Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3794: The whole country is equal

Wang Miaoyin was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Brother Yu, your idea is very good, but unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve, governing the country depends on talent, and what you need is culture, you are sure of your Beifu brother, or big characters. Do ordinary people who don't know a few have this ability?"

"Before the Beifu soldiers fought for many years, they did not share the land and gave them to the lords. But what was the result? They didn't even know how many acres of land they had in their homes. Entrust the children of aristocratic families and scholars to manage. It's your army this time. You said that the children of aristocratic families came to join in the fun and join the army, but their contributions are not on the battlefield, but in the management behind, otherwise you think that the soldiers are in the hands of the soldiers. The armor, the armor on the body, the food and clothing expenses every day, who is taking care of it?"

Having said that, she looked at Liu Muzhi: "Muzhi, you know this the most, not to mention the military rations provided by the rear, let's talk about the matter in the army, the children of the family, the military officials and the clerks. How many days can this army last?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Miaoyin is right, now whether it is the rear supply or the management of the army, it is indeed inseparable from the children of the aristocratic family. Ji Nu said that they came to mix military achievements, which is biased."

Liu Yudan said: "Of course they made contributions, otherwise I would not have assigned them titles and military merits. This is the same as the battle between Chu and Han, Liu Bang's first merit is Xiao He. But the wonderful sound, What I mean is that this world will govern the country, it is impossible and should not always be the exclusive power of the children of the noble family. Just like fighting in the army, it should not be the sole power of the soldiers of the Northern Palace."

Wang Miaoyin's face changed: "You mean, you want to use the children of the Beifu soldiers who are currently in those prefectures and township schools to replace the children of aristocratic families in the future?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "As long as you have the ability and ability, no matter your background, you should have the opportunity to engage in these things. If the children of aristocratic families have the courage, they can ride and shoot, can fight on the battlefield, and they can also directly join the army and make contributions to the front-line troops. As for government affairs, as long as you can collect taxes for the country, collect money for the country, and collect human and material resources for the country according to the laws of the country, why do you have to limit it to the children of aristocratic families? Fatty, your clerks are not all children of aristocratic families. Well, there are also low-level scholars, there are self-taught commoners, and even the local people who came to join you in Qingzhou this time, such as Wang Xuanmo, who likes to eat pears, is this person."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Yes, this person is not a big family in Qingzhou, but he is still a good person when he travels to study all over the world. Now he is working under my hands, and in the future he will run schools and teach here in Qingzhou. He is also a useful person. "

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth: "So, if you want to move the foundation of the family and completely replace us, you want to use these schools. My mother has already seen this, and she is really right!"

Liu Yu said sternly: "Miaoyin, if a country needs to be strong and develop, it is impossible for a few people to occupy and monopolize these resources and power forever, and the same is true for the family. It will become a moth like Wang Guobao, and it will only humiliate the name of the ancestors. Although your Xie family has always had a very upright family style, the talents now are far inferior to those of Lord Xianggong and Xuanshuai. Do you deny this?"

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly: "That's our own business, we will re-educate our children and nephews well, let them make progress, be vigilant in times of safety, and those who are unwilling to make progress will be sent to Bianye Village to guard a few small manors for the rest of their lives. You may not even have small manors, but what you have to do now is to take away these small manors and distribute them to outsiders, which is impossible for us to accept."

Liu Yu shook his head and sighed: "Miaoyin, then let me ask you a question, when Sun En rebelled before, your Wang Xie children and nephews from aristocratic families accounted for almost all the small manor in Wu, more than half of the population of Dajin, the most All the good land is in your hands, but Sun Endeng shouted loudly, and the followers were like clouds. In less than a month, the eight counties fell. Hundreds of thousands of children of aristocratic families not only lost their foundations, but also lost their lives. Well, at that time, was it our Beifu soldiers or demon thieves who took these small manors?"

The corner of Wang Miaoyin's mouth twitched slightly: "It's a demon thief, but behind them is an evil organization like the Tiandao League, not..."

Liu Yu waved his hand and interrupted her: "You can't just because the enemy is evil and powerful, you can't push your responsibilities clean. If you occupy the world's resources, you have to take corresponding responsibilities. The existence of the state is first and foremost to protect the people. , if your aristocratic family occupies these resources, but you can't even protect yourself, is it justified?"

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth: "That has to be the responsibility of the national army, you Jingkou have been exempted from duty-free service since the founding of the People's Republic of China~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to ask you to send troops to fight, the strengths of our family's children lie in management, your strengths are In the battle, everyone should perform their own duties, otherwise, is it possible that you, Jingkou, planted and built the weapons and forages for the past 100 years?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "But there is only one Jingkou in the world, with a population of only 100,000 people. Even if you include all the nursing children, you can only send tens of thousands of troops and horses. Our Dajin area has a population of millions, thousands of people. Wan, do you have to rely on one Jingkou to send troops? When your Xie family formed the Beifu Army, it was aimed at the whole of Jin, not just one Jingkou."

Wang Miaoyin's eyes gleamed and she fell into thinking.

Liu Yu raised his brows: "Actually, you are very clear about the reason. The reason why the children of aristocratic families can't protect Wu is because they have no military strength in their hands. Those who can fight and join the army, you have been sent to Jingkou far away for many years. Jiangbei, these poor and remote areas, want to save their lives when they are useful, and wish for them to disappear when it is peaceful."

"The previous enemy was the northern Hulu, who came from the north, so the military town was important, and the professional military households were located in the north. Sun En and the others rebelled in Wu and Jiangnan for the first time, so they could fall to the eight counties at once, because Wu The land is only the land of the manor produced by your aristocratic families. You only need serfs, tenants, and soldiers here. To put it bluntly, this kind of distribution is unreasonable. In times of crisis, there are no soldiers available. , no one can protect you!"

Liu Yu looked at Liu Muzhi and continued: "The six counties in Jiangbei are actually the same, but on the other hand, here your family only needs soldiers to fight, and even in order to reduce the interest of the Hu people to plunder, they deliberately abandoned Jiangbei for many years, causing the people here to be unhappy. , only soldiers or bandits and bandits are sent, and even the food supply depends on the alms of your Wudi Manor."

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