Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3788: Ruthless will never be chaotic

Wang Miaoyin said at the end, her voice was fierce, her almond eyes were wide open, and above her beautiful face, there was an awe-inspiring and unshakable aura. Those male generals who murdered like numbness and licked blood with their knife heads were even worse.

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "Ji slave, what Miaoyin said also makes sense. The Murong clan is capricious and has rebelled many times. Even if he surrenders for a while, it is hard to express his sincerity. In return, Fu Jian is the best example. After the army withdraws, Murong Lan may not be able to control the situation, and we cannot have no countermeasures at all. Miaoyin's proposal, you can't consider it. "

Liu Yu's eyes stared directly at Liu Muzhi: "Fatty, what do you mean, do you also agree that after we accept the surrender of the city, we will betray our trust and kill the Murong family in turn? Then who are we? "

A cold light flashed in Liu Muzhi's eyes: "So, this matter should not be done by us, but by the people from the Helan Department, which is the most appropriate."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Miaoyin and Liu Muzhi who were standing together with serious faces: "The Helan clan slaughtered the Murong clan members? Why do you think so? It turned out that it was not good to break up the Murong clan members. Divide them into various prefectures and counties, and for a period of time, Murong Lan will lead them and bring the most elite 5,000 armored cavalry back to quell the rebellion? Why do you say this now?"

Liu Muzhi said calmly, "This is just a pre-plan. The Xianbei people of the Murong Department have surrendered many times in history and revolted, and their upper-level Murong clan is capricious, and even father, son and brother will kill each other for power. Don't have any hope for them. Even if you let the ordinary Murong clan go, you can't leave the Murong clan to exist. As long as they have one day, the source of the turmoil will not stop. What kind of curse Murong Lan said, It will continue to exist, and even transfer to Dajin."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "They surrendered, so there is no reason to kill and surrender at will. Even if it is our Han people's always value, it is ominous to kill and surrender. You read more than me, don't you understand this reason? Don't talk about the follow-up. What kind of disaster will be brought about by killing and surrendering, not to mention how I will face Murong Lan in the future, if I do this kind of thing, I am afraid that no one will dare to surrender to us in the future."

Wang Miaoyin said calmly: "So, it is most appropriate not to let us do this kind of thing, but to let the Helan department do it. All the responsibilities and conflicts will be pushed to the head of the Helan department. We will take away the Murong department. Thousands of elite soldiers, leaving the old and weak and the princes and nobles of the Murong clan here, after the army retreats, arrange some trivial matters to cause conflicts, and the Helan department will start to solve all the Murong clan members who remain in Qingzhou. Stay, and then the Helan Department took the opportunity to rush to the sea with the family, hijacked hundreds of sea ships that transported grain and weapons, and went to Liaodong. This is clean and there will be no future troubles. No matter how much Muronglan hates it, it will not be able to hate you. Go. Brother Yu, this is the best way I can think of for you."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and said sternly, "It's all nonsense. If you don't surrender, then you can do it. After you surrender, you will be the people of Dajin. How can you bear to do this to them?"

Wang Miaoyin sneered: "A hundred years ago, they were the subjects of Dajin, and 20 years ago, they were also subjects of Daqin. In Dajin, Daqin took them in when they were in their most difficult and dangerous times, and gave them to Daqin. They were treated better than their own people, but the result. When the Western Dynasty fell, the Murong clan, who lived in Liao, did not want to serve the country, but instead took advantage of the fire to invade the Central Plains and established Qianyan."

"After the demise of Qianyan, Fu Jian showed mercy to these Murong Xianbei men, didn't kill them, but scattered them all over the place. This is what you want to do with them. As a result, when the former Qin Dynasty was in trouble, Murong Chui and Murong Chong The others gathered the clansmen one after another, started rebelling, and killed Fu Jian!"

"Liu Yu, in fact, you know best, this is not because one or two Murong clans have ambitions, but hundreds of thousands of clansmen rebelled, and no one is loyal to the old foreign master. Think about Murong Chui, he used the excuse to go to Kanto He summoned the old clan to rescue Fu Jian, but Fu Jian gave him a thousand Di tribe soldiers and horses to **** him to recruit troops to quell the rebellion, but Murong Chui's return was to kill these Di tribe soldiers overnight, such a serpent-hearted, kind and revenge, time and time again in a hundred years. Staged, do you think it will make a difference if you change it?"

Liu Yu was silent for a while. He knew that what Wang Miaoyin said was the truth. From the bottom of his heart, he was not so relieved about the Murong Xianbei, but the conscience of the two generations told him that for those who surrendered, especially women and children , to carry out this kind of indiscriminate slaughter is against the law of heaven.

Liu Yu thought of this and said solemnly: "If you want to kill the Murong Clan because of their capriciousness, then you shouldn't accept their surrender. Today's storm is just that, now we allow them to surrender, these plans are all planned, you If you suddenly changed your mind and regretted trying to kill them, wouldn't you be deceiving yourself by telling so many great truths? If you spread these Murong Xianbei people into the manor of your aristocratic family, you would still do the same thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~?"

Wang Miaoyin sneered and said, "That's different. When they are scattered in the Wudi Manor, it is the children of our aristocratic family who supervise and control them, instead of the current situation. They are still their tribal chiefs, and the noble children of the Murong clan take care of them. To put it more clearly , I can let go of these ordinary members and clansmen of the Murong Clan, but none of the Murong Clan, nobles, except Murong Lan, should stay!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Let's not talk about these breaches of promise and untrustworthy behavior, just say that you want to kill the nobles of the Murong clan, relying only on the Helan Department, how can you do it? How can they do it only? Kill Murong's clan, but not ordinary people?"

Wang Miaoyin said calmly: "What's so difficult about this, these are their specialty on the grasslands, after attacking the tribe, they scattered the tribe and annexed the tribe, while for the other's hereditary adults, they killed them all. I have been angry with the Murong Clan all these years, and if I give them a chance to get revenge, they won’t be soft on it.”

"When the time comes, let the Helan clan keep the weapons and weapons and let them monitor the members of the Murong clan. Helan Lu will naturally know what to do. Brother Yu, I have been thinking about it. , and you can't give Dajin or Qingzhou trouble. As for you want to balance the local Han people's tyrannical power, when we return to the division to clean up the Tianshi Dao demon thieves, there are ways to control this place, and you don't need to rely on their Murong clan. When it is interrupted, it will suffer from chaos!"

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