helan clan will be protected, right? You all have prepared a yellow scarf for a long time. , is that the standard for distinguishing at that time?!"

He Lanmin said solemnly, "That's right, that's it. As long as we wrap our heads in yellow scarves and retreat to the southeast corner of the city, we won't be attacked. This is what I agreed with her."

Murong Lan laughed: "When the soldiers enter the city, they will kill anyone they see. At this time, they will still care whether you are wearing the yellow turban? Even if Wang Miaoyin can restrain his subordinates, how would other troops know about this agreement?"

He Lanmin's eyes shone brightly, and fine beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead. Obviously, she was afraid.

Murong Lan sighed: "Actually, you are smart people, and you know the outcome, so you didn't lead the Jin State Guards into the city unless it was a last resort. This is the smartest choice between your brothers and sisters in this battle. Now I'm afraid you have already become ghosts under the sword."

He Lanmin said bitterly: "Then I have to thank you, dear sister, if you didn't make the last shot, you could kill Murong Chui while defending the city, Mingyue, this matter would not have ended like this. However, you should also now. I know, this time I didn't attack you, that's why I offended Wang Miaoyin. You have Liu Yu to protect her, she can't help you, but she can kill our Helan clan in 10,000 ways, I can't Take me, take my eldest brother, and risk the lives of all our clansmen, so our Helan tribe has to go far away."

Murong Lan said indifferently: "But you seem to have forgotten one thing, those ships that carried you to Liaodong were prepared by Wang Miaoyin and the noble family, and even Liu Yu couldn't command them, you want to escape far away Yes, can Wang Miaoyin agree?"

He Lanmin gritted his silver teeth, and said bitterly, "If you are willing to go to Liaodong, then she will definitely agree. My good sister, at this point, I will not hide it from you, tomorrow's big wedding. After that, you have to follow our Helan tribe back to Liaodong. Anyway, your Murong clan will be handed over to Liu Yu. You can rest assured. As long as you don’t come back from Liaodong in the future, Wang Miaoyin also promises not to embarrass your clan, and you can even refuse to let them. They are slaves, troupes, private soldiers."

Murong Lan said coldly, "So when I met my elder brother, you met Wang Miaoyin in private again. My good sister, you really hurry up."

He Lanmin said solemnly: "In order to survive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is no way, anyway, you and Liu Yu have been separated for so many years, it doesn't matter if you separate for a while, as long as it is safe to bring us back to Liaodong, you can come back by yourself, or not. It's okay, we won't stop you."

Murong Lan sighed softly: "Minmin, you have been in the world for decades, and you would believe such a promise. If you were Wang Miaoyin, then you would send these ships to Liaodong. , or will it sink in the sea, after a hundred?"

He Lanmin was speechless for Lei De all of a sudden, her eyes were wide open, and her delicate body was trembling slightly. Obviously, she had also said what she was most worried about.

Murong Lan took a step forward, her red lips parted lightly, and a burst of warmth went straight to He Lanmin: "Minmin, you don't have no other choice, it's not Wang Miaoyin who decides and dominates our destiny, and who decides and dominates the state of Jin. It's Liu Yu. We don't need to cater to Wang Miaoyin and seek peace. Cooperating with Liu Yu well is the best way to survive and the only right way. In fact, deep down in your heart, you also believe in me more than Wang Miaoyin. , or else, you wouldn't tell me these things, would you?"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "Then I have to figure out first, how can you protect us. You don't even have the confidence to protect yourself now. If you want me to do this and that, how can I trust you?"

Murong Lan's eyes were like water, looking at He Lanmin, she was so clear: "Then after you listen to my advice, it's not too late to make a decision."

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