Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3787: Shuaitai Night Argument Disputes

Guanggu, outside the city, is the commanding station of the Jin army.

The sound of a leaf hitting the ground and military boots stepping on the ground gradually drifted away. Accompanied by the cheerful laughter of the generals, it gradually disappeared. Wang Miaoyin's nose twitched lightly, probably because the air was thick from a bunch of men. The smell of blood and sweat showed a little freshness. She nodded at the female guards behind her, just as Liu Muzhi did the same with the scribes behind him. After a few people retreated, only Liu Yu, Liu Muzhi and Wang Miaoyin were left on the handsome stage. Within two hundred paces, there was nothing but the sound of the charcoal bursting in the brazier all around, and the surrounding area. The sound of flags fluttering echoed around.

Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu and said softly, "Congratulations, Brother Yu, your long-cherished wish for many years has finally come true."

Liu Yu still looked at the Guanggu City Wall in the distance, and murmured, "What has been achieved? Miaoyin, have we really won?"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Ji slave, anyway, the Yongjia Rebellion, it has been almost 100 years since the Shenzhou Lushen, this is our Great Jin finally the northern expedition counterattack, which can completely destroy a country built by the northern barbarians. , to recover a whole big state, although we sacrificed a lot of soldiers and did not rescue more than 2,000 people who were robbed, but in any case, this is the only victory in the past hundred years that greatly boosted the ambition of the Han people in the Central Plains, and it will inevitably be recorded in history."

Liu Yu sighed softly: "Nan Yan has not fully surrendered, the matter has not yet been decided, and there is still a rebellion of demon thieves behind us, and there may be problems with the disposal of the land of Qingzhou. It's time for optimism. Isn't it, Miaoyin?"

When he said this, he turned his head and looked straight at Wang Miaoyin.

Wang Miaoyin's expression was calm and she said indifferently: "Brother Yu, why are you looking at me like this? Your current attitude towards me makes me very uncomfortable. It was the same before. Just because you think I'm interfering in you and Murong Lan's affairs. Did it make you unhappy?"

Liu Yu said solemnly, "I just found out that besides having a deal with Murong Lan behind my back, you actually approached He Lanmin. If Fatty hadn't told me in person, I wouldn't have believed mine. ear!"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Then did your fat man tell you that intelligence is all about your ability, and you don't need to report it to anyone? Mu Zhi, you didn't ask for instructions when you made your own intelligence. I have been the queen, and I have never asked my mother, the head of the Xie family."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Miaoyin, don't get me wrong, don't think it was me who reported or betrayed you, so many years ago, I was very clear about your connection with Murong Lan and He Lanmin, why did I tell Ji Nu? Today is different. The battle is finally over and won. Ji Nu is the head coach and the one who truly holds the power of Dajin. We can no longer do things on our own. Is it worthy of so many soldiers who died in battle?"

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "So, today, the evaluation meeting is not even evaluated, and it is postponed to tomorrow after the wedding and surrender ceremony, just to deal with me, isn't it?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "Miaoyin, don't get me wrong, between us, at least for now, we are still friends and allies. Talk to you this way?"

Wang Miaoyin sneered: "Is Muronglan your enemy or friend? How did you talk to her? Liu Yu, I might as well tell you clearly, if it is true, someone will lose the hard-earned victory in vain. Let Dajin's victory this time be the same as the previous Northern Expedition, and it is not my Wang Miaoyin's fault, nor our aristocratic family's fault, but you, the Dajin chariot general Liu Yu's problem!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "What can I have a problem with? It's my problem not to let the military and civilians of Yan Guo become the slaves of the aristocratic family? Since you contacted He Lanmin so early, you can let them open the city so early and give up resistance, Why are we still fighting like this today? If Helan Lu surrendered early in the morning, or abandoned the southern city without fighting, would we still have to sacrifice so many soldiers?"

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "You also overestimate my influence on the Helan brothers and sisters, they are not fools, they will not surrender because of any of my promises, they are just watching the situation. If we can break through other directions and enter the city, the Helan clan may defect. Otherwise, if we can't even take down Nancheng, how can he risk surrender? Hei Pao mixed his troops with the Helan clan. , how can Helan Lu give orders and let people obey?"

Liu Yu's expression softened a little: "What you said makes sense, but if that's the case, then what connection do you have with the Helan Clan? You can neither give up resistance nor let you get out of the city wall, then don't talk nonsense, just fight to the end."

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "If you don't fight for it, how can you know if it will be successful or not. You only have your Murong Lan in your eyes, and you only think about the interests of their Murong Ministry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but you never think about it, this is in the city of Guanggu. , more than 200,000 Xianbei people, not all of his Murong clan, but also Helan clan, Yue clan, Yifu clan, dozens of tribes, don't you want to divide and disintegrate from it? Over the years, I could have bought a lot of tribes out of the city, but if your good lady hadn't been making trouble, I'm afraid we wouldn't have to work so hard today!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Then what conditions did you give the Helan Ministry to make them agree?"

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "My condition is that as long as they open the city to surrender and let my subordinate Su Weijun enter the city first, then their Helan troops can wrap their yellow ribbons and dodge to the side to protect themselves. Other Xianbei people who do not give up their resistance, whether it is the Murong clan or other tribes, will be killed without leaving any future troubles. Unless they surrender voluntarily, they can avoid death and send them to the manor of the noble family.”

Liu Yu's complexion changed: "You want to slaughter the city and stand up for power? Miaoyin, when did you become so cruel?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed faintly: "This cruel heart should be you, a general and a man, not a woman like me. You don't know what kind of ambition the Murong family is. If it is broken, there will be endless troubles. The army will soon go back to deal with the Tianshi Dao, and there will be no troops left here. When the Xianbei people of the Murong Department take the opportunity to fight again, this Qingzhou will be lost again. You are Dajin, yes The eternal sinners of all of us Han people!"

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