Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3789: Kindness checks and balances Dingqingzhou

Wang Miaoyin spoke very seriously, with a solemn expression on her face, it could be seen that she was extremely serious, Liu Yu looked at her and sighed: "Miaoyin, you planned this, or I disagree this time. Did you change your mind temporarily after the Murong clan's clansmen were divided into the estates of various noble families?"

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "To be honest, I have to prepare with both hands for everything, and I will never let myself fall into a passive state. If everything goes well, the Murong clan will be defeated and surrendered, and the clan members will be divided into various family manors. That is a kind of The solution, if you try to prevent the Murong clan from becoming slaves, that's another solution. Even if this battle doesn't go well, I can secretly let the Helan clan and Han people like Han Fan. The clan clashed with the Murong clan and turned to us, at least, to ensure that our entire army can retreat."

Liu Yu sighed: "This kind of internal division, disintegration, and buy-in is indeed powerful. However, didn't you discuss these matters with me? If you borrowed the power of the Helan Department to win, then how can I order it to be dealt with? them?"

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "This is the reason why I have to go with the army. If it really depends on the strength of the Helan Division to win, then the disposal of them will be decided by me, not by you. Now, yes You win the fight yourself, and the decision is yours."

"But I have to tell you that the Murong family is capricious, especially the upper-class nobles, all of them have wolf ambitions. You can't leave such a huge hidden danger just because you want to please Murong Lan. Brother Yu, don't forget your original intention, expel Hulu, to recover the Central Plains, isn't this your dream since you were a teenager? Now I'm helping you realize this dream, destroying the Murong clan and expelling the Helan clan, isn't this your dream?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "But after so many years, I have changed my original thoughts. It is better to integrate into our Central Plains than to expel Hulu. They are all human beings. Even if some people have ambitions, they can be controlled and educated. If it has changed, we can’t kill them all because of doubts, and even if we seize the land of Qingzhou today, who will dare to surrender in the future?”

Wang Miaoyin sneered and said, "So I'll think about it for you, and let the Helan Department do these things, so it will be all right? I know, this is not in line with your benevolence and righteousness as a human being. And the principle of credit, but this is the solution with the least cost. Because, you can't just because of Muronglan's one-sided words, to ensure that the hundreds of thousands of Xianbei Hu people who surrendered sincerely loyal to Dajin, and there will be no trouble in the future. If it is normal, it can be Let them go, because you can keep tens of thousands of troops stationed here, but now we have to go back to quell the rebellion and fight against Tianshidao. We can't leave much troops here, so the best thing to do is to destroy the body once and for all. means."

Liu Yu looked at Liu Muzhi: "Fatty, do you agree with Miaoyin's approach this time?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Ji slave, don't blame me for not agreeing with you this time, this post-war Qingzhou matter will be handled by me, and I will take care of this infamy. To be honest, I will evaluate it. After many plans, this is the best choice to control the situation in Nanyan at the lowest cost after the war. As long as we keep about 3,000 troops here, we can ensure that there will be no incidents in the local area within a year.”

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Three thousand? You said this on the assumption that after the Helan Department had merged with the Murong Department's troops, they would be able to sail away as you imagined, and once they go to Liaodong, they will never return."

Liu Muzhi and Wang Miaoyin looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Liu Yu said calmly: "Another premise of your assumption is that the local powerful clans in Qingzhou will also abide by the agreement and will no longer be rebellious and independent. No matter what our battle situation in the south is, we can all be loyal to Dajin."

Liu Muzhi curled his lips and said, "Ji slave, if the Murong Clan is finished and the Hu people all leave, then the most likely tyrant here will be a separatist party, who will not obey the king's orders, but will not openly rebel, even if he wants to rebel. ,unless…………"

Liu Yu took over his words: "Unless we were defeated by the demon thieves when we were fighting the rebellion in the south, or we couldn't pacify them for a long time, and the army couldn't come back for a long time, in this case, they might be the same as the previous ones. Be independent, right?"

Liu Muzhi didn't speak, his eyes sparkled and he was lost in thought, but Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Yes, that's it, these local tyrants will not take their stand easily, just like today's siege, so far So far, Han Zhuo, Feng Ping and the others have not surrendered."

Liu Yu sighed: "So wonderful, do you still remember, when was the last time our Great Jin recaptured Qingzhou?"

A look of confusion flashed on Wang Miaoyin's pink face, but she still replied, "The last time was after the Battle of Feishui. At that time, Fulang, the prefect of Qingzhou in the former Qin Dynasty, voted in the state..."

When she said this, she suddenly thought of something, her face changed, and she stopped talking.

Liu Muzhi sighed and looked at Wang Miaoyin: "The statement of Ji Nu reminded me that I'm afraid we still hadn't thought about it. Back then, Fu Lang was first surrendered and then killed."

Liu Yu nodded and said sternly: "Do you think ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wiped out the surrendered Hu leaders, or killed some of their nobles, and the rest will be honest? I see, It is counterproductive. If our military strength in the local area is weak, then whether it is the Helan tribe or the local Han people, there will be dissent, and they will not dare to act rashly. There are only two points, one is checks and balances, and the other is kindness and righteousness. !"

Wang Miaoyin murmured to herself, "Check and balance, kindness?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "Keep the strength of several families roughly equal, no one can eat the other, and a small number of thousands of troops will become a balanced weight. If anyone has a rebellion, then cooperate with the other party to destroy this family. , or teach them a lesson, this move should be familiar to the aristocratic family."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "You said check and balance, I agree, but where does kindness come from? The Murong Clan has a heart of tigers and wolves, and will never obey them because of gratitude. Although the clans are not so bad, they are not much better, don’t you take it for granted when you talk to them about kindness and righteousness?”

Liu Yu shook his head: "Miaoyin, you misunderstood me, when I said kindness, I didn't mean to let them be grateful and give up their minds from now on. To be honest, I haven't even been able to convince Xile for so many years, even the noble family. If you don't have a heart with me, how can you expect these alien heroes and local Han local snakes to return? However, the more people like them, the more they can't betray their trust, otherwise, they will cause chaos in advance because of fear, and Wang Guobao will kill them. Fulang, this is the result!"

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